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Everything posted by Relayer2112

  1. I thought that it was interesting that Alex said on Renman live that you can hear a "ghost solo" at one point in La Villa if you listen closely (evidently a remnant of the original solo he was going to play). I'm not sure what part he is referring to. Do any of you know at what point in the song that appears?
  2. I enjoy Alex's playing much more, but Brian is a more talented guitar player.
  3. I believe he said something to the tune of "I'm now batting .500 when it comes to city names". He definitely acknowledged the mistake.
  4. Come back to may place babe...we'll break our fast on honeydew and drink the milk of paradise. When she gets pissed that you didn't call her again... Hey babe...it's time to disengage...you know, turn the page.
  5. It could have been worse...the vendor could have been yelling "MORE VAPOR TRAILS !!!".
  6. Here's my fan fiction...I went to a Rush concert and Alex didn't screw up the solo in Roll the Bones.
  7. I love the set list. My only wish would have been that every album was represented, even if the result of that would have been the dreaded medley. I think a medley of the PW, Presto, TFE era could have been very interesting.
  8. I think it means that there are actually four members of the band, but the original Geddy was replaced by a look-alike during the Hold Your Fire sessions (since the slash mark is red and so is the HYF album cover). Has anyone else noticed that unexplained scar on Geddy's lip? It's something to think about.
  9. I'd be shocked if Rush ever officially announced their retirement. I could see Neil announcing his personal retirement (as he did privately to Alex and Geddy years ago), but I think the band's status would remain up in the air until one of them is explaining the lyrics of 2112 to St. Peter. We'll get the "as long as Neil is retired, Rush is retired" from the other two. I don't have a problem with that approach whatsoever.
  10. I like the song and it is somewhat epic, but until I see hundreds of people watching the band through periscope to see them perform it night after night 35 years after it was released, I will not consider it one of the most epic tracks of all time.
  11. All this time I couldn't figure out what was wrong with periscope and then I found that Tracy was on my blocked list. Lesson learned.
  12. I'm actually surprised that Rush has done as much as they have since Neil's family tragedies. I remember being convinced back then that they were finished as a band once all that went down. For them to come back from that difficult time re-energized for another 10+ years has been amazing. It's just the icing on the cake.
  13. Well put, vital signz. I'm resigned to the fact that I will soon be going to my last Rush show (and probably the last rock concert of my life) and I feel a little sadness about it.
  14. I read somewhere that they picked 2112 because they decided that this is when they'd next play "The Fountain of Lamneth" live.
  15. Last night's set was better than sex. I didn't have to buy it dinner either.
  16. I love Territories (I'm not sure what there is to not like about it). I also like Countdown which gets pretty much berated around here. I think it's the most Moving Pictures sounding song off Signals.
  17. Once Rush is finished, that's when the world touring tribute bands will take over. Whether or not they will be discussed on this site I have no idea.
  18. I would say that neither set list, so far, has been "casual fan friendly". It's a double-edged sword. Personally I love it, but I'm taking two of my sons to the Philly show and I know they'll be disappointed that there is no YYZ, Freewill etc. My boys are not fans of the Rush's more epic stuff (I guess they got that gene from my wife) and I doubt if seeing the epics live will change their minds.
  19. Does the fact that Geddy, last night, had to retract his "we've never played this one live before" statement put things into perspective for anyone? He had no clue that they played JL live before, not to mention that it actually appears on one of their live albums. How is that possible? I certainly hope that it was Alex or Neil that said..."Hey Ged, it's on Exit...Stage Left" to him after the show.
  20. I don't think it's a bad song. I love the guitar work in particular. It's common knowledge that the band (at least Geddy and Alex anyway) thinks it was a mistake to have recorded it with the lyrics that Neil came up with. It's hard to be objective about a song when you know that the band themselves have mixed feelings.
  21. I'm just glad that my X-files mug and mouse pad (which is pretty darn cruddy these days) are finally in fashion again.
  22. Think of it this way...if there was no 2112, Geddy, Alex and Neil would have most likely ended up in the alternate professions that we've discussed on other threads. That's got to count for something in the album rankings.
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