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Digital Man

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Everything posted by Digital Man

  1. Where in the Sierra's (it sure looks like that's where you are) did you go camping?
  2. Yeah, I forgot you have bassett hounds too, LOL. What are their names? Sam and Winston. My buddies! Good stuff Gooseman! I told ya about my situation. My boys want a dog REAL bad. I'm stuck with the fact that if I get a dog, the wildlife activity patterns around my home will most certainly change. However, I'm of the mind to throw caution in the wind. If you're talking about deer and squirrels they get used to dogs being around. It doesn't take them long. And the dog crap that will inevitably get tracked into my lovely home...that too That's called picking up the dog poop. I assume you're not a dog person then? Cat person all the way. I like dogs, but earning the trust and love of a feline is more endearing to me for some reason. Can't explain it That's because you actually have to earn the trust and love of a cat. Dogs like pretty much everyone, as long the person is a good person. Cats not so much. I have semi-trained (it is a cat after all) my cat to jump up onto the back of the couch when she meows at me to pet her, i go to the couch and scratch/pat it and she jumps up, and I don't have to bend down.
  3. moist...this word should never be used unless you are talking about chocolate cake. That is it's only acceptable use.
  4. We don't need no stinkin' wharninghs...
  5. Absolutely no idea. Are you using the mobile skin? I would be willing to bet it's the BETA iOS (just released last week) running on the iphone rather than something on TRF. Can you roll-back a version or test on a friends phone that still has iOS 8?
  6. I know for a fact they are at least aware of TRF. I got a set of sticks at at show a few years ago by one of their main security people. He came up to me just before the second set; he pointed at my shirt (my TRF shirt) and said "Nice shirt" and then handed me a pair of used sticks. They know who we are and I would guess their security guys read the forum here and there to see what's being discussed.
  7. Best idea and comment in the thread so far!!!
  8. Do you use this same math for your birthday too? Well, the logic follows that as I am 42 years old, I am currently embarked upon my 43rd year, yes. But I don't celebrate it all year long, no. I guess since technically the anniversary of TRF is in August, then the tenth year ranged from the 22nd of August '13 to the same date in '14. So I do stand somewhat corrected. In about six weeks from now, then, TRF will be celebrating its 12th year. We are celebrating being 10 years old, we have completed 10 full years. We are celebrating all year to include everyone that joined the Forum it's first year in existence. They get a post by SullySue when they have completed their ten years. Why does it matter anyway? We're a fan site for a band (the greatest in the world of course), with some of the most awesome people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting, I'm not sure the exact moment of where the ten years falls is really that important.
  9. Do you use this same math for your birthday too?
  10. A live album from the Signals tour would be phenomenal. While not official releases, you can get bootlegs from any tour you want.
  11. http://www.michon.us/rush/tour2004/index.htm
  12. I know a guy who has Alex's and Geddy's autographs tattooed on his back. He won a trip to see them do a live interview and to meet them somewhere near DC. He had a big black sharpie and had them sign his back. He drove non-stop back home to Missouri sitting straight up and had his tattoo guy make them permanent. He has quite a few tattoos. The FBN owl across his upper back, the wings are almost shoulder to shoulder. I'll see if I can find any pics.
  13. I've thought about getting one. It would be the Hemispheres font Rush with the Permanent Waves EKG line going around my calf and all in red, maybe outline Rush in black. I thought about my bicep but that is not as easy to cover up and with all the tribal crap around it wouldn't be as distinct. My one concern is that other Rush fans would see it and say, "You know those aren't from the same album, right?".
  14. It's only a mistake if you don't learn from it and do it again, otherwise it's just one more learning experience in life. You wouldn't be who you are today if you hadn't gone through those things. One day those "bad" experiences will give you a new way to look at a situation and maybe help someone else.
  15. Any if you collecr Rush bootlegs? All the tours they have done are available. Personally i don't mind that they are not 'remastered'. For me it gives a better feel for how the show sounded back then. Some of the boots are soundboard recordings and sound great. I have two boots of the pre tour setlist runthrough they do the day before.
  16. Holy Crap! I hope you're never on the bottom. There's a forum for ER staff I read on occasion, just for the laughs and because I am continually amazed at the stupidity and weirdness our species is capable of. Anyway, someone posted about treating a 300+ lb woman who was pregnant. I don't remember all of the specific details or how the doctor found out this horrifying bit of information, but it turns out that Gargantuan Woman had her sister hold up her fat rolls so her (Gargantuan Woman's) husband could access the appropriate entrance for impregnation. :scared: :scared: :scared: That is odd/weird/gross on a whole lot of levels.
  17. LABT probably can. But someone else can't. :laughing guy: I think that is less of a computer issue and more of an operator error. It's a pebkac error. Or maybe an: ID 10 t id10t
  18. Last year when I was on holiday there was an American woman there who was walking around in VERY casual clothes--patterned t-shirt, comic character pajama pants, colorful socks, and silly slippers. It's one thing to wear something like that as a joke while on vacation, but she said those were her work clothes. And she was a loan officer at a bank. Really? Please people, have some self-respect. I've seen three-year-olds who dress themselves better. Like the people at Walmart. I came up with a new name for "The People of Walmart". Walmartians
  19. I am sorry for your struggles. Hang in there - things will get better because things change. Nothing stays the same. You have better days to look forward to. :cheers: Thanks, that means a lot. :) And I hope so. I guess I just have to move to my own place, but it´s hard to find a job. Some days are a win if you just get out of bed and get dressed. Here is one of my favorite stories about dealing with adversity. A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved, a new one arose. Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Soon the pots came to boil. In the first she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in the last she placed ground coffee beans. She let them sit and boil, without saying a word. In about twenty minutes, she turned off the burners. She fished out the carrots and placed them in a bowl. She pulled out the eggs and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled out the coffee and placed it in a bowl. Turning to her daughter, she asked, “Tell me what you see.” “Carrots, eggs, and coffee,” she replied. Her mother brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they were soft. The mother then asked the daughter to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg. Finally, the mother asked the daughter to sip the coffee. The daughter smiled as she tasted its richness and savored its aroma. The daughter then asked, “What does it mean, mother?” Her mother explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity — boiling water. Each reacted differently. The carrot went in strong, hard, and unrelenting. However, after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak. The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior, but after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened. The ground coffee beans were unique, however. After they were in the boiling water, they had changed the water. “Which are you?” she asked her daughter. “When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?” Think of this: Which am I?
  20. That is hard to answer. My family comes first, ALWAYS. My kids, my wife and then me. They are important, more so than any other band I listen to. They may be as important as all the other combined, but I have had them shape my life in ways I would have never dreamed possible. Literally. shaped. my. life. 9-10 and 11 years ago. Huge life changes. My younger brother died in 2003, he got into Rush almost as much as me. I had the funeral home play Permanent Waves on repeat during the entire viewing. I can still hear him singing (yelling) OF SALESMEN!!! as a little kid, he was ten years younger than me. In 2004 my wife (at the time) and I went to Vegas for the R30 tour, where I introduced her to some Rush fans. She and one of them got along better than I was aware of and about six weeks later she informed me she wanted a divorce. I didn't listen to Rush for a few months after that, couldn't do it. But with the support of many friends, almost all of whom I have met because of this forum. I have actually met them in person not just here online. I got through it. Then in July of 2005 I met Sundog here on the Forum one Saturday night. We hit it off like something out of a movie. It was, and still is, amazing. (it was actually way better than that but I don't know what word to use) We traveled back and forth across the US for about a year visiting for 2-3 days whenever we could. I remember listening to the radio as a kid and hearing love songs, Jim Croce comes to mind, and wondering what kind of girl makes you feel like that and want to write stuff like that? Now I know exactly what kind of girl makes you want to do those things. After about a year of the back and forth I moved to Windsor,Canada (we're right across the river from Detroit) from the San Francisco Bay Area in California. I have never looked back. So this question is complicated for me. Sure they are just a band and at the end of the day. My kids, wife and health are what are really the important things but who knows where I would have ended up without them. I believe Sundog and I would have ended up meeting each other in another way if not through Rush.
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