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Everything posted by calirush

  1. Yeah, if this is the final list then I won't be seeing Rush this summer. Maybe I'm too greedy having seen them twice this tour already. :eyeroll:
  2. http://stream1.gifsoup.com/webroot/animatedgifs1/3088717_o.gif
  3. Metallica first on my list. I'm biased I guess cause I used to see them with Cliff back in the day. The last time i saw Metallica was New Years Eve show 1985 in San Francisco. The acts were Metal Church, Megadeth, Exodus, Metallica. After Cliff died and -And Justice for All came out I lost the desire to see them live anymore. I might have to go one time again though since my son want's to see them live.
  4. Keith Moon was amazing, Dave Lombardo (Slayer) is amazing (especially live), John Bonham was amazing, Ginger Baker (Cream for those that don't know) was (and probably still is) amazing, etc., etc., etc......btw, nice to see you mention Paice. Not many do in drumming conversations and I've always enjoyed him. Ian's right foot in the live version of Strange Kinda Woman is beyond machine like. And Lombardo is the 1st king of double bass, I took this shot at Roseland NYC Bastoph is a monster too Danny too No love for Tommy Aldridge? Oh, Buddy Rich did double bass too.
  5. I found him. http://scm-l3.technorati.com/11/11/04/55715/v-for-vendetta-20060221085724795.jpg?t=20111104093844
  6. The funny thing is that's the only time I saw Maiden in their prime. I saw the tour last summer at Shoreline. I'm sure you remember that the Powerslave Tour was used for the "Live after Death" album.
  7. Nice job. A quick story comes to mind. When I was a teen I would hang out at my friend's house after school and we would jam together. Well one day i walk in and he's practicing Tom Sawyer. I guess it wasn't a good day for him as he kept messing up. He got so frustrated that he threw one of his sticks through his tom skin. We didn't jam that day.
  8. Probably my favorite Maiden album, definitely with Dickinson. I'm mainly a fan through Powerslave. Some of the stuff after was ok but The Iron Maiden Powerslave tour kicked ass over any tour they did after. I still remember walking in the Cow Palace in the middle of Twisted Sisters set(Opening act for Maiden) laughing because they were getting booed so badly.
  9. Music is their business...and business is bad. touche, well done lol.
  10. Megadeth sells but who's buying? Sorry I couldn't resist. :P
  11. I'm listening to the album right now and It would really be interesting to hear a remix. I'm not a big fan of it but it's hooking me at the moment. Without a remix it will remain a seldom played guilty pleasure-----------------------HA!
  12. I'm not really into the "collecting" aspect of Rush. I'm into the music not the merchandise. Through time I've bought I think all the recordings on one medium or another. My favorite purchase was getting my son the Rush Sweater as a Christmas present. http://u.rockthisthing.com/image/380/380/RUCLHDICLO036_000.jpg
  13. Truthfully the show was a lot of hype about nothing. The bunch of cameo appearances added for "Fluff" didn't have any impact at all.
  14. TBR, only four or five times? Anyway, listen to Headlong Flight for the Bastille Day similarities. :haz: Yes; it's a quick little two-punch higher-pitched bass 'drum roll' kind of noodle. Holy cow, does this sentence make sense to anyone? Once you hear it, you'll always hear it! And I'm with jnoble on the idea of using self-homage.... It's a neat little bass lick, but it's already been done. Just because they have the freedom to go backwards and use cool licks again doesn't mean that they have to. I'd be more respectful of new ideas rather than revisiting old stuff, no matter how good old stuff is; this is one of the facets of Rush that I most appreciate - being progressive in the true sense of the word. And I don't know about the songs sounding cut 'n' paste, as some people have mentioned. Maybe if I worked with music this kind of way, I'd be more knowledgeable about this kind of thing, but for my more pedestrian ears, the songs sound good. There's more of a verse-chorus-verse thing going on than has been the case in the past, but these songs are catchy because of it, and translate terrifically live. But, ya know, their music writing system doesn't seem to be the most organic - it seems that lyrics get matched up with the most suitable guitar jams and this gets expanded on, choosing the best jams and riffs out of many recorded. This does sound like something that would be cut-and-pasted in the creation of the songs. But regardless of how the songs are made, the end results are pretty darn good! If (and very hopefully not!) this ends up being Rush's last studio album, it would be a heck of a way to go, and would be much more impressive to end on than, say, Snakes and Arrows (good as it is). c If the homage was something used as crutch or in place of having nothing else I would see your point but otherwise I have no issue with it. For goodness sake's it's a handful of passages on the album that's over an hour long. Why would anyone want to negatively focus on it? To me the homage is a wink wink moment, reminding us that as serious as Rush is about their music, they don't take themselves too seriously. Or maybe they just thought it was interesting and people might like it. I can pick out another moment for those who like to pick lol. The background tracking near the later part of The Wreckers is close to Silent Lucidity from Queensryche.
  15. A non-issue for me. I don't see too many bands these days but averaged two concerts a month in my youth. I've seen bands ranging from metal to Prince and enjoyed the current Rush tour as much as any I've seen.
  16. One thing to remember about Pat is that she was studying to be an operatic singer and had planned to attend Julliard before changing course. This is one of my favorites of Pat. If you've had a bad day and want to change your mood check out this one.
  17. You keep drink coasters in your cd rack? Wouldn't it be better to have 'em on, say, a coffee table, where they can serve out their designated purpose? Ok, that was a bit facetious! And cool that you have your own opinion of CA, and are not jumping on any bandwagon or anything. I agree that the sound isn't the best it could be - it could be clearer - but these ears don't mind the slight muddiness, if we can describe it as such. That was a weird comment about this album sounding like a tribute band... I would never have thought of it this way! I hate to ride this theme but the more one listens to CA the less muddy it sounds. Maybe it's just because I play it a lot, but the sound mixing doesn't bother me now the way it did in the early stages of listening to it. A Rush tribute band could only dream of putting an album together like this. I was thinking a bit more about this last night, as I'd read the tribute band comparison thing right before going to bed. I don't like it. I think it's derogatory to Rush, even if it's just someone's opinion. It just seems that some people want to make a fancy-sounding label for things, to sound all witty and hip and knowledgeable yet a bit irreverant. For the record (heh!), I'm not concerned with any sound issues, but I can see (hear?) that some people might be. I think the songs are catchy, and have some really great riffage. The opening of 'The Anarchist' still gives me shivers! I love the whole album but If pushed I'll start with "The Wreckers" or "BU2B".
  18. You keep drink coasters in your cd rack? Wouldn't it be better to have 'em on, say, a coffee table, where they can serve out their designated purpose? Ok, that was a bit facetious! And cool that you have your own opinion of CA, and are not jumping on any bandwagon or anything. I agree that the sound isn't the best it could be - it could be clearer - but these ears don't mind the slight muddiness, if we can describe it as such. That was a weird comment about this album sounding like a tribute band... I would never have thought of it this way! I hate to ride this theme but the more one listens to CA the less muddy it sounds. Maybe it's just because I play it a lot, but the sound mixing doesn't bother me now the way it did in the early stages of listening to it. A Rush tribute band could only dream of putting an album together like this.
  19. Between Sun & Moon Ah, yes to yes to, ah, to yes Why the sun, why the sun Ah, yes to yes to, ah, to yes Why the sun, why the sun
  20. But enough about the national anthem singer. Alicia>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Beyonce. Keys is an actual musician. I always take issue with this statement. I'm not really a Beyonce fan but do know that she has been working at her craft since around the age of seven. Vocals are an instrument to me and I don't discount the effort it takes to be good at it.
  21. Hmmm, this will be hard since my list actually changes. Consider this possibly temporary. 1. The Wreckers. 2. BU2B 3. Headlong Flight 4. Caravan. 5. Halo Effect 6. The Garden 7 Clockwork Angels 8. Carnies 9. Seven Cities of Gold 10. Anarchist. 11. Wish Them Well 12. Do we really have to include BU2B2 on this list lol? :codger:
  22. Not true, Kiss won 6 categories a month ago or so, from the same website with repeated voting... I stand corrected.
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