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Texas King

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Everything posted by Texas King

  1. Which hard rocking tune from 1987 do you prefer? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avAvkdYa3qM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NxrphVL7bQ
  2. I would rank CTTE over Hems but both over Fragile. I would too. And Fragile is my second favorite Yes album. And I think it's generally regarded as the second best Yes album (after CTTE).
  3. It got 10 votes in the last one, that’s what! But it's not prog rock at all.
  4. Ain't The Enemy Within a weird song? It's a danceable song musically, but when you look at the lyrics...
  5. Subdivisions The Analog Kid Marathon Between the Wheels Distant Early Warning The Weapon Middletown Dreams Red Sector A Losing It Time Stand Still
  6. Tom Sawyer is nowhere near as beloved as Xanadu. Make a poll Xanadu vs. Tom Sawyer and you'll see. Tom Sawyer is leagues better than Xanadu http://i.imgflip.com/28v1v4.jpg
  7. @Entre_Perpetuo, your absolute favorite Rush song is ________________ .
  8. Tom Sawyer is nowhere near as beloved as Xanadu. Make a poll Xanadu vs. Tom Sawyer and you'll see.
  9. They're generally liked, but not widely regarded as the top-tier Rush songs on this board (only YYZ could be an exception).
  10. From numerous polls and lists on this board these 10 Rush songs generally get the most love. Let's see here which song is most beloved of them all. I know it's not an easy task.
  11. Sarcasm, right? Nope. I just don't get it. They sound so ordinary and derivative. Oh well, to each his own. Rush in 1974 really sounded primitive and derivative as hell. Do you realize Rush would be Greta Van Fleet of the 70's if visionary Mr. Peart hasn't joined the band?
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