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Everything posted by stoopid

  1. The In Absentia deluxe from a couple years ago is good, and fairly cheap. The surround wasn't bad in the original DTS, so for me the alt versions and in progress versions of the songs, as well as a couple that didn't make the record, is the true worth in that particular set. My price point is $100 or less. I mostly buy them for surround mixes that are bundled, and only sometimes distributed separately. Exception is SW's Hand Cannot Erase, which is a true piece of art with the book that I rather enjoy. There has to be something significant about the release for me to spend more than $20 on new/re-released music. If you are into lynyrd skynyrd, Wal mart used sell the a greatest hit package with one disc in surround sound. A regular CD and a DVD of the Grey whistle test. Price was around $10! Not into Ssynyrd, but Queen has a best of in the same type of packaging still available through Amazon. Great surround mixes for $15 shipped.
  2. This poll inspired me to fire up the message in a boxed set for the car this week, to freshen up my Police muscle memory. The first three albums kinda blur together in my mind.
  3. I could have put 4 of these in a hat, picked one and been fine with the choice.
  4. There's few bands I'm familiar enough with their entire discography that I feel I can participate in these polls. ACDC is one of them I am not.
  5. That's generally my take on extras as well. The Beatles load their boxed sets with outtakes, which are mostly useless studio banter and start/stop performances, etc. Maybe buried there's a few a-ha moments but mostly stuff left on the cutting room floor for a reason, as you explained. In Absentia and a few of Yes's sets are the only ones I've ever returned to. Have you actually listened to the Sgt. Pepper’s, White Album and Abbey Road boxes? Sgt Pepper's, they're expensive so I'm holding out for the price to drop over time then will snag them all second hand. The surround mix is good, I've heard the Abbey Road surround mix and it's phenomenal. Sadly have not heard anything from the white album box yet, and it's my favorite of the three.
  6. That's generally my take on extras as well. The Beatles load their boxed sets with outtakes, which are mostly useless studio banter and start/stop performances, etc. Maybe buried there's a few a-ha moments but mostly stuff left on the cutting room floor for a reason, as you explained. In Absentia and a few of Yes's sets are the only ones I've ever returned to.
  7. The In Absentia deluxe from a couple years ago is good, and fairly cheap. The surround wasn't bad in the original DTS, so for me the alt versions and in progress versions of the songs, as well as a couple that didn't make the record, is the true worth in that particular set. My price point is $100 or less. I mostly buy them for surround mixes that are bundled, and only sometimes distributed separately. Exception is SW's Hand Cannot Erase, which is a true piece of art with the book that I rather enjoy. There has to be something significant about the release for me to spend more than $20 on new/re-released music.
  8. Never liked Supertramp, and probably due to a revisit at some point. But based on my recent rediscovery of Steely Dan, I'm doubtful my mind would be changed. The Dan all the way. Easily my favorite old school rediscoveries. The Who, Stones, earliest Floyd and Crimson haven't seen nearly as much time combined as SD have in the past year or two.
  9. Awake is my favorite for casual listening/prog ingestion, but if I'm being honest Scenes is the best album they made and most important to their career. Eliminating Awake is easily the hardest vote I've made yet in any of these polls.
  10. Probably my top 3, although I don't enjoy Images as much as when it first came out. It's an iconic Prog Metal album now, so out of respect for its importance I'll always rank it high.
  11. Coincidentally, I used to refer to INXS as "U2 on Ecstasy." When Achtung Baby came out it was like they had taken it themselves. :) Songs like Love Is Blindness, One, Throw Yours Arms Around, So Cruel disagree with you though. Have you ever taken ecstasy?
  12. Guthrie appears to be very down to earth too, so great player and potentially good person. These things can often be mutually exclusive. lol
  13. Pretty sure Blink 182 was a punk band and nowhere near the metal scene at that time. Pop punk at that. That would explain their absence from my music collection.
  14. I connect to the recovery / 12 step themes in the music, and actually like their take on that purist metal sound. Six Degrees IMO is a bit of a snoozer, and the non-concept tracks are weak.
  15. Was about to post this. I've become a huge Frost fan, and own/enjoy all the Lonely Robot albums as well. Kino is less of a thrill for me, but still a solid band. I follow John on social media and he's a particularly clever person and has some great insights. It's great to have class acts carrying prog forward.
  16. I am, but it's nearly a coin toss between War and Achtung. Very different albums if listening objectively today, but had similar impact during their respective era of releases. War might be the more 'classic' release but Achtung was crammed full of catchy and innovative sounding songs for the time. If I put on a U2 record today it's Joshua Tree and/or Achtung Baby. I listened to War the other day for the first time in years due to this poll prompting my curiousity for re-exploration. It's got a few 'best of the 1980s' caliber tracks, and some solid deep cuts, but overall I objectively just don't enjoy it all that much. Reminds me of early Police versus later Police. One is good, one is great, and both are very different/difficult to measure. War launched them into the household name stratosphere, so I think there's nostalgia in that. Achtung being much later and different sours fans of earlier U2, but again being objective those differences are stark enough and Achtung such a 'mature' and clever album it just flat out wins for my ear time. I can't fault the votes to eliminate Achtung, but I don't think it's because the album is actually 'worse'.
  17. Meh, it's fine. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04DFw52bmtM Admittedly, never got Blink's popularity. But I kinda skipped most of that Nu Metal scene when it was peaking.
  18. As long as Joshua Tree is first, the remining 3 can fall anywhere behind.
  19. I've always thought Six Degrees was a mixed effort. Black Clouds is much more enjoyable for me, albeit with its own flaws. Most of these albums remaining are good, though a few of them are great.
  20. It's a tossup. Neither has a memorable track. Out of Control and Tomorrow say no. Tomorrow is good.
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