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Everything posted by TheWatchMaker97

  1. http://focusnm.com/storage/carlsbad/giant_burger.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1390323873372
  2. Not trying to pick a fight but who were the other tours for? One could argue this tour certainly left Snyth Era fans wanting and the Synth Era was not some brief period. I think Losing It more than made up for that.
  3. You're just making shit up, aren't you? :) Isn't that some kind of dietary supplement? Its a uhh, secret colony island off the coast of the uhh, south eastern shores of China. Oooooooh yeaaaaaah, thaaaaaat secret colony island. Yala, Thailand its in there
  4. :LMAO: This is hilarious, thank you very much. :LMAO:
  5. You're just making shit up, aren't you? :) Isn't that some kind of dietary supplement? Its a uhh, secret colony island off the coast of the uhh, south eastern shores of China.
  6. http://i.ytimg.com/vi/x2kWIpYaC8Y/maxresdefault.jpg
  7. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/519ydHKvt5L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg
  8. Geddy tries out a new bass for the first time. S&A or TM.http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/805/702/581.jpg
  9. "Ani", referring to the fact the video is 100% animated. "Music", referring to the fact there is music playing over the animated clip. "Animusic".
  10. No, I'm holding out for the DVD. What? Are you trying to love me to death? http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/805/702/581.jpg
  11. I know Presto and RTB get a lot of hate for being "thin sounding" records. But I think that those two albums happen to sound really crisp and clear also. If they were to draw more attention to the bass and guitar on both albums it would be a lot better, since the drums seem to be the most predominant instrument on those albums imo.
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