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Everything posted by EagleMoon

  1. Robin easily. He was a much more versatile actor. Bill Murray always seems like himself in all the characters he plays.
  2. Didn't like Rogue One or Force Awakens? How can it truly recapture the magic of the originals? It's not 1977-1983 ((and I'm not 5-11 years old)) anymore. I'll say this, Force Awakens and Rogue One destroy the prequels and the Star Trek parallel universe reboot flicks. And I did enjoy Rogue One (at least) a little more than Return of the Jedi. I’m not talking magic in the childish sense, I mean innovative and well written. Rogue One was much better than TFA’s but still too many consistency issues.
  3. That’s why they did it two consecutive nights so they could use the best of both. Which was a good thing since the first night had a lot of flubs.
  4. I thought it was pretty obvious what it was about. Younger guy meets up with older woman who teaches him about sex but then she develops feelings for him. It gives him the upper hand. Figuratively speaking.
  5. Star Wars hasn’t been really good since the original run. Of course we hold out hope that somehow they might recapture some of the magic of the first three.
  6. I liked him the best in Beetlejuice. He’s always entertaining to watch. Good actor.
  7. Good call! http://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1EyVEIFXXXXcFXVXXq6xXFXXXp/-font-b-NECA-b-font-Batman-The-Dark-Knight-The-Joker-1-4-font-b.jpg http://necaonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/3-NECA-Terminator.jpeg http://news.toyark.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2016/02/TF-2016-NECA-Aliens-008.jpg Those ARE better than the McFarlane's! Sideshow makes the best Alien and Sci-fi figures but they’re considerably more expensive. Real works of art. http://www.dreadcentral.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/aliens-alien-warrior-statue-200469-10.jpg
  8. So kind of like the bobble heads. If they were decently done I would buy them. I have The X-Files figures. Those are the only ones I’ve bought.
  9. By putting out a book of his personal collection ?? Entwistle's book came out almost 15 years ago, and there have been many similar books since .. At this point in his life, Geddy doesn't have to emulate anyone, and this book seems like a natural for Geddy considering that Geddy is an avid collector of many things, not just basses Was Entwistle emulating Steve Howe ?? Sorry but that’s the way I see it. No need to be defensive. Eagle, apologies if I came across that way .. I just see it as a natural fit for Geddy considering he has a pretty good collection, and, he seems to enjoy collecting stuff .. I don't think that at this point in his life, Geddy is attempting to emulate or keep up with any other musicians to the point where it can be seen as "funny". John Entwistle was the first one to put out a big bass collection book. Geddy has also turned into quite the collector just like John. That is what I was commenting on.
  10. By putting out a book of his personal collection ?? Entwistle's book came out almost 15 years ago, and there have been many similar books since .. At this point in his life, Geddy doesn't have to emulate anyone, and this book seems like a natural for Geddy considering that Geddy is an avid collector of many things, not just basses Was Entwistle emulating Steve Howe ?? Sorry but that’s the way I see it. No need to be defensive.
  11. He’s trying to emulate John Entwistle. It’s kind of funny.
  12. I tried to download it but it wouldn’t work. Maybe too many people trying at the same time.
  13. My cousin was one of the camera operators on Escape From New York. That’s about all I know about it. I’ve never seen it. I haven’t seen most of these movies though I did like him in Tombstone and Guardians of the Galaxy 2.
  14. Happy Birthday!!! :cheers: Hope you had a nice day.
  15. That’s terrible. Looks like whoever drew The Flintstones drew this.
  16. I like some of their stuff. Mostly the main ones mentioned. They were always a bit too “pretty boy” for me to take seriously.
  17. The Necromancer Cinderella Man Madrigal Best I Can Making Memories Circumstances The Camera Eye Entre Nous Lessons Tears Marathon Turn The Page Prime Mover The Body Electric
  18. The song sucks. I’ve always been a fan of Foo Fighters but this song is awful. Oh. I don't have any issues with it. It's far from the best song they've done but I don't hear anything that would make me call it awful. It sounds like something they threw together for filler. No real hook.
  19. But it gives us something to bitch about since Neil isn't writing lyrics anymore. But people complain about this every year. I just don’t understand why people care.
  20. Why does anybody really care about this? It has no significance about the quality of the music the artists have put out. It’s just a few non musicians picking their favorites.
  21. It was 98 and sunny today. Might be Fall in other places but not here yet.
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