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Everything posted by diatribein

  1. The irony of Workin' Them Angels... overtime! being the song playing in a Walmart is certainly not lost on me.
  2. I have a friend that is not on TRF who is a Rush fan who lives in Argentina! But do they live below the 43rd Parallel South? That's a very small portion of the country. Doubtful. There are so few towns down there of any kind of size. His friend is probably from Buenos Aires, which isn't at all that far south. If there is a RUSH fan from the Falkland Islands or most of the southern island of New Zealand, they would also be further south. I'm not sure Christchurch would be further south though, it is about even with Hobart on Tasmania. Still, New Zealand is your best bet!
  3. Thanks. I wasn't sure what nationality fassbender was other than German. "When Fassbender was two years old, his parents moved to the Irish town of Killarney, County Kerry, where they ran the West End House, a restaurant where his father worked as a chef." I moved to Canada when I was 3 and English is my native language (despite being the second one I learned) not Portuguese.
  4. Fassbender & Aidan Turner are Irish (Jackman is Australian and too old & Gosling Canadian (!!!)). A Scottish Bond is great, an English Bond is perfect, but I would really dislike any other accent on a James Bond actor. My vote is for Henry Cavill. Maybe we can get him away from the Superman role this way and kill two birds with one stone.
  5. This may be the stupidest list of Guitarists I have ever seen. How do you list 100 Guitarist and not have Nuno Bettencourt anywhere on the list?!?!? I think it is a list for old people. Maybe they should call it the top 100 guitarists that people over 50 know of. I mean really, this stupidity has no credibility whatsoever.
  6. I don't think that's how royalties work??? Surely Neil would only get paid if the show was broadcast or released as a live album? There is a performance royalty. So, for example, when a band plays a cover version of a RUSH tune in a public performance, RUSH (meaning Alex, Geddy AND Neil) get a small royalty for the public performance of a song they wrote. This is why if you have a bar with live music by bands playing covers, the bar has to pay ASCAP & BMI a blanket royalties covers fee. Neil would get paid a tiny amount for every song he has a writing credit on that Alex & Geddy would play live if they went out without him.
  7. As evidenced by Last Man On Earth & Making History, Phil Lord and Chris Miller are fools who think that blowing shit up, making a mess, and wrecking things for heck of it is not only funny, but a fun thing to do. I, for one, am glad they are gone. Breaking shit and making a mess for fun are two of the things I find least entertaining in Film or Television.
  8. This is arguably the last album that RUSH had any semblance of a Led Zeppelin sound in their music. They were well and truly on their way to having a unique sound, but there are still a few vestiges of the sound that dominated the first two albums and was decidedly more Led Zeppeliny.
  9. Again, he can trade physical RUSH official releases on this forum or any other, although at some point if that is all he's doing the moderators may regard it as spam. What is written here: http://www.therushforum.com/index.php?/forum/4-different-stages/ "NO trading of commercially available material will be tolerated" is in regard to DIGITAL files. Tell me you understand the difference, please.
  10. That is meant for digital files, silly. You can trade any physical item you want. Trading files is different because you don't give away your file when you trade, you make a copy. So in essence two people could each buy half the RUSH catalogue from HERE: https://us.7digital....ist/rush/albums and trade their half for the other and thereby get the whole catalogue at half the price. If you take this to its logical end one could buy the whole RUSH studio album catalogue as digital files for the price of one album if they are in a trading group with 19 others who make sure to buy a different album. When you trade physical media such as vinyl and CDs you are essentially losing something from your stock and replacing it with something else. Yes, it is true that with computers you can rip CDs and even record vinyl, but this presumes that the physical piece of media holds no value in itself. Despite the fact that many people now believe that, we have only to look at ebay and Discogs to know that is not true. Also, on a side note, can someone tell me why simple html code doesn't work on this board and if it does, what am I missing?!?! I kept trying to make HERE (for example) be an active link for https://us.7digital....ist/rush/albums so people wouldn't have to read the URL, but for some reason the board refuses to cooperate. Below is an example of the html code I was trying to use. <a href="https://us.7digital....t/rush/albums"> HERE (for example)</a>
  11. Your best bet is probably to make an account and list it here: https://www.discogs.com/Rush-Caress-Of-Steel/release/6705408 for sale. Most of the ones listed are NEW for just over $20 + shipping. I would try to undercut the lowest price by a couple of dollars and just take the small loss. I would think that It is going to be a little difficult to get someone who wants to buy or trade for an album that is so easily purchased NEW for about $20.
  12. lol, would be entertaining, but I think this is the better way to do it. Let others influence your decisions if you wish, sure, but I don't advocate letting others make your decisions for you unless you're somehow impaired and require outside aid. Well, from the point of view of someone who's had all of the albums for over 20 years (and the others as they were released), I only really care about the entertainment value of this thread. I mean, if you are not going to have the gumption to direct yourself in how you are going to go about purchasing music, why not have a fan board majority decide for you? After all, you've already let go of fully making the choice on your own, why not let go completely? That sir, is a bad argument. Well I, obviously, think it is great. Perhaps you should start a poll? What poll? I'm not the one trying to choose my next Rush album here. A poll of whether my argument is a good one or not! :dweez:
  13. lol, would be entertaining, but I think this is the better way to do it. Let others influence your decisions if you wish, sure, but I don't advocate letting others make your decisions for you unless you're somehow impaired and require outside aid. Well, from the point of view of someone who's had all of the albums for over 20 years (and the others as they were released), I only really care about the entertainment value of this thread. I mean, if you are not going to have the gumption to direct yourself in how you are going to go about purchasing music, why not have a fan board majority decide for you? After all, you've already let go of fully making the choice on your own, why not let go completely? That sir, is a bad argument. Well I, obviously, think it is great. Perhaps you should start a poll?
  14. The Battlestar Galactica theme song! Man John, this signature is really starting to affect my brainwaves!
  15. lol, would be entertaining, but I think this is the better way to do it. Let others influence your decisions if you wish, sure, but I don't advocate letting others make your decisions for you unless you're somehow impaired and require outside aid. Well, from the point of view of someone who's had all of the albums for over 20 years (and the others as they were released), I only really care about the entertainment value of this thread. I mean, if you are not going to have the gumption to direct yourself in how you are going to go about purchasing music, why not have a fan board majority decide for you? After all, you've already let go of fully making the choice on your own. Why not let go completely? Let us choose! We'll promise not to be ridiculous and tell you that your next purchase MUST be Feedback! .
  16. Other than HF which songs from Rush's post-synth era made the cut? Chain Lightning, Animate, Cut to the Chase, Cold Fire, Far Cry, and The Anarchist. I like more than that but I was trying to keep it mostly 70s and 80s. I had to have those on there too though. I have FOUR 30 song playlists dived by era, which is obviously 120 songs. All the ones you listed made it except Cut To The Chase which I consider one of the worst songs from Counterparts. Chain Lightning holds a particularly cool spot as it is the last song on my Part III playlist. I like the big "That's Nice" to signal the end of that era. The Playlists: Part I: 1973 to 1981 (Not Fade Away to Moving Pictures) Part II: 1982 to 1988 (Signals to Hold Your Fire) Part III: 1989 to 1998 (Presto to Test For Echo) Part IV: 2000 to 2015 (My Favourite Headache to Clockwork Angels) Sacrilege, I know, to include Geddy's solo album, but I love it and it makes Part IV so much better. I am only listing the studio albums, but if I use live tracks on the playlists they are era appropriate. So this means that A Show Of Hands is part of Part II, for example. If I would use Witch Hunt from A Show of Hands it would be placed on Part II, not Part I.
  17. I vote Grace Under Pressure as well. Why isn't this a poll? I think you should post a poll every time you are ready to buy a new RUSH album.
  18. Neither. I prefer the Single Version as well. Why is that not an option? I cannot vote between these two choices. Please edit if possible.
  19. Retrospective III is well worth the money, if for nothing else than the DVD portion. I believe Earthshine & One Little Victory are the same mixes that would eventually appear on Vapor Trails Remixed. Please correct me if I am wrong. I think that is the last compilation worth having released by the band.
  20. It's not in my Top 20 RUSH songs from the 2000s! I don't like this song at all.
  21. Honestly for me the album starts superbly (Caravan & BU2B) and ends with great passion (Wish Them Well & The Garden), but everything in-between hovers between unremarkable and bad to my ears. The only other songs I like are the last two singles (The Wreckers & The Anarchist). I guess having 6 great songs out of 12 isn't terrible, but as far as I am concerned it was a huge drop off from Snakes & Arrows and the worst album the band had done since the 1970s. For me, it was kind of a sad note to leave off on. The loudness doesn't help either. To this date the only two albums that are only available with loud & compressed terrible mastering in the RUSH catalogue are this one and Vapor Trails (yes the remixed version is still loud, albeit less so).
  22. So this was the the first studio album (Chronicles was actually the first) that did not get a North American release on vinyl. This meant that the artwork was designed and planned for CD measurements. I think that had a lot more to do with the artistic choice of the size of the dice than what the artist's preference was. Had this been designed for a vinyl LP I suspect it would have had smaller dice with a capital R. I have to say though, I disagree with you since both the U and the S can be interpreted as being lower case, especially if the font in question is in a kind of vertical-monospace (square or geometric or fixed-hieght), which is the case here. If we look at it typed it is either rush or rusH. I have to say, to my eyes the first one looks better. Having a lower-case letter to start a word that is in all caps just looks really odd and backwards. iT wOULD lOOK lIKE tHIS, rUSH. Nope, not a fan!
  23. 10 of the 13 episode titles are up, although a premier date hasn't been set yet: http://www.epguides.com/Orville/ Old Wounds If the Stars Should Appear Command Performance About a Girl Pria Krill Into the Fold Cupid's Dagger Nightmares Primal Urges
  24. I agree. I wouldn't be surprised if Geddy & Alex never put anything out together. But I WOULD be surprised if Geddy didn't put anything out AT ALL. From the end of the Test for Echo tour to the release of My Favourite Headache was over 3 years. And that was a Geddy who was nearly 20 years younger. I want another Geddy Lee solo album like nobody's business! I hope it happens. Sooner better than later.
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