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The Analog Grownup

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Everything posted by The Analog Grownup

  1. Phoning a number and not knowing who is gonna pick up the phone doesn't sound fun to me. But after all I'm not that fond of talking over the telephone anyway.
  2. That line always bothered me. It seems out of place. Before I read the lyrics I always heard it as "dreamers turn to look at the stars" which I luckily still hear.
  3. Sunshine and fresh air. Sometimes that's all you need :)
  4. It's a favorite of mine. I don't view it as a song only about suicide, but more about how life won't turn out the way you think it will. To me it has a message of not giving up when times are tough. Of course the last verse or whatever it is, is pretty much about suicide. The song touches me on an emotionally deep level because I often fight with those thoughts. Not suicide, but dealing with the feeling of being put in a wrong life. :)
  5. To me it's worth it. Don't get caught up in the science of digital vs analog, use whatever makes you enjoy music the most. It's great being able to hold the music in your hands. One thing though, with digital you can get away with a lot quality wise, but with analog the quality means a lot more, so upgrades along the way can really make a difference. And great start on your records by the way
  6. The last episode of Trailer Park Boys. Felt like a weird definite ending.
  7. A firm 'madras'? A curry? ;) I tell you, it's the best way to sleep. And all that sneezing really clears your head, making you ready to face the tribulations of the day I knew something wasn't right with my spelling on that one :D Awesome post! :notworthy: http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_super/13/132947/4272928-4682189713-6qBHT.gif
  8. A firm 'madras'? A curry? ;) I tell you, it's the best way to sleep. And all that sneezing really clears your head, making you ready to face the tribulations of the day I knew something wasn't right with my spelling on that one :D
  9. A pillow soaked in tears. :P Nah, just kidding. I prefer to sleep on a firm madras. Sometimes I sleep on my couch if I'm too lazy to walk 5 steps to my bed. I can even sleep sitting upright if I'm on the bus.
  10. http://salfordonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/bonfire1.jpg
  11. I can't believe I'm even wasting time answering this because I'm assuming you're just wasting time on a Saturday night by asking ridiculous questions. ("What if the man's asleep and the woman is Lizzie Borden with an axe etc etc.) I volunteered in different domestic violence shelters for years and the answer is, "No, humans are not supposed to be violent to each other." According to research done at John Hopkins, relationships where there is hitting, kicking, choking, hurting or threatening with a weapon (either sex to the other!) are ten times more likely to end fatally. Everyone has a cell phone these days, FG. Call 911. Order Uber. Run for the bathroom and close the door. Do what you can to deescalate the madness. Don't drink and fight. But make it a priority not to get to the point where the woman is pounding on you in the first place. I liked your post up until the part in bold. It really irks me as I read it like, if a man is getting pounded on by a woman he put himself in that situation. If anyone said the same about a woman getting pounded on, the shit would hit the fan. Maybe I'm reading your post wrong, since I'm the only one responding to that sentence. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply that it was the man's fault in that situation. Domestic violence happens both ways, unfortunately. I should have phrased it better. I wasn't blaming the victim and actually my post makes it sound as easy as deciding to get out; when really that is only the first step; it is not always simple to remove one's self from an abuse situation. I just meant that there are choices for most people in a relationship other than full on raging at each other. I thought you might meant it different. I'm glad you took the time to clarify and I agree 100% with your post now :)
  12. If people are having an altercation or argument that's really none of your business, unless it escalates into violence. The rest of the situations you stated in your post, one should react on, but you wrote it like there's a direct correlation to having an argument and beating someone.
  13. :goodone: I agree with you Lucas...one of the rules of being a man is never harming a woman. It shouldn't even be a rule it should just be a given. What happens when a woman starts wailing on a guy and is getting the upper hand? Are men not allowed to defend themselves? I can't believe I'm even wasting time answering this because I'm assuming you're just wasting time on a Saturday night by asking ridiculous questions. ("What if the man's asleep and the woman is Lizzie Borden with an axe etc etc.) I volunteered in different domestic violence shelters for years and the answer is, "No, humans are not supposed to be violent to each other." According to research done at John Hopkins, relationships where there is hitting, kicking, choking, hurting or threatening with a weapon (either sex to the other!) are ten times more likely to end fatally. Everyone has a cell phone these days, FG. Call 911. Order Uber. Run for the bathroom and close the door. Do what you can to deescalate the madness. Don't drink and fight. But make it a priority not to get to the point where the woman is pounding on you in the first place. I liked your post up until the part in bold. It really irks me as I read it like, if a man is getting pounded on by a woman he put himself in that situation. If anyone said the same about a woman getting pounded on, the shit would hit the fan. Maybe I'm reading your post wrong, since I'm the only one responding to that sentence.
  14. http://youtu.be/FWhZ2XS08aQ "You know what makes a woman happy?" "Nothing!" :spitwater:
  15. It's my last night in Berlin and I'm sitting here soaking it all up. Feel sad to leave because I feel free here, but I miss my friends and family. This was my first time traveling alone, something I have put off for so long because I was afraid of feeling alone, but turns out I'm quite open and outgoing when need be. Heck, I even managed to get a dinner date tonight. Expect to see a lot of photos in the photography thread soon :)
  16. Jealous! Although I am taking my son to the Grand Canyon! Now I'm jealous
  17. I'm going to Berlin for my Easter Holiday! :givebeer: :banana: :hi:
  18. A comment I read on Facebook: Sometimes whenever I eat M&Ms, I like to hold two M&Ms in between my fingers and squeeze as hard as I can until one M&M cracks, I eat the cracked one, and the one that didn't crack becomes the champion. Then I grab another M&M and force it to compete with the champion in this deadly game of M&M gladiators. I do this until I run out of M&Ms and when there is only one M&M left standing, I send a letter to M&Ms brand with the champion M&M in it with a note attached that reads: "please use this M&M for breeding purposes." :laughing guy:
  19. I did a day doing demolition for Habit for Humanity somewhere in Baltimore, back in 1995. It was extremely draining but extremely fun and rewarding! I was totally wiped out and sore. My snot was black, but it was a great day, and I'd gladly do it, even regularly. Next time stop at a hardware store and get some of those facemasks to wear. They're just a couple bucks each, and they keep all the icky stuff out of your nose & lungs. I used to get that the first couple of weeks of my work because I apparently was the only one concerned with cleaning the warehouse. Black snot for days. Unfortunately I can't wear face-masks when I wear glasses, and without glasses my vision is like when I'm slightly drunk.
  20. No need to establish anything since it already has been established. This is brickwalling because it looks like a brick wall: http://www.digitalaudioreview.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/somemightsay_remaster_HDTracks-580x219.png CA looks pretty much just like that, so it's brickwalled. Simple. Boosting the volume and compressing the heck out of it makes it look like that. You lose the dynamics. Causes ear fatigue. Yup, I know :)
  21. No need to establish anything since it already has been established. This is brickwalling because it looks like a brick wall: http://www.digitalaudioreview.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/somemightsay_remaster_HDTracks-580x219.png CA looks pretty much just like that, so it's brickwalled. Simple. </debate> I guess
  22. Just because there are worse examples, doesn't mean CA isn't brickwalled, because it clearly is if you know what brickwalling means. Death Magnetic is more than just brickwalled and clipped, it goes so far that they actually created digital distortion. But remember, Lars Ulrich has intense Tinnitus, so to him it probably sounds just fine. If we're debating wether or not CA is brickwalled we need to establish when it becomes brickwalled. Otherwise it's a moot point I think. Some say it's brickwalled and some say it isn't. I consider myself the latter.
  23. If you think CA is brickwalling do me a favor and listen to Metallica's Death Magnetic. Even VT will sound wimpy and thin afterwards.
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