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Everything posted by eshine

  1. Call me crazy, but I have a feeling the new album is gonna sound kind of like Caravan and BU2B, only with more songs.
  2. From Sniglets over at CP: "Sorry I have been unable to post on here as I have been busy with work. Listening party happened a bit later than scheduled yesterday as it was more after 1 pm. I wasn't there but my friend was and he said if you would have wanted Rush albums in the 80s to have a harder edge then this is your record. The songs are like a winding journey and definitely has a more modern day concept feel to them. Keyboards are present on the record so if you loathe them, sorry! He didn't compare it to any particular album and that was a relief. He said just take 80 to 91 in a blender and that was it. Single should be out on or about April 1st. It is being sent to radio this weekend. My guess is this one doesn't leak. More as I hear more. It was basically a text conversation about it and I haven't had really the time to get in touch with him as he has other assignments" http://www.rushmessageboard.com/cpmb/index...ic=44104&st=100
  3. It's certainly a cool song title.
  4. QUOTE (quantex @ Mar 27 2012, 10:00 PM) Ok... Let's all go back to listening to the radio, and hearing something that sounds like Rush...then wait up all night to hear it again to verify that it ws indeed Rush....sorry to sound like an old fuddy-duddy, but for sure the internet age killed the excitment. RIAB and this forum is a joke. Sorry Good thing we have messagboards to voice our disdain for the "internet age" lol
  5. Chained Lightning, Hand over Fist or Color of Right
  6. This is an odd suggestion. Why on earth would they want to release an album worth of songs with the vocals removed? Would they keep the verse and chorus sections or just cut the songs down to the moments that don't contain any vocals? There is a big difference between an "instrumental" song and Karaoke.
  7. I don't care how aloof people want to act towards the band and fellow fans - but the fact is every person who visits this forum on a regular basis fits the "fanboi" label - no matter how you slice it. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
  8. If Clockwork Angels is as good as Snakes - I will be happy. Personally - I am cherishing this moment in time. I know, I know - there is no joy in blindly follwing your heros into oblivion lol - and as much as I love the band, they do miss the mark often. So what. We are all getting older. These moments anticipating new music by Rush are soon to be a memory, and I dont want to look back thinking I snuffed it by worring about and expecting things I have no control over. Just enjoy it. I'm 41 years old and cannot beleive I have yet another new Rush album and tour to look forward to. I never would have imagined it. One thing is for sure - we all chose one the right band to follow
  9. QUOTE (tel @ Mar 14 2012, 12:39 PM) it wont be the best album ever because for the last 3 albums THE vital ingredient has been missing....M E L O D Y. Thats crazy to me - VT and Snakes have some beautiful melodies.
  10. Far Cry is quintessential Rush through and through and easily the best single they have released since Dreamline. Snakes and Arrows is fantastic. It's no wonder the band tore through most of these songs live - they had every reason to be enthusiastic and proud of this work. Clockwork Angels has big shoes to fill.
  11. QUOTE (danielmclark @ Mar 6 2012, 06:56 PM) QUOTE (wilb1972 @ Mar 6 2012, 04:41 PM) QUOTE Name all the rest of the songs that deal with this topic. I think Totem would fit, as would the majority of Roll the Bones. Maybe The Way the Wind Blows, Peaceable Kingdom in more subtle ways ... Far Cry ... Show Don't Tell. Not that its a big deal to me, but I think its noticeable in more than a couple of songs. I don't know if it qualifies as an "obsession" but it's there. Yeah, no. If the topic is "bashing religion", which so many people here seem to have a problem with, then 'the majority of Roll the Bones' certain does not fit. Nor would I say that Show Don't Tell, Far Cry or The Way the Wind Blows bashes religion. I would hesitate to even list Totem because I don't see it as bashing religion so much as exploring many religions - it's not insulting in the least. And Peaceable Kingdom isn't bashing religion, it's talking about how it seems like we all have our own viewpoints and the lament that we can't seem to get it together. The fact is that Neil is no more obsessed with bashing religion than he is with any other topic because out of 150+ songs, he's only done a scant handful, like less than 10, that deal with that topic. Yep! Like I said - this is a made up controversy.
  12. QUOTE (1-0-0-1-0-0-1 @ Mar 6 2012, 06:03 PM) They're still legit Rush fans. And Tony is too legit to quit
  13. The only thing tired about Neil's choice of subject matter is the response to it by a few people here. This, like Geddy's horribly failing vocals, is a made up controversy.
  14. QUOTE (wilb1972 @ Mar 6 2012, 05:41 PM) I think Totem would fit, as would the majority of Roll the Bones. I always thought Roll the Bones was about chance, luck - ect, not Neils disdain for religious zealotry??
  15. Say what you will about Neil - but the guy knows how to get other men to swoon and fight for his affections...
  16. QUOTE (danielmclark @ Mar 6 2012, 05:12 PM) QUOTE (GernTheFish @ Mar 6 2012, 11:44 AM) It just seems like Neil is getting more and more bold about the subject - Freewill, Faithless, BU2B, etc. I feel it's become a bit of an obsession with him. Uh-huh. Keep going. Name all the rest of the songs that deal with this topic. Show that it's an obsession, because if it is, you should be able to list at least a few dozen of the over 150 songs they've put out. lol - spot on.
  17. QUOTE (Gompers @ Mar 6 2012, 01:41 PM) QUOTE (GernTheFish @ Mar 6 2012, 01:44 PM)...It just seems like it's not the smartest move as it could drive away some of their fanbase. That seems to be evident around here. cue pin drop.
  18. QUOTE (trenken @ Mar 5 2012, 08:22 PM) "Is it really that bad to have a fan approach you, compliment you, possibly shake your hand, or ask for a quick autograph, and be on his way?" In most people's eyes, no that's not a bad thing at all, but to Neil, yes it is bad. To him it's an invasion of his privacy. He never goes to meet and greets, and simply does not like being noticed. He really, REALLY appreciates that if he is noticed, to just not bother him. He sees that as a very kind thing you could do for him. He's a very shy person and does not like to be looked up to at all. He's very uncomfortable with being admired. For the kind of person he is, being in a famous rock band is probably the worst possible career he could have chosen, although he didn't expect it to get to where it is. I've always said if I ever saw him or had the chance to meet him, I would not take it because I know he doesn't want to meet me. It doesn't bother me, some people are extremely reclusive that way and that alone doesn't make him a bad person. You're interested in him, but he isn't interested in you and he's constantly fighting against the entire concept of being famous. Seeing plenty of interview with him, he doesn't understand it at all. He said in the movie that he never felt an urge to meet any bands he looked up to when he was younger. He likes their music and doesnt care about them as people, and he doesn't want us to care about him. He wants you to just like his music and leave it at that. I really truly believe he would have been happier if Rush were maybe only moderately popular or maybe some semi-successful underground band. SPOT ON POST. Neil doesn't want to meet you. He wants you to buy his music, his DVD's, his books and attend his shows - and if you give a shit, read his blogs. But when he is going about his business, he does not want to meet you, talk to you, shake hands with you, hear your stories, or listen to you talk about how Subdivions got you through a rough time in high school. As Trenken said - if I saw Neil and had the opportunity to walk up to him as a fan, I would never do it - not as an act of contempt, but one of courtesy. He could not be more clear about his insecurity - in an almost pleading way. Why is this so hard for people to understand?
  19. Snakes and Arrows DVD and Roll The Bones are both great choices, but why not just buy them all?
  20. eshine

    Where to Start?

    buy them all - and enjoy
  21. QUOTE (rushgoober @ Feb 21 2012, 12:45 AM) I just don't see them doing an album in 5 years, if for no other reason than Geddy's failing voice. The only person his voice seems to be failing is you, Goob. Personally, an all instrumental CD sounds like a bore to me. I'm all about the melodies. By the time Geddy can no longer sing in a way that works for them - they will surely call it quits as a band - as they should.
  22. QUOTE (trenken @ Feb 25 2012, 01:45 PM) If you listen to boots from the Hemispheres tour, he was really struggling to sing that live every night. It was too high for long stretches and it really tires down the vocal chords. He didnt really have a lot of choice knowing at that point they would probably have a long career ahead of them. And now on the new songs he's singing very low. Definitely a smart decision. I. Completely. Agree. Lets drink
  23. Well Pumpy should be happy - the songs we have heard and comments made about CA by the band do not suggest a continuation of the theme of Snakes and Arrows. On the contrary - its sounds like the story of some bloke on a trippy journey of self discovery complete with wacky hot air balloons
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