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Everything posted by anima

  1. I vote Snakes and Arrows. It's the album I always play when everything seems dark. At the moment it's near the bottom of my stack of Rush CDs which is probably a good sign!
  2. The Garden and Bravado. I keep thinking this will wear off and I'll be able to listen to at least one of them with dry eyes. So far, it hasn't happened. Possibly the first few tracks of Snakes and Arrows, but not every time.
  3. I don't relate easily to women who want to spend all their time with women, or men who want to spend all their time with men. I'm comfortable with people who are just themselves and not hung up about gender stuff all the time. Or age, come to think of it. I hadn't really thought about it before, but only one of my close friends is female, straight and about the same age as me. All the others are male and/or gay and/or at least 10 years older or younger than me...
  4. Test for Echo (I don't know the other answer without checking) Ghost of a Chance
  5. A missing part of me that grows around me like a cage
  6. My 16 year old daughter wouldn't dress up. She and a friend carved pumpkins and then dressed me as a vampire to scare the million little kids that knocked on our door. The 6 year old next door wanted teeth like mine, but he couldn't have any as they were cashew nuts and he's allergic.
  7. Less fun but just as awkward: has anyone else dreamt about having a blazing row with someone they know well, and then the next time you see them you still remember the things they said in your dream, and you keep having to remind yourself that they didn't actually say them...
  8. It's a decision you have some control over but not complete control... We got married at 26 (me), 23 (husband), finally made a positive decision to have a baby 4 years later. I got pregnant pretty much instantly but then had a miscarriage and ongoing problems which put me off the whole idea of having kids. Just over a year later, there was a health scare about the mini-pill and my local surgery stopped prescribing it to everyone. The alternative pill they put me on gave me monthly migraines, so we were just trying other methods when I got pregnant unexpectedly. Although it wasn't planned, I didn't regret it at all. I just wasn't ready to make a decision to go through again everything I went through before. My 15 year old daughter is well aware of this story and has told her friends that she can't hate migraines too much because they are responsible for her existence! I respect anyone's life choices, whether or not they want children, including if they get pregnant accidentally and realise they will not cope with a child. We were happy with one but were sure we didn't want another.
  9. I actually read Candide (free download) to see if it made sense of the story line, and it kind of does. Candide is told that we live inthe best of all possible worlds and he throws himself into lots of life experiences (everything from love to shipwreck) to test this out. In the end he decides he's had enough and it is time to tend his garden. I tried reading a sample of the Clockwork Angels novel but it is seriously terrible. My own theory is that the story is from Robertson Davies' Deptford trilogy. Neil said he used this for "Carnies" but it actually fits most of the songs. Most of the album has struck a lot of personal chords for me over the past year, except SCOG.
  10. They could decide to return to Rockfield Studios to record their next album. It's about 20 miles from where I live.
  11. I would pick Adrian Cronauer any time. After that, either Mr Keating or Mrs Doubtfire but they're so different it is hard to choose. It's a much smaller part but he was also good as the doctor in Awakenings - he did a perfect imitation of Oliver Sacks (the author of the book, though I think his name was changed in the film).
  12. I'm a Matt Smith fan, but tonight's episode was a lot better than I expected; a good story line with enough time (not like the last series where they had to cram every storyline into 45 minutes). Also it was moving to see the new Doctor's identity crisis, and Clara's difficulty accepting him being older and different.
  13. Headlong Flight. There are songs I like better, but this is a great song and it seems to be one of the few that both early and late Rush fans agree on.
  14. In a world where I feel so small
  15. Somewhere out of a memory Of lighted STREETs on quiet nights
  16. Happy birthday Geddy! (I did remember the date, but haven't had Internet access for a couple of weeks.)
  17. In The Anarchist, "I never got my fair share of" sounds like "I never got my bat shit home". I have no idea how. But it does.
  18. Same here. I used to listen to Rush occasionally. CA turned me into a fanatic.
  19. It's difficult to know where to start. I am a recent convert to Rush and their music has been the backdrop to everything for the past year. It was an eventful year (not in a good way) and Rush have literally kept me going throughout everything. Bravado, The Garden and Wish Them Well have had a profound effect at specific times. And, more surprisingly: "Why are we here? Because we're here! Roll the bones!" I read the words of Bravado at a church service about 6 weeks ago and converted the vicar to Rush, by the way (not joking!)
  20. It isn't Mothers' Day in the UK. Ours is the Sunday before Easter. I didn't realise yours was different?
  21. Glad it's all sorted. Stay healthy and happy!
  22. Can someone else take my turn - I've had problems posting pictures, not sure why. I need to look through the guidelines again.
  23. The Big Wheel Too many hands on my time Too many feelings
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