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Everything posted by nettiesaur

  1. QUOTE (CMWriter @ Nov 20 2010, 09:52 AM) Dear Bullies of the World, QUIT PICKING ON THE AWESOME PEOPLE HERE AT TRF. And quit picking on everyone else in the world, too. And yes, I'm staring at you, the only two people who ever bullied me in my whole life, girl-who-stalked-me-from-Kindergarten-to-4th-grade and boy-who-made-fun-of-my-Marie-Antoinette-costume-in-4th-grade. Just because you're not historically literate doesn't mean you can make fun of my epic Halloween costumes, BLEH. As for you, Mean Girl, what was your problem!? How did you manage to switch THE SAME YEARS to the SAME SCHOOLS as me?! (Fate is stupid.) I'll bet none of you bullies are even Rush fans, or if you are, you need to listen more closely. You could learn a thing or two. D| Hoping we never meet, Christine P.S. BLARGH! I met my bullies later in life. They apologized, but school was traumatic. I've been trying hard to make sure that my students are not bullied or become bullies.
  2. QUOTE (Babycat @ Nov 19 2010, 02:47 AM) To all the former teachers in the schools I went to: Where the Hell were you when I got bullied every day & you just did nothing?! I'm sorry that happened to you. It happened to me too.
  3. Dear Honey, Why did you even volunteer to help me tomorrow when you KNEW you weren't going to be available? Now people are counting on you and you won't be there. Real nice.
  4. Friday! Friday!Friday! Well, tomorrow is Friday. Have a fun weekend everyone!
  5. Not getting important information at work in a timely fashion.
  6. Sunday afternoon football dinner: Baked chicken, baked potatoes, tossed salad. Help yourself!
  7. My Naval airman nephew was in the honor guard at the Jacksonville Jaguars game during the National Anthem. I'm so proud of him! My Marine cousin just turned 21 today. I'm so proud of him too!
  8. mini vacation plans all set Just visiting relatives, but I like my relatives. They are excellent people and know good music when they hear it.
  9. QUOTE (Ya_Big_Tree @ Nov 13 2010, 05:25 PM) I met him last night at the 10th Anniversary for the Orbit Room. So much fun... even did a few shots with him. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs938.snc4/75102_10150321328725397_505335396_15598052_2786236_n.jpg Yes that is a soul patch he's got going on. I think he rocks it mighty fine. That is so totally awesome and I'm so jealous! Love the soul patch. did you have to get out the drool bucket?
  10. QUOTE (ridertoo98 @ Nov 12 2010, 07:13 AM) Ok Friday party time tonite by the firepit. Hope its an easy day everybody!! I'm staying in where it's warm. I'll be by the firePLACE. You guys can get your cigars and smoke by the fire pit.
  11. The place is clean and ready for the weekend. need a couple of rootbeers before bed time.
  12. QUOTE (TullSkull @ Nov 8 2010, 07:46 PM) I'm here a day late, had issues, but I'm here now and safe and OK with a cold beer in hand.. Will deal with the crap tomorrow and head home on Thursday.. Crazy.. I know... May the crap not be too deep. Be safe on your journey.
  13. QUOTE (garbo @ Nov 8 2010, 12:48 PM)I luuuurrrrvvvvveeeeee milk and I mean I it. There are no words. And I found out I am extremely lactose intolerant. *sobs* EEG still showing lots of seizure activity too. one word: Lactaid works for my family members.
  14. I found blueberry muffins that I can eat!!! Now that may not seem significant to anyone, but I have food allergies. I haven't had a store bought muffin, cake, or donut in many years. If I wanted something, I had to make it myself. Finding blueberry(my favorite) on a Sunday morning was a real treat!
  15. QUOTE (ridertoo98 @ Nov 7 2010, 06:49 AM) Hi all, foodball watching goodies in the vid room, watch the spilling of the . Enjoy Yeah, just had the carpet cleaned, use a coaster, eh? and go Packers!! beat them Cowboys! Dinner served at halftime.
  16. What made my day today? Time for me. I haven't a whole lot of me time lately, with work and ill individuals in my family. I had time to read a book, do a craft project, and take a nap. I feel so much better!
  17. QUOTE (rhyv @ Nov 4 2010, 07:11 PM) Getting back here and talking to the missing friends. rhyv!
  18. QUOTE (garbo @ Nov 5 2010, 12:08 PM) It's all crack. interesting read there garbo.
  19. Dear Client, After confirming your appointment, then rescheduling it twice, and reconfirming it, you didn't show up. After 25 minutes I left, and you show up at the original time.! Then you how up out of the blue this morning, and want to talk. All the translators are off for the day. That was lovely. I hope you understood what I was talking about. Your social service professional. P.S. The four of you who didn't show up at all now have to be tracked down at some point this week. These were mandatory appointments. Thanks for making my job easier...not!
  20. QUOTE (Queen of Megadon @ Nov 3 2010, 12:12 PM) QUOTE (nettiesaur @ Nov 2 2010, 09:12 PM) After today, I finally understand what the haircut mess is all about. My little student had a haircut yesterday, and all of the work I've been doing with him went out the window for the entire day. He just couldn't get it together, and he's not that severe. I can't imagine what his mother went through last night. to all of you who have to live this over and over. Nettie.. oh I remember those days. It got better...and thankfully we have a wonderful barber who was very patient with him. My son trusts him so much now that he lets the barber give him a (electric) shave. My how far we've come! This kid got a buzz. He must have screamed the entire time, because he hasn't stopped whining for 2 days. Really, I don't know how any of you do it.
  21. Tacos were yummy. But I'll be in the back room with a 4 pack of rootbeer, in the big lounge chair. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOng day tomorrow, and a really rough one today.
  22. QUOTE (Mara @ Nov 2 2010, 08:57 PM) QUOTE (1-0-0-1-0-0-1 @ Nov 2 2010, 10:48 PM) QUOTE (Janie @ Nov 2 2010, 10:27 PM) My oldest (with severe speech apraxia - and who was told by his school teachers that he probably would never talk and would need a talking device for the rest of his life...) can talk! About two months ago he just started talking. He said a FULL sentence that I could clearly understand and within the last few months his vocabulary has taken off. He's an entirely different kid! It's awesome! He's easy to understand and loves talking. After 4 1/2 years, I finally get to hear his voice. Wow! That's awesome news! Must be such a relief. You deserve a few pats on the back for this, Janie. I know you've worked VERY hard to identify the problem and pursue the therapy. That is seriously wonderful news!!
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