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About NobodysHeroine

  • Birthday 01/30/1994

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Member Information

  • Location
    Kalamazoo, MI
  • Interests
    Tolkien, Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Supernatural, and more to come...
  • Gender

Music Fandom

  • Number of Rush Concerts Attended
  • Last Rush Concert Attended
    The Palace of Auburn Hills: Detroit, MI - September 18, 2012
  • Favorite Rush Song
    Clockwork Angels
  • Favorite Rush Album
  • Best Rush Experience
    Reuniting with local Kalamazoo fans on November 3 to see the "Time Stand Still" film. I may have strayed away from the boys for a few years, but my love never faded, and I thank everyone there for reminding me of why I love the trio.
  • Other Favorite Bands
    Evanescence, Florence + the Machine, Melanie Martinez, Halsey

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  1. According to this, I'll live to be 90. Holy crap! :o But as Rush once said, we're only immortal for a limited time. B)
  2. I know, right? What's up with that! http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8317/8002132623_afbf0f504e_b.jpg Rush @ Clockwork Angels Tour, Palace Of Auburn Hills, Auburn Hills, MI - 09-18-12 by schwegweb, on Flickr *swoon* :sigh: He's Geddy. That's simply how it is, and how it ought to be. (See what I did there?)
  3. In honour of Thanksgiving, I'll do the liberty of stating that I am incredibly thankful for this Canadian trio. I've been a fan for three years, and can honestly say that no other band makes me as happy as this one does. As a buddy of mine once said, Rush is awesome because of their music, their personalities, just their overall existence. Getting into the band was definitely one of the best decisions I've ever made. I've found a musical group I can listen to when I'm happy, upset, inspired, need inspiration, or just want to relax. Rush is the voice of many music fans, including me. I'm filled with such happiness whenever I see the signed Rush drawing I got back from my September 18 show. http://i1031.photobucket.com/albums/y371/Priestess-of-Syrinx/RushSig_zps57fa33e7.png It's been two months, but oh, my Ged. I still can't believe it. I CAN'T. :') What are your thoughts, fellow Rushians? Why are you thankful for Rush?
  4. Geez, I've been so swept up with school and the like that I completely forgot that Monday was my third-year anniversary of being a Rush fan. You all know how Senior year is. It is also my third-year anniversary of being a Geddy girl. He is, absolutely officially, my longest crush. I love this band so much. No other musical group has made me as happy as this one. All three of them, they are geniuses, regardless of what Gershon would tell you otherwise. And, since I adore Geddy so much, here he is! http://i1031.photobucket.com/albums/y371/Priestess-of-Syrinx/Gorgeous%20Geddy/GeddySwoon.png http://i1031.photobucket.com/albums/y371/Priestess-of-Syrinx/Gorgeous%20Geddy/geddywinecellar1xb.jpg http://i1031.photobucket.com/albums/y371/Priestess-of-Syrinx/Gorgeous%20Geddy/snakes-and-arrows-22-s.jpg http://i1031.photobucket.com/albums/y371/Priestess-of-Syrinx/Gorgeous%20Geddy/time-machine-12.jpg http://i1031.photobucket.com/albums/y371/Priestess-of-Syrinx/Gorgeous%20Geddy/Geddy2002.jpg http://i1031.photobucket.com/albums/y371/Priestess-of-Syrinx/Gorgeous%20Geddy/GeddyCA.jpg
  5. Oh, my Ged, yes... That hair. GEDDY, WHY ARE YOU SO AMAZING? And yes, it is from the 1979 performance at Pinkpop. Just think: they were only 26 and 27 when they recorded this. :o
  6. QUOTE (Mika @ Oct 10 2012, 01:09 PM)
  7. My Ged, I love this group even more, if that is even possible. I adore how much they all respect and love each other, and how tightly they work together. There is no band like them. Geddy wrote most of "The Garden"? That explains why I have such strong emotions whenever I listen to it.
  8. *Unnaturally shrill squee* http://i1031.photobucket.com/albums/y371/Priestess-of-Syrinx/RushSig_zps57fa33e7.png OH, MY GED! UYFSFSTFSYTFSTYFSTFYTSFTYSTSYYTSTYSF *Tears of joy*
  9. QUOTE (Immortal for a limited time @ Sep 20 2012, 02:58 PM) You ladies are so great, and I'm enjoying all of the pics that have been posted. Good lord does that man look good! The henley shirt with the buttons at the neckline is especially nice. I'm a "Ged is HOT" girl from way back...I've been busy so I don't get to the message boards much anymore. I was at the Detroit show, 3rd row right in front of Ged's mic. It was spectacular! I tried blowing him kisses but I'm not sure he saw. The last time they were in town I was in front of Alex and I blew him a kiss. Luckily, he saw me and reacted with a really great smile. Hello, and welcome back! And yes, Geddy always looks good. Oh, my Ged, I was at the same show. Lucky you, getting third row on Geddy's side! I blew Geddy some kisses, too, but he definitely didn't notice them; I was far up on Alex's side. But I did it, anyway.
  10. QUOTE (gangsterfurious @ Sep 20 2012, 10:14 AM) QUOTE (NobodysHeroine @ Sep 19 2012, 12:55 PM) Yesterday was by far the most epic Tuesday of my life. I was so nervous and excited, partially because I did not know anything about the show. As it started, I cried with joy. When they played certain songs (I won't spoil anyone yet to go), I cried all four times. I didn't care that I was such a sap. It was a powerful and surreal experience. It was my second concert rather than my first, but I still felt all the emotions any Rush fan would. ("I feel the way you would...") I was too busy rocking out to get many pics. Unfortunately, the few I took kind of suck, but we can still enjoy ones that other fans have taken from that venue. However, I can assure Geddy was amazingly attractive, as usual. My seat was in the first bowl on Alex's side, with a total view of the stage -- even Neil. The Rush guys were like fifty-some feet away. That is the closest Geddy has ever been to me. When he walked over to Alex's side during "2112," I squeed and blew some kisses to him. Plus when he did the little head tap in "YYZ," I did it at the same time. I have had to miss some school, but I don't exactly mind. I regret nothing. What's better is that I sent a drawing of the band to the venue with the hope that they would sign it. If they did, I won't know what to do with myself. That drawing will framed and placed proudly on my wall. The Holy Rush Grail. That is such a sweet story. I'm really happy for you and as much as I value education I have to say some things are totally worth missing school for. It sounds like you had an amazing time. Also, I don't know if you have read the other forums regarding autographs but from what other people are saying, it sounds like you are going to get your holy grail. If you don't though, try sending something to another venue. http://www.therushforum.com/index.php?showtopic=76954 Check out that thread if you have a chance. Indeed, Rush is worth it. I wouldn't have spent that day any other way. I have extra homework, but nothing unwieldy. I did!!! I'm still on cloud nine. Oh, Ged, I hope so. My fingers are crossed. *Has another fangirl spazz attack* I have seen that thread. Generally, people are quite successful, and the Rush guys quite generous. For my Journalism class, we get to do entertainment pieces, such as concert reviews. My show! I'm totally doing it. Rush has to get in the school newspaper somehow, and I am more than happy to oblige. (Hey, I'm one of the editors, dammit. XD)
  11. Yes, it did. This is my second ever concert, as well as my second at The Palace. By far the best Tuesday night of my life! It was well past two in the morning by the time my crew got back home, and I was very ready to sleep, but I wouldn't have spent that day any other way. I was in the company of fellow Rush fans, and Rush itself. I was able to cast out all my worries and non-Rush-related business from my mind for a time. I was truly wrapped up in it. Unfortunately, I have had to miss some school, but I don't exactly mind. (Hey, it's early in the year, and I'm a Senior. No problem.) Rush is worth it.
  12. Yesterday was by far the most epic Tuesday of my life. I was so nervous and excited, partially because I did not know anything about the show. As it started, I cried with joy. When they played certain songs (I won't spoil anyone yet to go), I cried all four times. I didn't care that I was such a sap. It was a powerful and surreal experience. It was my second concert rather than my first, but I still felt all the emotions any Rush fan would. ("I feel the way you would...") I was too busy rocking out to get many pics. Unfortunately, the few I took kind of suck, but we can still enjoy ones that other fans have taken from that venue. However, I can assure Geddy was amazingly attractive, as usual. My seat was in the first bowl on Alex's side, with a total view of the stage -- even Neil. The Rush guys were like fifty-some feet away. That is the closest Geddy has ever been to me. When he walked over to Alex's side during "2112," I squeed and blew some kisses to him. Plus when he did the little head tap in "YYZ," I did it at the same time. I have had to miss some school, but I don't exactly mind. I regret nothing. What's better is that I sent a drawing of the band to the venue with the hope that they would sign it. If they did, I won't know what to do with myself. That drawing will framed and placed proudly on my wall. The Holy Rush Grail.
  13. Tomorrow is the day. My second Rush concert. Oh, my Ged. I've kept the whole thing a surprise. I have not seen the setlist, any pics, or the intermission shorts. This will be epic. I can't. *Epic fangirl spazz attack*
  14. http://i1031.photobucket.com/albums/y371/Priestess-of-Syrinx/Lerxst2008.jpg Lerxst ladies, let's celebrate with the birthday boy (or man?)! He seems very pleased by this.
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