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Everything posted by x1yyz

  1. Well, Rush has been influenced by new wave and dance music in the past. Bringing in other ideas is nothing new to them. And Geddy and Alex may continue to be influenced by other genres in their future work. But Rush can't really be influenced by anything anymore since they no longer exist. My only concern is that they're probably too unmotivated and tired of the beaten into the ground routine they've been on for decades. Geez, I can't even entertain the idea of watching people play musical instruments anymore...seems so archaic, bygone, im afraid to say :( I know you think you're sounding edgy and plugged in by writing that but it's really just ridiculous. Sorry, but that's your level of thinking, not mine. I am done with live instrumental performances. I just don't see the magic in it anymore. Feel like I've evolved out of it. Traditional musical instruments have been tapped out. There's nothing left to do that's innovative or different. Largely, its the end of the line for this modality of music production, imo. If it wasn't for musicians how would DJs have anything to sample or spin? What makes you think "DJs" aren't musicians? I think you don't understand the modern definition of "DJ", no disrespect intended. Although some DJs are also musicians, disk jockeys, by definition, are people who play recordings. Yes, there is a very small percentage of DJs who create art out of spinning as they mix various songs into unique soundscapes. However, DJs are not creating the songs they spin. If they did, they would be called musicians.
  2. A-ha! I've just discovered who that woman was - Buffy Sainte-Marie, a native Canadian singer-songwriter. Neil talks about this on pages 276-7 of his latest book, and says it was a joke only the three of them would get.
  3. Yes. I don't eat the typical American/Western diet. Have your feet continued to grow since you became an adult?
  4. No. I don't like the glorification of gluttony. Ever make your own sausages?
  5. No, only once in awhile. Do you like to eat plain potato chips/crisps?
  6. https://forum.grasscity.com/threads/weird-things-people-masturbate-to.1225222/ http://brobible.com/life/article/most-shameful-things-ever-masturbated-to/
  7. Well, Rush has been influenced by new wave and dance music in the past. Bringing in other ideas is nothing new to them. And Geddy and Alex may continue to be influenced by other genres in their future work. But Rush can't really be influenced by anything anymore since they no longer exist. My only concern is that they're probably too unmotivated and tired of the beaten into the ground routine they've been on for decades. Geez, I can't even entertain the idea of watching people play musical instruments anymore...seems so archaic, bygone, im afraid to say :( If you look at it as "watching people play instruments", then yes, that might be tedious - now, or at any time But what makes a live performance special and inspiring for me is the fact that I am part of it - and that the performer is not simply playing an instrument, but they are creating a moment and performing what could be considered a sort of communication, meant to inspire us .. I know, this might sound rambling or corny ... but part of what makes a musician great is not simply what they can do, but what they can do for me .. That's the way it's always been, even though I am realizing the magnitude of it more and more now There's a certain surge or inspiration and electricity with live performances, and it shouldn't matter it a person is playing an instrument or not .... If they are doing something you connect with, that's what matters Oh definitely. Any band can have onstage charisma and rapport. But most of the laptop bands I've seen* have been lacking that. Who knows if that's because they're "playing" a computer, or maybe they play a computer because they don't want to have to interact with the audience, but there does seem to be a correlation between that sort of band and the lack of rapport. I do think it's much easier to be charismatic and establish rapport when you can move around the stage and have eye contact with your audience, and this is probably a big part of the reason drummers have little audience connection. *Underworld is one of the few purely electronic bands I've seen that do put on a really good show. A large part of that is the visual element that goes along with their show, but for whatever reason, they were entertaining enough for me to have seen them live several times.
  8. Well, Rush has been influenced by new wave and dance music in the past. Bringing in other ideas is nothing new to them. And Geddy and Alex may continue to be influenced by other genres in their future work. But Rush can't really be influenced by anything anymore since they no longer exist. My only concern is that they're probably too unmotivated and tired of the beaten into the ground routine they've been on for decades. Geez, I can't even entertain the idea of watching people play musical instruments anymore...seems so archaic, bygone, im afraid to say :( If you can't entertain the idea of watching people play musical instruments does that mean you are no longer interested in going to see live shows? Or do you want to see shows where the performers are not playing instruments? People may laugh at that latter statement but I've seen scores of performances by "laptop bands" who do not play instruments onstage. You'll have a guy or two with a laptop or a sequencer, a drum machine, and a singer. The singer is the only one doing anything live. SOFA KING BORING, watching people push buttons. Give me people playing instruments any day.
  9. Coffee Crisp are uniquely Canadian? This I did not know...you learn something new every day! I would add: Tim Horton's is nowhere near as good as people say it is. Maybe their doughnuts er, donuts are good, but their coffee and tea taste weird and weak. As one of the few Canadian non-beer drinkers, I understand that the beer up here is supposed to be okay... :) have fun, safe travels, and bring a scarf! Canucklehead I don't think their donuts/doughnuts are very good at all.
  10. If you have T-Mobile call and see if you can get the plan that considers Canadian calls as domestic. Oh, and watch out for data use if you're roaming! If your plan considers Canada to be roaming/international then turn off data and use wifi only or you'll get charged a buttload.
  11. [Last night] I fell asleep with the moon shining down through a huge old oak tree into my bedroom. :)
  12. Definitely not, considering I'm a vegetarian! Do you eat dessert on most days?
  13. Rush.com just released a longer trailer for the film:
  14. What an unusual but fascinating creature! :) Definitely unusual with the small, pointy head and large, bushy tail!
  15. Yeah, I think I could. Could you go a year without eating meat?
  16. There is no radiation threat. Something happened, like maybe an EMP, that rendered all machinery and engines unusable. And a disease took out a large number of the population from around the world. So we are left with a habitable planet, some knowledge of science and engineering, but no machinery or industry with which to make things. I can make cheese, bread, and cook, I'm okay at growing (small amounts of) crops but I have books about growing food. I can handle animals, and even though I'm a vegetarian I know how to deal with dead animals should I need them for food. I have friends who can cook, make wine and beer and cheese, and grow crops. They will become better friends after the apocalypse :D That doesn't seem like much of an apocalypse. Just wiping out all the machinery and nothing else. Why couldn't we rebuild everything? If there were some reason why machinery would no longer work, then I think the idea about raiding a drugstore would be a good idea. A farm with some animals would also be on the list. If you had some chickens that were laying regularly and had access to some seeds you could get along pretty well. We've got machinery and tech now and things are still screwed up big time. Now, imagine taking it all away. Yeah, that'd be the apocalypse for enough people to MAKE it an apocalypse for everyone else. No electricity, phones, or transport for more than a few weeks and society would all but collapse. All without the use of bombs and zombies. It would just weed out the stupid people. No great loss. Greedy, violent thieves aren't always stupid. And I think we'd see a lot of them...if you survive long enough to meet them. Well sure. But I was referring to people who couldn't survive without their phones, cars or toasters. There are a lot of kids out there today that don't know where their food comes from. They think it magically appears at the grocery store. Not only kids. There are a lot of smart, middle-aged people who can't cook something that hasn't come out of a package, and whose survival skills consist of contacting people to deliver food and clean their house.
  17. x1yyz


    That looks like something Stevie Nicks would wear. (Apparently we're having issues embedding video again.)
  18. No, I'm more of a once a week cleaner for the other stuff. Do you enjoy washing dishes by hand?
  19. Yes. Is your house clean enough right now that you'd feel comfortable having guests over?
  20. Light rail to PDX? You got it! So convenient. Yeah, my old town in the late 90s. Powell's. McMinnamon's. Multnomah Falls. Pot. We spent the day at McMinnamon's Edgefield. Sadly I didn't have time to go to Powell's; I need a whole afternoon there!
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