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Everything posted by eshine

  1. QUOTE (drbirdsong @ Jan 27 2012, 02:01 PM) from Power Windows: ALBUM TRACKS NEVER PERFORMED LIVE Take A Friend Before And After Making Memories Rivendell The Fountain Of Lamneth Lessons Tears Madrigal Different Strings Losing It Emotion Detector Open Secrets Second Nature Tai Shan High Water Chain Lighting Anagram Red Tide Hand Over Fist Available Light Face Up The Big Wheel Heresy Neurotica You Bet Your Life Cut To The Chase Alien Shore Speed Of Love Everyday Glory The Color Of Right Totem Dog Years Carve Away The Stone Peaceable Kingdom The Stars Look Down How It Is Vapor Trail Sweet Miracle Nocturne Freeze Out Of The Cradle Bravest Face Good News First We Hold On This is a striking list (for me) in that, aside from maybe a couple of songs, there is nothing really left on it anymore that makes me say "man, they need to play that live". My bucket list was pretty much fullfilled with Entre Nous and Presto. The majority of songs from this list seem left off for pretty good reason.
  2. QUOTE (trenken @ Jan 24 2012, 07:37 PM) I love Brian Johnson's voice. He isnt really trying to be a good skilled singer, not trying to do something he's unable to do well. So he just goes for a very high pitched distorted bluesy kind of sound. Very unique and original. Geddy on the other hand is trying to do something age wont allow him to do well anymore, so it's painful to listen to, at least in live recordings anyway. You have got to be kidding with this tripe.
  3. QUOTE (GeminiRising79 @ Jan 15 2012, 12:46 PM) Substandard recording qualities of weak material Over-reliance on misaligned third-party directional coaches Over-reliance on computer technologies/electronics Overlayering Overproduction Endless barrage of commercial media containing the aforementioned And last but not least, a domineering/controlling lyricist holding the band and fans hostage with his malignant hobby philosophy. Note:these are my genuine thoughts. Please- no flaming! I don't doubt you've been having some "rough" days - even years / decades... - Rush being the least of your worries.
  4. QUOTE (Tony R @ Jan 13 2012, 05:58 PM) QUOTE (Tom Sawyer @ Jan 13 2012, 10:53 PM) At least he's not writing about screwing chicks... it could be a lot, lot worse y'know?!! QUOTE It was long after midnight When we got to unconditional love She said, 'Sure, my heart is boundless But don't push my limits too far' I said, 'If love was so transcendent I don't understand these boundaries' She said, 'Just don't disappoint me You know how complex women are' Reads like a Vulcan love song...
  5. QUOTE (Terrapin @ Jan 13 2012, 03:55 PM) Well, as far as I can tell, Neil HAS and IS accomplishing everything he intended as far back as 1980 with "Freewill" and expressing it via "Virtuality" from 1996... He has people questioning, discussing and debating the concepts of religion, faith and/or free will, via his medium: Music and literature. I applaud both his honesty and bravery in remaining true to his beliefs and his sincerity, whilst not hiding behind a cyber persona. An example to us all... Well done Neil. I for one, cannot wait for the new album! End of thread
  6. QUOTE (EmotionDetector @ Jan 13 2012, 02:46 PM) Neil...I love ya, and am clearly a huge Fanboi...but please, time to discover a new line of lyrical subject matter. How do we know what the lyrical content of Clockwork Angels is? Lemme guess, God told you...?
  7. I can honestly see how people who really don't care what he thinks about religion might be getting a little tired of the subject. I get that. It's the fake piety I find so annoying. His blog was very postive - very candid, and very personal - things people complain he doesn't touch on enough - but, gasp, he mentions faith (or lack-therof) in context with the subject matter, even answering his critics regarding his "faith bashing", and low and behold, he is "attacking" all the poor, put upon Christians again - because we all know people of faith gently and quietly go about their business without ever throwing it in the face of non-believers. I mean, cmon.
  8. QUOTE (Pound of Obscure @ Jan 12 2012, 11:23 PM) And your apparent agenda is taking alot of fun out of being a Rush fan. Even for many who don't necessarily disagree with you. How are his musings of faith on a blog, in reference to the passing of a freind and the loss of his family, taking the fun out of being a Rush fan?? What is it that you guys would like from Neil? What version of him do would be less bothersome and more fun?
  9. QUOTE (rushgoober @ Jan 12 2012, 10:34 PM) QUOTE (eshine @ Jan 12 2012, 06:33 PM) QUOTE (rushgoober @ Jan 12 2012, 07:36 PM) I can't help but find it ironic that the people who get really bothered by people getting bothered are the ones who tend to really agree with Neil's views. What I find ironic is how people of "faith" become so unhinged at the very notion of it being called into question. If it can be cracked that easily, I would suggest finding a stronger foundation. As for Neil - he is not going to change direction to accomodate people who don't agree with him, or are "bothered" by the bluntness of his viewpoints. What Rush fan would want him to??? And yes - I do agree with him. Organized religion is a scourge filled with liars and hypocrites. Neil calls them out. Bravo. The bottom line is - he remains hopeful and optimistic in spite of all the lunacy. THAT is what I take from his lyrics. I didn't think you'd get it, but I had to try. And I did say other things in my post other than just what you quoted here. People's faith is cracked because someone speaks out against it? Please. You or Neil have as much chance of changing a person of faith into atheism as we have of changing you into being a believer in some way. We're just saying we find it obonxious in the song lyrics and we're saying so. That's it. Try and have a little understanding and compassion for your fellow Rush fans who don't see things the way you do... ... meh, that's what I said before. You either get it or you don't. Think we're all assholes if you need to. It doesn't have to be that way, but you're going to see things the way you see them. There is no reason for you to be so defensive, rushgoober. I'm not attacking you personally (neither is Neil) and honestly - I could care less about whatever your faith. I seriously could care less.
  10. QUOTE (Captain Avatar @ Jan 12 2012, 08:27 PM) My point is...who's being "uber sensitive" here? If anyone is, it's Neil himself, and everyone who agrees with him. They are the ones who can't take any kind of dissension from their belief systems. Drawing from his own personal experience and sharing his opinions on a blog or in lyrics is not being uber-sensitive. It's called writing. I simply take issue with people demanding that he stop discussing things that make them uncomfortable.
  11. QUOTE (GeminiRising79 @ Jan 12 2012, 08:28 PM) The bottom line is that Neil's adoption of the hip, quasi-intellectual radical atheism mindset conforms very nicely with his general elitistic sentiment and disillusionment with God/religion. He has therefore taken it upon himself, with lofty responsibility, to educate/reprogram his weak-minded, underachieving, "99%" fanbase... Actually - this says nothing of Neil and everything about your own insecurity regarding his opinions of faith and religion.
  12. QUOTE (rushgoober @ Jan 12 2012, 07:36 PM) I can't help but find it ironic that the people who get really bothered by people getting bothered are the ones who tend to really agree with Neil's views. What I find ironic is how people of "faith" become so unhinged at the very notion of it being called into question. If it can be cracked that easily, I would suggest finding a stronger foundation. As for Neil - he is not going to change direction to accomodate people who don't agree with him, or are "bothered" by the bluntness of his viewpoints. What Rush fan would want him to??? And yes - I do agree with him. Organized religion is a scourge filled with liars and hypocrites. Neil calls them out. Bravo. The bottom line is - he remains hopeful and optimistic in spite of all the lunacy. THAT is what I take from his lyrics.
  13. QUOTE (metaldad @ Jan 12 2012, 06:46 PM) QUOTE (Perchance to Dream @ Jan 5 2012, 02:59 PM) Count me in with the crowd that thought 5 S&A songs in a row to open the second set was excessive. It was Horrible I thought it was fantastic. The grin on my face grew bigger and bigger with each consecutive new song that was played during the opening night show in Atlanta, Georgia. This is why I love Rush. They don't give a shit.
  14. QUOTE (anchorman @ Jan 12 2012, 06:52 PM) Geddy thinks if there's a God, that God has some explaining to do and that he sucks for what's happening in the world today. Nice. Sounds perfectly reasonable to me.
  15. Oh for the love of sky-god, get over it people. Neil Peart has every right to express his personal viewpoints in prose and song without filter or fear of insulting uber-sensitive Christians - or, frankly, middle aged fanboys who long for the good-old days when he validated their geekdom by writing about snowdogs, black holes and high school alienation. His honesty is refreshing.
  16. eshine


    They played Xanadu on the R30 tour - and Ged sounded fine singing it. It's a great tune - but I could care less if they retire it for good - it's been played out.
  17. QUOTE (RodrigoAltaf @ Jan 2 2012, 06:30 AM) QUOTE (micgtr71 @ Jan 2 2012, 06:25 AM) I'm just amazed that they are still going. I thought HYF was going to be their last. Then I thought T4E was going to be there last especially due to the problems Neil went through. At close to 41 years old and nearly 30 years of my relationship with them, I am glad for what I can get. If they do, great. If they do not, I still think that it has been a great ride. Not just a good posting, but one of the best postings ever. This sums up my relationship with Rush at the moment. Yep - this says it all!
  18. QUOTE (New Digital Man @ Dec 21 2011, 01:45 PM) QUOTE (presto123 @ Dec 21 2011, 12:41 AM) Woooo Hoooo. The recording is finished according to RIAB and a couple sources. Richard Chycki tweeted it today I guess. Does that mean the overdubs are finished as well? Do they still do last minute overdubs during the mixing process? The boys really kicked ass the last month or so and got the project done a lot faster than I thought they would. Maybe they really are shooting for that 2/1/12 release date. Geddy still has to record another eight vocal parts to make up the choirs! The band has indicated that they want to move away from the multilayered sound of their last two albums and go for a more direct approach - vocals included. That being said, I hope Geddy doesn't abandon vocal harmonies. He is fantastic at composing them. The pre-chorus of Earthshine is breathtaking.
  19. QUOTE (D3strukt @ Dec 10 2011, 12:40 AM) QUOTE (eshine @ Dec 9 2011, 08:59 PM) QUOTE (trenken @ Nov 29 2011, 08:12 PM) Lol that guy sounds like shit. What the hell are you people hearing? Sounds like some really old, washed up dated rock singer. Really corny when he growls. How embarrassing. I have a nagging suspicion you are a really crummy singer yourself. Put your money where you very opinionated mouth is and post a link so we can judge your singing as harshly as you judge everyone elses. Stop going around bashing everyone. You're butting heads with opinions. Im not going around bashing everyone. Trenken rips Geddy to absolute shreds - calling his singing garabage, ect - and does so with the arrogance of someone who claims to have an authorative opinion because he himself is a "singer". So my challenge is - back it up. Granted, I shouldn't assume he is a bad singer - but it's been my experience that "musicians" who spend so much time ripping other peoples abilities are generally lacking themselves. I would be happy to be proven wrong. Other then that - I have every right to defend Geddy with the same vigor that you guys have when you shred him. It's not personal - I dont know you.
  20. QUOTE (trenken @ Nov 29 2011, 08:12 PM) Lol that guy sounds like shit. What the hell are you people hearing? Sounds like some really old, washed up dated rock singer. Really corny when he growls. How embarrassing. I have a nagging suspicion you are a really crummy singer yourself. Put your money where you very opinionated mouth is and post a link so we can judge your singing as harshly as you judge everyone elses.
  21. QUOTE (WCFIELDS @ Dec 8 2011, 11:06 PM) QUOTE (eshine @ Dec 8 2011, 12:32 PM) QUOTE (trenken @ Dec 8 2011, 09:15 AM) QUOTE (eshine @ Dec 8 2011, 02:37 AM) QUOTE (trenken @ Dec 6 2011, 09:33 PM) but honestly at this point I personally think he should consider dropping the key of even stuff like Moving Pictures. He's clearly struggling to sing all of that stuff. Give me a break. Fast forward to 1:45. Sorry, he sounds like complete garbage there. Serious strain in his voice. That sounds good to you? I'm a big Rush fan, but I'm not delusional and won't pretend he can sing these songs well anymore. He can't, so dropping the key is a very good idea. No shame in doing it. Garbage?? Seriously? If this is what you consider bad singing by Geddy then I rest my case. He sounds fine there. Absolutely fine, in fact - he sounds like... Geddy Lee singing Red Barchetta - totally in key and hitting the notes. You are absolutely wrong. I say bring on 2112 in 2012 - a current treatment of Something for Nothing and Sweet Memories would be worth the price of admission - and no, I wouldn't care if they downtuned those songs or if Ged sang them with a bit of strain in his 58 year old voice. It's rock and roll, not the opera. That clip wasn't the best example of him struggling live lately.....but he certainly doesn't sound great in it either. If you look around You Tube, there are tons of videos from the TM tour that prove it. You just refuse to believe the reality... Does yet another thread need to be hi-jacked by the Ged bashers??? Yeah - Ive seen a few clips of Ged struggling here and there - and plenty more of him sounding kick ass, so whats your point? The guy is 58 years old and each and every one of his performances are now recorded and broadcast so fanbois can pick him apart. No - they are not all going to be perfect. I accept that reality and could give a sh*t if you think I'm dellusional. I'm on the side of applauding and commending him for what he is still able to accomplish - it's far more joyfull then continually bashing him.
  22. QUOTE (trenken @ Dec 8 2011, 09:24 PM) QUOTE (Drummerrobin @ Dec 8 2011, 05:06 PM) QUOTE (trenken @ Dec 8 2011, 09:15 AM)QUOTE (eshine @ Dec 8 2011, 02:37 AM) QUOTE (trenken @ Dec 6 2011, 09:33 PM) but honestly at this point I personally think he should consider dropping the key of even stuff like Moving Pictures. He's clearly struggling to sing all of that stuff. Give me a break. Fast forward to 1:45. Sorry, he sounds like complete garbage there. Serious strain in his voice. That sounds good to you? I'm a big Rush fan, but I'm not delusional and won't pretend he can sing these songs well anymore. He can't, so dropping the key is a very good idea. No shame in doing it. Oh please... yes maybe he is shrieking a little there but honestly to call that garbage seems absurd to me. He still hit the top note fine and no way is he out of tune - unlike many many other rock singers, some of them half his age. I think if you heard that while you were at the show you would have barely noticed any strain at all. I know I'd be too busy enjoying the music and the energy of the band to go nitpicking about the odd vocal strain here and there. If it really bothers you that much then just don't go in the future but all I can say is you'll be missing out! Ive said many times before that what he sounds like live at this point doesnt matter to ME, personally. But Im still able to recognize that he sound really bad singing anything even remotely high. And I've seen enough posts on this board and other boards to know that people are talking about his poor vocal quality these days. So all Im saying is drop the key in anything he cant hit comfortably. Even stuff on MP he is really struggling with. If they dropped the key of Red Barchetta and he didnt sound like he does in that vid I posted, there would be less complaints about it, that's all I was saying. He sounded awful in that video I posted. And older guy clearly struggling to sound like he did when he was in his late 20's, and that's never fun to watch. He's an old man now, let's just face it. So if they are going to keep trying to tour for a few more years, make it the best it can be, and I really believe dropping keys is the path to that for the singer. He sounds like he is just dying out there. Hitting the note while completely straining isnt the best way to go in my opinion. Hit it in your comfortable range and you'll just sound better. *sigh Dude - He sounds totally fine in that clip in fact, he sounds pretty kick ass and is belting it. Good greif.
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