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1638 Stellar

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  • Location
    Las Vegas, NV
  • Interests
    Music, climbing, birds
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  • Number of Rush Concerts Attended
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  • Other Favorite Bands
    Porcupine Tree, Tool, Dream Theater, Yes, Gojira, Opeth, King Crimson, Riverside, Big Wreck
  • Musical Instruments You Play
    Guitar, bass, a bit of keys, bit less of drums

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  1. For the keyboard warriors on tRF, you'll be disappointed to know I won't be engaging in the trolling. You can have your sick and twisted little playground back, I won't be wasting my time on you.
  2. Some of these are issues that need to be tackled. As long as there's a democracy there's a chance to do it. Some of these are issues that have existed for decades, and while they could/should get tackled it's not one political affiliation to blame for their perpetuation. Can I just say that contrarianism isn't a platform for a political party? Or is that too specific to trigger the righties?
  3. To be clear, the degree and depth of ridiculous is clear though. This is not a "good people on both sides" situation at this moment in time in the USA. I will always refuse normalization of conspiracy theorist agenda and the people complicit in encouraging/supporting/allowing it.
  4. I think passion for 'metal' as he seems to appreciate it requires having been at least a teenager (or older) during the mid/late 1980s, when the pioneer metal artists were at their peak impact. 1970s rock is another area it was better appreciated by those alive at the time, not as much in hindsight. Deep Purple, Boston, Meat Loaf, John McLaughlin... these are less relevant now to younger rock listeners. Right or wrong, time impacts the relevancy of music on the next generations. More younger people listen to Taylor Swift than the Beatles. And not by a little, like twenty fold. My overlap with him is in prog metal, Dream Theater and Opeth. I also know he's into SW and Porcupine Tree, as those are the artist videos I've seen of him in the past. This gentleman was speaking of his influences, and mine would be different because I'm younger. By no coincidence, Rick Beato is around his age and I also deviate with him on artists from the same eras (in particular, the 60s and 70s). By deviate, I mean there's been a lot of music since the 1960s and 70s, and I'll also argue that several artists since have improved on the foundation the 60s and 70s rock artists created. I'm into what's good to my ears, not nostalgia, which is the point of this video. Beato at least seems to share my strong appreciation for much of the 90s rock scene. My top 20 would include several grunge albums, not that anyone cares/is asking. To that point, no one cares or was asking him either. lol It's that terminal uniqueness self importance social media perpetuates on full display here. "I have a moderately small Youtube channel about music, I must tell the world my story".
  5. I've seen a couple of his YT videos. He's fine, but predates my musical journey by a decade and while there's tons of overlap, we're not in step on half the picks.
  6. Beltre is one of the best all around third basemen to ever play. Full stop. He could have 3-5 more gold gloves based on actual on the field play as well as metrics. Oh, and bonus -- he could hit. You're a miserable sod.
  7. I'll admit that my overall ingest of published articles and such has gone down drastically as more 'free' options on the internet have become ubiquitous. My last subscription was to Wired magazine that I recently allowed to expire due to very rarely cracking it open or even reading many of the articles online. They sit in a pile at my desk at work unread. For me the trend has been getting information in bits and bites, on demand via searches most of the time, and when wanting more in depth analysis for general topics I'll watch a youtube video. For things that interest me most, it's forums and Youtube channel subscriptions (I'm a Youtube subcscriber, maybe this counts as 'media' consumption now?). While its sad to see many written behemoths fade into the sunset over time, and there's certainly dangers should all "true" journalism vanish, I'm weirdly optimistic that the things replacing them can be as good or even better due to the lowish bar of entry and less frat house/boys club establishment gate keeping.
  8. They're both Prog bands. Both are rooted in heavy guitars and slamming drums. There's certainly similarities. The important stuff in Prog is in the details though, and digging below the surface how each band goes about their business is entirely different and the results reflect that. Tool's popularity (and arguably their genius) is taking complex rhythmic patterns and making them consumable by the masses. They've released a fraction of albums that Dream Theater has but have sold more copies (I think by a wide margin, too). They've made Prog that the masses can consume. If for that alone, as a Prog fan, I would be grateful for their contributions. But I also happen to like Tool (since Undertow) and appreciate the development in their sound since their earliest records.
  9. Going quite a ways back (like 20 years) Alex has praised Adam for his creative guitar tones/effects use and layering, I think even crediting Adam for some of his layering technique on Vapor Trails. Alex has been a fan for probably since Aenima. It's likely Alex knows more Tool licks than just Jiambi. I even learned a couple drop D Tool riffs and I rarely jammed along to other bands.
  10. I'll settle this once and for all for both of you -- you're both wrong. Ramble on. Hippy Burfdey JP!
  11. The first single is a good jam. They're offering a high res bandcamp DL for $10, so I bit.
  12. While searching for the LCD-2s on eBay, a clone by Monoprice came up. Reviews were positive so without traction on an affordable pair of LCD-2s I decided to bite. We have a winner!! Monoprice's Monolith M1070C are excellent headphones. Solid (but not boomy) bass response, good detail without sounding thin, papery, or harsh. Accurate mid range response. These might be the perfect fit for exactly what I was looking. Headphones feel durable, even premium, and came with a nice hardshell case and quality cable. They are not feeling in anyway cumbersome after 20+ minutes. But they are big and 'bulky'. The leatherette ear cushions are surprisingly comfy. I was using aftermarket Velour cushions with my ATH-M50s, and found them superior to the stock leather-like cushions. I'll try the velour cushions with these new headphones but they look thinner and I read in a couple reviews that they change the sound profile due to decreasing the distance from driver to ear. Insight into testing with my "first songs on the cans" playlist, just in case anyone's curious how an oldish rocker like me sorts this out in (only?) three tracks... 1) Gojira "New Found" Been playing a ton of this album, and more metal than usual lately. The headphones sounded good but the mix is 'modern' and other than a wider soundstage, I didn't think the improvement was night/day. Very solid but no 'wow'. 2) Rush "Freewill" [HD Tracks 24/96 mix] Immediately recognized the headphones were superior. Guitars, vocals, drums all spread out across the stereo field with a level of precision I have not heard in quite some time. One of the things I was looking for in the new headphones were "revelatory" moments where they invigorate and elevate the enjoyment of the music. The bass tone during the guitar solo is out of this world on these headphones. 3) Steely Dan "Hey Nineteen" [from the Citizen Dan boxed set] Gaucho isn't my favorite album but this might be my favorite SD track. Exceptional detail, I have a copy of the 5.1 DVD Audio of this album and have heard this one some good systems including my studio monitors, and these headphones are a comparable experience. Crisp crisp crisp without being at all fatiguing. Unbelievable really for $227 shipped. Thanks to everyone [especially Bastille Day!!] who replied and made suggestions. Every recommendation was looked into, some sent me down long rabbit holes, some helped nudge me on the path that landed me stumbling onto these headphones. I was ready to spend $600+ for a used pair of LCD-2 closed backs, and that would seemingly be silly at this point with the 'knocks off' knocking it out of the park. The ATH-M50s are really solid everyday and tracking headphones, but I see them in the dust bin from lack of use.
  13. On a whole, all rashes are suspect. This one's a bit pussy but heals after a couple years. Scar is barely noticeable.
  14. Most earbuds nowadays seem to be outperforming over the ear headphones for portable use. But none(?) have mastered the wide soundstage of open back headphones, at least not dollar for dollar. Yet. I'm personally not a fan of how earbuds feel after a bit of time, I'll take the trade off for the heavier/bulkier headphones. The bright spot to all of this discussion is that there's the best portable and at home/studio options available in the history of audio, and the cheaper stuff is really really good too.
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