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Everything posted by puffyshirt

  1. Got tickets! Had three computers going to give me three options haha. It ended up between Floor Row 10 on Geddy's side, or Lower Bowl Row 9 on Alex's. I ended up going with the lower bowl because, as luxurious as floor seats are (I've had them the last two tours), it's really a gamble with how much you'll actually be able to enjoy the show depending on the selection of people around you. People move, people are drunk, people are blocking view... Lower bowl I'm guaranteed an awesome view, and people will stay where they're supposed to. Can't wait!
  2. Test for Echo is a pretty consistently mediocre album.
  3. I prefer r30, but that's just my personal preference. I like that it gives me some of what makes ESL great with a bunch of other influences that makes it feel more complete as a whole experience. Plus almost everything on ESL is a bit tainted for me, because the mix on that album is wayyyyy too glossy and touched up in the studio. I feel like it's an incredible performance that has vaseline smeared all over it.
  4. Seems like a marketing line more than anything. What are they gonna do for the next album tour, play clubs? If anything, they may shave off 5 songs from the setlist, but considering the CA tour had an effing string section, this seems like a statement more applicable to that tour.
  5. Ew, no. The R30 live version of Crossroads is the only redeeming aspect of Feedback. I live Rush as much as anyone, but just as much as I cringe when I hear a band try to cover one of their songs, I got a similar feeling with most of Feedback.
  6. I did presale for the Clockwork tour, and got 15th row floor. So trickery or not, I'm sticking with pre-sale :P
  7. Yeaaaaaaaah, Vancouver! I'll be there! Smart money on this being, say, the second last major tour they do, so I'd recommend people get somewhere if they can! Also, props to finally having a website that doesn't look like it belongs in 2004!
  8. I paid like $140 for floor seats to their last show, which works out to like $5-6 a song. I'm not leaving to go get a small cup of overpriced, shitty beer. Besides, I don't go to a concert to hear the songs I want (if that was the sole reason, I'd just make a playlist on my iPod), I go to watch them play and perform. In terms of actual "listening to music" conditions, stadium concerts are the absolute worst. Sound quality ranges from tolerable to awful, you're surrounded by obnoxious people, and your line of sight is rarely ideal. So the reason I go is to watch three people who are incredible at their craft perform, because it astounds me every time. In that sense every song is worth witnessing, and I would need to be ill or reeeeally need to piss to be forced to leave.
  9. Production-wise, I'm willing to bet the only new things being done are the bonus disc and the packaging. I'll be impressed if the labels on all of the discs are even different than they originally were. It's a repackaging with a bonus disc, it's pretty disappointing considering you assume there is a massive archive to pull from. Trouble is, I do want that bonus disc...
  10. ....No CD for the new material? I want to be able to listen to it whenever! Also, this is kind of weak, holding the new footage hostage behind $100 of re releases.
  11. It was alright. Less a behind the scenes, and more half an hour of people complimenting each other. But as said I'll take what I can get.
  12. Bravado, no question. I don't get how people can not love that song.
  13. I now everyone here loves Rush unconditionally, but it's become clear in the past couple tours, and will be increasingly more so in the next few years, that age is taking effect. Especially considering Geddy's voice and Neil's speed on the drums. I guess this stems from an underlying fear I have that after the one or two year break they currently are taking, they'll come back and realize they've aged a bit more than they thought in that time. How would it make you feel if you saw YYZ played where the drumming was clearly different, fills were simpler and the speed was slower? I mean, the boys are over 60 now, and I don't think anyone here is expecting them to be playing songs at their peak into their 70's. There's something to be said about giving it all you got no matter how old you are, but it would definitely feel...weird to see that they just cant physically do what they once could. They can always make new albums, music that's tailored to their abilities. But I'm more curious about the older songs that demand a certain level of speed and precision. I guess my question is, would you still want them to play them knowing that they would have to alter the songs at least a bit? Or would you rather them just retire that material?
  14. It's times like this when it's worth listening to people who aren't die hard Rush fans like us, and instead just know good music. It's safe to say that anyone who is exposed to Rush's classic albums, and then exposed to this, will call out T4E as a pretty weak entry. There are a lot of people here (myself included) who are more than a bit defensive when it comes to Rush. But I mean, come on guys. Just take a step back and listen to this album compared to what you know they're capable of. It's forgetful, lacking in great melodies, doesn't have many true shining musicianship moments. Every band has this album. Hell, most bands have a LOT of these albums, so for Rush to only have one or two (depending on your opinion) is pretty amazing.. AC/DC has put out classics like Highway to Hell and Back In Black, but they also put out Ballbreaker and Blow Up Your Video, and very few people are going to those two when they are hankering for some Angus Young. The lesser albums have merit, for sure, but it's hard to imagine why anyone would go to an album like Ballbreaker (or Test For Echo), unless you're just burned out on all the superior music. Test For Echo is fine, but it seems a bit naive (and oddly flippant to classics like MP and Hemispheres) to not at least admit it's a bit weak.
  15. That's how I feel whenever they ruin Red Barchetta with that awful extended section in the middle when it goes quiet then builds up. Whoever decided that was a smart move is crazy
  16. Presto's a hell of a lot better than T4E. At least Presto has The Pass and Show Don't Tell. T4E peaks with...blech...Driven
  17. And because Neil strongly dislikes the majority pre-Moving Pictures Rush. Not all, but most. Many interviews has him saying that he feels Rush truly started with MP. I'm sure he had to be convinced against his will to play Closer to the Heart in the TM tour. And I'm certain that he probably dislikes Working Man as well, but can't in good conscience veto a song that he didn't write.
  18. Don't agree with it at all (Natural Science didn't place??? Far Cry #1???) But hey, it's still a list of solid tunes! I can get behind that!
  19. I would completely get rid of Snakes & Arrows, but some songs are way too good to get rid of like Far Cry and Bravest Face. I know it's the band's opinions, but I don't feel really comfertable listening to lyrics that go against what I believe. I would be contradicting myself, kinda. I just won't listen to songs like: Tom Saywer Roll The Bones Sweet Miracle The Stars Looked Down Armor and Sword The Way the Wind Blows Faithless Malignant Narcissism BU2B Much of these songs I haven't really cared to listen to in the first place, and there are many more songs that are much better than these. But I'm happy to be listening to Rush once again. My life really is much better with them. Fall Out Boy is awesome. WTF are you talking about? How can an instrumental go against your religious beliefs? Maybe he's referring to the fan video. Like you pointed out, the song has no lyrics. The fan video was made after MalNar's release. What I don't get is Sweet Miracle. Too blasphemous? It all seems pretty innocent to me. I wasn't walking on water I was standing on a reef When the tide came in Swept beneath the surface Lost without a trace No hope at all No hope at all Oh - sweet miracle Oh - sweet miracle of life I wasn't walking with angels I was talking to myself Rising up to the surface Raging against the night Starless night Oh - sweet miracle Love's sweet miracle of life Oh salvation Oh salvation I wasn't praying for magic I was hiding in plain sight Rising up from the surface To fly into the light It isn't blasphemous, but it is pretty literally talking about relying on one's self over a higher power during strife. Still, seem's a bit tacky to just write it off. Oh well, to each his own.
  20. Malignant Narcissism? Really?
  21. LOL....you could actually here his footsteps. Like the guard said....faster than Britney Spears! Can anyone tell me whose playing the piano during the final few bars of Spirit?!? The pedal Alex or Geddy steps on to trigger the sample :P
  22. Incorrect! At least with this song :P The R30 performance of Red Barchetta is flawless, and might be one of their single best live recordings of all time. R30 has a ton of best versions. Spirit of Radio and Limelight sound best on that album as well. The way that lingering note is captured in Alex's Limelight solo in R30 is unbeaten on any other live recording, it gives me goosebumps.
  23. I'd make a couple small changes, but overall I'd say that's definitely the general order of quality in the songs.
  24. I noticed that as well. I thought for a second they may have just redone/re-recorded those background vocals. I've noticed a couple instances like that where the background stuff is a bit different on the tour.
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