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Nova Carmina

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Everything posted by Nova Carmina

  1. I don't wanna piss off Blueschica, but Penn St looked terrible at OSU; their offense could get nothing going and they seemed overmatched. The game wasn't as close as the score made it seem. Now I'll have root for Punch-Me Face Harbaugh and Michigan to beat an Ohio State University.
  2. Can they win all four in Houston! Oh, I hope so. Too bad teams can't rolls extra runs forward into the next game!
  3. "The Camera Eye" has always felt like a valedictory song, looking backward at the "epic" songs they did. It tries to capture so much. I do like the movement, the shifts, the moods of the song, but the whole is somehow less than the sum of its parts. I never skip it, but I never understood why it won so many fan polls for "song we want to hear live again" when the band returned to regular touring. I guess it's because some listeners think it's the third-best Rush song!
  4. Before I can answer, how into KISS am I? If I'm already a fan, yeah, it's aurite. If I'm KISS-curious, no, stay away. Under no conditions is it Rush/Floyd/Yes good . . . "I" is a great track, though . . .
  5. "Between the Wheels" was one of the lesser songs on GUP for me -- as much as I love that album -- until they brought it out live, late career. Totally rejuvenated it for me. Top Five is a surprise, but it's a good one, intro and all!
  6. In other news, Liverpool sputtered and kept grinding, and eventually derbyed as usual, winning 2-0.
  7. "Marathon" is a great song! Not top 10 great, but still . . . .
  8. Nice outfit, Treeduck! But can you introduce me to the woman in the hat?
  9. It turns out that if you take the Phillies out of their bandbox, they're a bit diminished.
  10. "Hemispheres" always strikes me as a bit indulgent, but it's a fitting goodbye to that era.
  11. I do love me some "Available Light" but this might be an oversell. The top ten approacheth!
  12. I see today Coach Subprime questioned his players' desire after the game. Hey, showboat, aren't these the guys you brought into the program?
  13. I see we've hit the "epic fantasy" portion of the program!
  14. Sure it could, but why would you want it to?
  15. This song is so overplayed -- and I love it every time!
  16. I was going to point out that if there were fewer rounds/teams then the series wouldn't have to be so short, but A) I know there's no way in hell MLB will cut into that cash spigot outside of a court order or Congressional threat to the antitrust exemption, and B) I think you could have given the Braves, Dodgers, Twins, and Orioles a best of nine, and they would still have lost!
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