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Everything posted by grep

  1. Metallica? I take it Entre doesn’t count Tablellica and counts it as Lou. I forgot all about James being the table in my list LOL.
  2. A little off topic for this thread. But something to think about. The last thing the band collaborated on together, in terms of music - was the arrangement of Losing It, with Geddy writing a new bass part. That we know of anyway.
  3. Lets do Asia with a twist. Singer and bass player pretty much off the street. Implosion after moderate success and personnel changes. The never released second record could be found on Dime a Dozen 20 years later.
  4. Back In Black Soul Stripper You Shook Me All Night Long TNT Highway To Hell Problem Child Hells Bells For Those About to Rock Night of the Long Knives You Aint' Got a Hold On Me
  5. Amazing first record. Made you forget about Randy for 10 minutes. This is good, but still kind of sounds the same. Getting a little boring already. Randy would have been more interesting with this style. Live record - meh. Let's try some Hendrix and make it sound like a robot is playing it. A broken robot. The rest isn't even worth mentioning. It's sounded the same for 35 years. Really makes you miss Randy.
  6. Roughly produced but twin flying V's sound amazing. More polished but still heavy as f**k. Amazing bassist. Pseudo-prog heavy. Deep in the politics. An amazing heavy record even with no bottom end. We really wanted that one guy to produce this, he's forgot he has a bottom end too. Trying for shorter songs. Not Permanent Waves. Still a classic. 5 years off and we suck. These are the songs that didn't make the last album. Sucks even more. When you thought we couldn't suck any more than we already did. Decent comeback. We think so. Even has a long instrumental. Yeah! Pretty sure someone wrote these songs for us. Another decent record. Kind of sounds like the old stuff. Someone must've wrote these songs for us too.
  7. Oh, it can and it likely already has. We're f***ed. Then why haven't Drs. Fauci and Birx been on TV telling people the risk they're creating? Why when I watch the news coverage of the riots don't I hear much talk about the lack of "social distancing?" Last night here in the Boston area protestors gathered in a group larger than 10 (by about 500) outside a Boston Police station. One officer took a knee at the protestors' request and held hands with some of the protestors. The news anchor showing the footage talked about how poignant the moment was. Of course, on my morning run I still see people cross the street to avoid being less than 10 yards away from another person. My point is more about the rank hypocrisy here. Are the authorities only going to enforce the rules against people who are inclined to follow them? 5000 protestors aren't being called #covidiots but 20 people in a pool are? Why is that? I don't have a good answer. It's obvious that there's greater chance for spread in a large group that isn't taking precautions. Why the media doesn't point this out with regularity? IDK. It has been mentioned in some coverage I've seen. Also, interestingly, many protestors do wear masks. We all react differently to things. Some pay attention, some don't. You seriously don't know why the media doesn't point this out with regularity? Please explain it for me. Like I'm 5.
  8. I'm not planning on dying anytime soon. I've fought too hard to get along and survive this far. Not gonna' let this thing take me out. Well if you consider hiding in your house and not doing anything but cowering in fear "living" then live away. That's your choice and I support you choosing whatever you choose to do. Just don't dictate that I have to live with the same baseless fear as you. This is great. you don't know exactly how I'm handling it, what my strategy and tactics are specifically. You keep asking, I'll keep being evasive. :) Because you are a fear mongering tool. If you had any facts on your side, you would be happily spraying them out right here. I'm sure when the numbers to go up (yep! Even I think they will potentially!) you will come here and say the world is ending. Don't be so sure. Sitting on your ass in your house can contribute to a much bigger killer - heart disease. Fear mongering tool. LMAO. OK then, I label you as someone who minimizes the threat because you have something to lose because of it. That's the drive for your perceptions, as I see it based on your writing style, anger, and the aspects of the problems you focus on. Good thing for you someone like me can't enforce my will. Plus, yeah I'll be here in 2 years. and 10 years, and 20. I'm a survivor, buddy.
  9. Oh, it can and it likely already has. We're f***ed. Then why haven't Drs. Fauci and Birx been on TV telling people the risk they're creating? Why when I watch the news coverage of the riots don't I hear much talk about the lack of "social distancing?" Last night here in the Boston area protestors gathered in a group larger than 10 (by about 500) outside a Boston Police station. One officer took a knee at the protestors' request and held hands with some of the protestors. The news anchor showing the footage talked about how poignant the moment was. Of course, on my morning run I still see people cross the street to avoid being less than 10 yards away from another person. My point is more about the rank hypocrisy here. Are the authorities only going to enforce the rules against people who are inclined to follow them? 5000 protestors aren't being called #covidiots but 20 people in a pool are? Why is that? I don't have a good answer. It's obvious that there's greater chance for spread in a large group that isn't taking precautions. Why the media doesn't point this out with regularity? IDK. It has been mentioned in some coverage I've seen. Also, interestingly, many protestors do wear masks. We all react differently to things. Some pay attention, some don't.
  10. I'm not planning on dying anytime soon. I've fought too hard to get along and survive this far. Not gonna' let this thing take me out. Well if you consider hiding in your house and not doing anything but cowering in fear "living" then live away. That's your choice and I support you choosing whatever you choose to do. Just don't dictate that I have to live with the same baseless fear as you. This is great. you don't know exactly how I'm handling it, what my strategy and tactics are specifically. You keep asking, I'll keep being evasive. :)
  11. I'm not planning on dying anytime soon. I've fought too hard to get along and survive this far. Not gonna' let this thing take me out.
  12. My bullshit huh? This, coming from an admin. if you're going to say that I'm peddling fear, then I'm going to say that you're POV is minimizing the problem. We're on opposite ends of the spectrum here, friend. I still think, from watching this particular virus grow from nothing in January, that this is a population killer. You think, as I interpret it, that while it's a problem it's not nearly as bad as that. >>Even I thought the numbers would increase as things opened up and they really haven't. Doesn't that make you pause at all and rethink your blind fear? 3 or 4 weeks from symptoms to death. Let's see. Assuming the states don't fudge/hide numbers.
  13. Oh, it can and it likely already has. We're f***ed. Oh for f**k sake here we go again... Exactly...watch for that next peak.
  14. I'll have to go with VT. Think, layered, bricked. But even with those limitations, the songs themselves are great. Mostly.
  15. Hands down, Triumph. But let's not forget this gem: Frank Marino (Mahogany Rush) - Ordinary Man.
  16. They will sell us complete shows in a couple of years. I'm certain. I wish I could be as certain as you are. It's the $ound of $alesmen.
  17. So, in 2024, it's going to be the 50th of the first record, and p/g40. in 2025, FBN and COS 50, along with PoW40. Interesting times.
  18. They will sell us complete shows in a couple of years. I'm certain.
  19. I don`t expect an answer, but Don Felder would be my first guess based on his autobiography. Nope. Why the secret? I don’t understand. Well, I'm kind of proud of it. That's why I mention it in the first place. He was my first guitar teacher as a kid, even though he was a kid himself at the time. He was that good then. Like a young EVH or a Randy. Even though I swtitched to bass later, I still apply some of the theory he taught me. I won't give away the name though, because he's not a fan of name dropping. And he's sort of distanced himself from his private life, in his professional life.
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