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Everything posted by EmotionDetector

  1. QUOTE (Henri @ May 4 2007, 10:38 AM) Everyday Glory intro = the theme music from melrose place please don't tell me i am the only one who can hear a similiar tone Okay...we are in the same area of thinking! But...I always said that the intro to Everyday Glory resembles the opening theme to... WINGS!!! Anybody with me here??
  2. QUOTE (paganoman @ May 8 2007, 09:18 PM) QUOTE (Gompers @ May 7 2007, 09:19 PM) I think its cool how Ged almost sounds like he is loosing his voice in a couple songs. I think Good News First is the most obvious. Gompers your sig pics of the boys are awesome!! To me it's obvious, but I wonder how many people know exactly what Geddy is singing at that moment, and what drum roll Neil is playing. Alex is also rocking in time. I am almost positive that Neil is in the midst of one of his YYZ mini-solos!! That would be my guess for sure!
  3. QUOTE (Magnus @ Apr 23 2007, 09:50 AM) Ugh...milk was a bad choice. Funny quote from yet another hillarious movie!!
  4. QUOTE (rushgoober @ Apr 3 2007, 11:28 PM) QUOTE (JohnnyBlaze @ Apr 3 2007, 07:17 AM) QUOTE (thesweetscience @ Apr 3 2007, 10:33 PM)QUOTE (Jack Aubrey @ Apr 3 2007, 08:49 AM) QUOTE (rushgoober @ Apr 3 2007, 08:16 AM) Sorry about the thread title - I had to do it! Anyway, I wanted to give a high recommendation for the movie Blades of Glory. There are some stupid jokes and some parts that drag a little, but mostly it's really funny, and there are parts that are ridiculously hilarious. I know I'll see this many times over the years... If you like movies like Zoolander, The 40 Year Old Virgin, Wedding Crashers and the like, you'll enjoy this one for sure. I hate Will Ferrell. It's a matter of taste. A talentless hack for sure. For damn sure. I think he's probably the funniest person alive at the moment. WOW! There is a real hate-on for Farell here huh?! Well...I'm with Goober completely. Will Farrell is freakin' hillarious, and so is this movie. I'm sorry, but if you haven't seen this movie yet, you should not be saying anything negative about it. It's funny, and that's all I can say. How can people set such high standards for comedy?? Can you Farrell-haters please suggest your favourite comedy movies?? I would love to know what kind of stuff makes you laugh!! (PS. 40-Year-Old Virgin was hysterical...one of the funniest movies I've ever seen)
  5. QUOTE (rushman14 @ Apr 18 2007, 06:45 PM) that honor goes to Queensryche "Operation:Mindcrime" EXCELLENT CALL! That might just be my pick instead...unbelivable album that everyone should own!!
  6. QUOTE (Batman @ Apr 18 2007, 09:09 AM) No Back in Black is. Back In Black is unbelivably perfect. I'd also give a nod to Metallica's 'Black Album'. This is an outstanding album whether you like Metallica or hate them. Last I heard, it actually replaced Back In Black as the best-selling 'metal' album of all-time.
  7. AMAZING ALBUM!!! http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/53/Queensr%C3%BFcheEmpire.jpg
  8. WOW...there are TONS of sounds that I absolutely love in POWER WINDOWS!! MARATHON - the bridge/solo is absolutely incredible. Still gives me goosebumps to this day...I love the synths during this section, just unbelivable build-up to the solo in my opinion TERRITORIES - again, the bridge section is fanastic. The part that leads into the "We shoot without shame...". That part sounds so dark, and Ged's bass line is brilliant. It really captures the dark emotion that I think Neil was getting at with his lyrics MIDDLETOWN DREAMS - Al's solo is short, but incredible; the 'slower' part that follows the solo is an awesome change of pace! This is a Rush specialty IMO. EMOTION DETECTOR - the whole intro to this song is awesome! It always gives me shivers...and it absolutely sets the tone for the whole song. Awesome playing by all 3 of the boys. MYSTIC RHYTHMS - that little section following the second chorus (just before Ged's "OH, OH"). I can't depict whether those are synths or guitar notes...but that whole feeling along with Neil's fills are awesome! ANIMATE - the bridge section ("My Counterpart...") has some of Neil's greatest work. This part blows me away everytime I hear it! LEAVE THAT THING ALONE - Neil's drum fill at 3:16...AWESOME!! LOCK AND KEY - opening synths...mixed with Neil's drums kicking in. Nice and powerful! AFTERIMAGE - synths during the bridge, and leading into one of Al's best solos! This part sounds so emotional...and is among their best work in regards to portraying the true emotion of the song. RED LENSES - the bridge section after the second chorus...that 'dance' beat section...Neil has some incredible drumming going on here; awesome work! SUBDIVISIONS - the whole intro kicks serious arse!! Enough said. ...that's it for now!! Too many!
  9. Without question...VAN HALEN I I've said it before, and I'll say it once more... Van Halen I is the greatest debut album of all-time by any band. The album is stacked from top to bottom... AIN'T TALKIN' 'BOUT LOVE - perhaps the single greatest opening riff of all-time RUNNIN' WITH THE DEVIL - not my favourite VH song, but no-one can argue the commercial success that it was (and still is) on the radio. It's a radio staple...and really helped push the album sales I'm sure. ERUPTION - need I say more?! OUTSTANDING! LITTLE DREAMER - the album's hidden gem...an amazing tune! Ironically, I'm actually a HAGAR fan myself. Dave was a better showman and entertainer, but Sammy is by far the better singer! That, and I love how he brought a more serious side to VH. Naturally though, you can't mess with what's perfect, and VHI is perfect!!
  10. LOL...well, after reading all of the posts on here, I was skeptical about saying my piece. But, I love discussing Rush, so I will. I am one of the few that believes the header of this thread. I personally believe that Out of The Cradle and Peaceable Kingdom are the two weakest tracks on the album. (lol...here come the flamers! ) I don't know why...but these two songs just haven't 'HIT' me yet like every Rush song does at one point. I guess they are late bloomers with me...because I honestly like every Rush song. I too, think VT is very consistant as an album overall. These two songs are no different...as I like them also, but I certainly don't rank them among the best on VT. I can say that with ease, which is generally tough with Rush songs in general. All I am saying is that if someone asked me to name the top 10 tracks on VT, both 'Cradle' and 'Kingdom' would NOT make my list! Now...off I go to try and re-discover these two tracks!!
  11. QUOTE (Mr. Henry Gale @ Mar 9 2007, 04:11 PM) Would be great, if it was a rap song.
  12. Give it a few more hours...and this thread will be longer than those "What are you listening to now" threads!!
  13. Don't you think that "RABID" was a tad bit of an understatement??!
  14. QUOTE (iluvgeddy05 @ Mar 9 2007, 03:38 PM) QUOTE (starman2112 @ Mar 9 2007, 03:37 PM) We really are a rabid online fanbase aren't we? This is exactly what makes Rush fans so great. Absolutely!! This is what the boys love about us!! They are never shy to admit that we are the most loyal of fans! DAMN STRAIGHT!!
  15. LOL...is this some sort of record for most views/responses in the shortest amount of time?! Don't ever say that Rush fans are NOT rabid! LOL...we want to soak up every little thing!!
  16. QUOTE (Asian Rush Fan @ Feb 26 2007, 03:26 PM) So your old man isn't paying alimony? Whose fault is that? Oh you didn't accept it? Again who was it that married the bum? Blame the man, blame the man! Learn responsibility and see how he is before you get married, divorced and have your credit wiped out. With the new bankruptcy laws the Republicans created, you can't. Oh and child support? No need for it? You need it and the guy need to pay his share? Next time don't open your legs. And if you must there are 11 forms of birth control for women including abortion and one for men. If you don't like what may be dealt, close your legs and we'll go to the next woman
  17. SCARS!!! Absolutely no question about it. Honourable Mentions: Chain Lightning and Available Light
  18. Have to go with old PINK ('Rush')! Rush without Neil means
  19. QUOTE (Slime @ Feb 25 2007, 05:23 PM) Caress of Steel will gently be shown the door...and kicked f***in' hard on the way out!!!
  20. Hmmm...love SUBDIVISIONS!! But...I have to mention THE WEAPON!! SWEET song with an awesome bridge/instrumental section! Neil's drumming is top-notch on this track!
  21. QUOTE (tick @ Feb 23 2007, 03:47 PM) give me a fat lady hitting the high notes over a brother with his pants falling down, a pistol and an aunt jemima rag on his head anyday.
  22. Had to say...RAP. It seems like everyone so far is on the same boat...
  23. Is Neil Peart better than John Bonham? YES! Why, you ask? Because he is NEIL PEART. Neil is the greatest drummer in history...end of story!
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