I'm surprised III hasn't garnered more votes - like any. It has always been a favourite of mine - I love the texture. It is extremely rich and deep with so many elements contributing to the tracks. I think Since I've Been Loving You is Zeppelin blues at its finest and I love hearing Bonham's drum pedal squeaking. III is the only Zeppelin album that I still play end-to-end. This list is a tough list for me to compose since I through PG are so crazy good. II and IV are probably only so low on my list because they are so overplayed. ITTOD, Presence and Coda are pretty interchangable to me. I find Carouselambra unlistenable (I removed it from my iPod altogether - one of the few tracks in my music library to receive that sad distinction) but enjoy the rest of ITTOD. Coda was outtakes, but I have learned to enjoy some of the material over time. Presence...for me, still meh. Side III of Physical Graffiti comes really close to their finest work, imo. In the Light (being my favourite Zeppelin song - that riff!), Bron-Yr-Aur, Down By The Seaside, Ten Years Gone - four song perfection to me. Album though is III, imo. My list: III PG (side 3) HOTH I II IV PG (the rest of it) In Through The Out Door (w/o Carouselambra) Presence Coda