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Everything posted by 1-0-0-1-0-0-1

  1. https://www.newsday.com/long-island/east-coast-earthquake-c15065
  2. "If you don't have your 3D glasses, you'll only see this song in one-half D!" RIP Joe.
  3. Watched the whole game last night. Angel Reese is as fierce a competitor as you have in hoops and she is fun to watch, but Clark is from another planet. And it's not just scoring threes from that other planet, it's her passing and vision too. Women's college hoops, especially when you get into the Elite Eight, is a far better watch than any NBA matchup.
  4. That's a great example of his shorter form solos, as is this one. I would consider this a perfect guitar solo.
  5. Digital sales? That's nice. How many 8-tracks did they sell?
  6. On behalf of the administrators of The Rush Forum, I hereby present the 394th Solar Federalist badge to BastillePark... BastillePark, you have assumed control.... ...of The Rush Forum's Solar Federalist badge no. 394...Congratulations! Also, your badge has been added to the Hallowed Hall, and below is a mini-badge that you can add to your sig, if you wish. Congrats!
  7. I watched this video about a week ago -- this song popped into my head for some reason and I found this live version. Eric's voice was still golden in 2007.
  8. That's the song I would have posted if you hadn't. One of rock's best voices.
  9. RIP Pegi. A huge part of Rush's history, and a name we heard a lot when we first opened this board almost 20 years ago.
  10. Hmmm... Still disingenuous! You're on record for being a flip-flopper.
  11. I'm going to vote Page in this one, but for one specific reason. When you're listening to a riff in a Rush song, it could have been written by Alex or Geddy. In fact, I'd estimate that Geddy was more the riff guy and Alex was the chord guy, especially all those beautiful and inventive arpeggios. The more I think about it, I might have voted for Page anyway.
  12. Agreed, though EVH had his moments with some of his songwriting. Songs like Light Up The Sky and A.F.U. had some adventurous ideas, and overall he had a rhythmic sensibility that was anything but basic. There was a lot of syncopation in his tunes, and due credit to Alex and Michael for effectively navigating that.
  13. I'm writing this as I listen. 1. Edge of Life Solid opener! My only gripe is in the solo section. That section is awesome, love how it goes into the double time feel, but all of those crash cymbals get in the way of a very good guitar solo. There are two bars where it's just ride cymbal and in that one spot the guitar is allowed to shine. 2. Invisible Hand The very top of the intro reminded me of Aerosmith's Sweet Emotion, but not for long. That moody intro took its time, in fact the whole song took its time, and it worked. I didn't realize this song was over 8 minutes long until after it was over, which is always a good thing. Some nice surprise chord changes. 3. Ready Player One Rush's post-synth era had it's share of bad songs, and also some good ones. This reminds me of the good ones. Nice arrangement, and the guitar sound under the vocals is perfect. Very nice solo at the end. 4. Shoulder That intro is kinda creepy, love it. There's a sinister undertone going on throughout, very effective. My favorite track up till this point. If I had to gripe about something, the drum patterns didn't quite sell some of the time changes. Also, I thought the ending faded too soon -- that bass drum and guitar pattern sounded cool and could have been allowed to establish itself a little more with a few more bars and a slower fadeout. Just my opinion, it certainly isn't a mistake. 5. Hearts Great guitar riff! The organ in the background is the perfect choice for this one. That first solo -- what am I hearing there? It's well played and melodic but it sounds a little out of tune, at least to my ears. The guitar solo makes up for it, though. It's an absolute banger. 6. Spades Another good guitar riff, and tone for days too. Nice contrast to a cleaner tone for the verses. The bridge into the solo section was a very nice change of feel. The best drum programming so far. Second favorite track as of now. 7. Clubs. I could be wrong, but I sense a theme in these last three song titles. I also sense that these three tunes have great guitar riffs. Coincidence? Probably not. That middle section is goddamn awesome. 8. Diamonds Yep, I was right, another card title, another cool riff. Sounds like you hired Les Claypool for the verse vocals, and it works! Nice breakdown after the middle section. And there's a cool bass bit towards the end -- Les would approve! 9. Sometimes it Does Nice song, very melodic. Has a nice flow. The feel change for the middle section was very effective, but for me the edgy note choices in the beginning of the guitar solo don't quite fit the mood of the song. Just my opinion -- it just felt funny for that one bar. Once you're past that, however, that solo is on point and it rips. Perfect tone and playing. One minor point about the fadeout, and it's the same point made earlier -- the ending here was good and I thought it faded too early. Maybe let it go for at least four bars before starting the fade? 10. Variable, This is Knife An 8-1/2-minute song with a title that references Clear And Present Danger? Cool! "Do we have a gig, over?" However, while there are some nice ideas here, and the bass work is excellent, it feels like a long buildup without a payoff. I know I sounded like music critic there, sorry about that. Just like that scene in the movie, I was waiting for the "impact with high-order detonation" and it never came. 11. Words that Hurt to Hear The '80s! Nothing but smiles during this one. Good example of edgy note choices that work well and serve the song. The ending was maybe a little abrupt but this is a fun and well-executed track. 12. Sarajevo Rose That transition at 1:55 is one that perks your ears up. This is right up there with Spades as my second/third favorite. Nice songwriting and arrangement, and a solid album closer.
  14. You absolutely did do a thing! She's a beaut! The extra mini toggle switch -- did you opt for piezo bridge saddles?
  15. Looked for an official Black Sabbath thread, and this is what I found. Came across this concert just now. I really liked the Dio-Sabbath stuff back in the day, and this show sounds great. On the opening track Mob Rules, I'm hearing a rhythm guitar behind Tony's solos. Anyone here know what the deal is with that, because I don't see another guitar player on stage.
  16. Usually Ducky pays double for that kind of action. Even on his birthday. Happy birthday Ducky!
  17. TRF will be celebrating its 20th birthday this August. This might be our proudest moment.
  18. I'm taking a bit of a chance with this one, but it's funny and on-topic.
  19. I last went there about a month ago, but that was the first time in maybe eight months. I didn't notice a difference in the amount of fries (got the usual "extra" scoop in the bag) or in the food quality in general, but I did notice the price increase.
  20. Five Guys has gone up a lot since the pandemic. Here in NY, their normal two-patty burger, small fries and a bottle of water is now over $18. They're good burgers, and their fries are the best (and they don't skimp on them), but that's a lot. McD's burgers are bottom-tier for fast food burgers and are nowhere near as good as Five Guys, so the thought of paying $18 for a Big Mac meal is as hard to stomach as the burgers themselves.
  21. Maybe McD's should try it. Typical hyperbolic clickbait headline, but their prices have gone up a lot in the past few years.
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