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The neighbour a couple doors down goes out every day and comes home with 6 cans of beer. No more. No less. 6. Most of the time, that is all he goes out for. And he always drives.


Why doesn't he stock up?


Maybe this way he can say he got out today?


And come on, man!! The store is 2 blocks away. Walk, don't drive that crap Ka car. wacko.gif





Ever been hungry but can't be arsed to make a sandwich or ding something up in the microdinger?

Is that pure laziness? unsure.gif



Why do people grow beards?



How come cereal is only for breakfast?



Eat a zombie has been sprayed on the brick fence across the street for years. I kind of like it now and don't want it cleaned up. So I'm hoping that the council and the property owner are apathetic enough to leave it there.



Eskimos do not have 100 names for snow. Only 4.


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I observe that you are spending too much time curtain twitching wink.gif
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Having already downed a few power drinks, she turned around, faced him, looked him straight in the eye and said,

'Listen up, Buddy. I screw anybody, any time, anywhere, your place, my place, in the car, front door, back door, on the ground, standing up, sitting down, naked or with clothes on, dirty, clean... it doesn't matter to me. I've been doing it ever since I got out of college and I just love it.'


Eyes now wide with interest, he responded,

''No kidding. I'm a lawyer, too. What firm are you with?'




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QUOTE (mini @ Aug 27 2008, 01:24 PM)
And come on, man!! The store is 2 blocks away. Walk, don't drive that crap Ka car.  wacko.gif

Thank you!! I hate when people insist on driving when their destination is only a few streets away! rage.gif

Unfortunately, my sister does this.. every day (work) eyesre4.gif sad.gif

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Cereal is not just for breakfast anymore - it's even better for dinner!!!

It does nothing for me at breakfast, except make me hungry an hour later... popcorn.gif







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Breakfast...it's what's for dinner.
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QUOTE (mini @ Aug 27 2008, 07:24 AM)

How come cereal is only for breakfast?

I have eaten cereal for every meal... but only once when I was at my friend's house for a week while she was trying to get a job and we had very little money... etc etc... I won't explain the whole story now, but oneday I may. It's incredibly funny.

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I grow a beard sometimes to take a break from shaving. Pain in the ass.


Years ago there was a utility box down the road from where I lived that had "Eat Fat S**t Logs" spraypainted on it in silver. Stayed there for most of a decade. In full view of the street. Crass, but it often made me chuckle.

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Nobody ever uses the guest towels. Not even the guests.
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It's faster to drive in the right lane where I live, because 99% of the public drives in the left lane All The Time, instead of just to pass. Yes that's You !!
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I've developed an appreciation, no, a liking for cricket. I watch it whenever it is televised. Even over my favourite shows. wacko.gif

I know what a wicket is. When it's a 4 point run or 6 point run. What the "umpire's" signals mean. I think Monty Panesar is cool. But maybe Freddy Flintoff is cooler....I find it funny that "someone" threw jelly beans at the wicket and pissed off Indian batsman Zaheer Khan.


I am looking forward to the Ashes test series next June.



blush4.gif blush4.gif blush4.gif

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QUOTE (Marathonist @ Aug 28 2008, 10:28 AM)
I want sugar.

You see, this type of comment just doesn't work.


You want sugar because:


You are hypoglycemic?

You crave it?

When you were a child you were denied sugar and now have a voracious appetite for it?

You have taken a non-sugar oath and now want some but will not submit to your desires?

You belong to a sugar cult?

You can't explain it?





See. Lots of expansion on this one.


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QUOTE (Alex @ Aug 28 2008, 12:09 PM)
The dude biking on my street just crashed into a parked car biggrin.gif


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