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Everything posted by Oracle

  1. Wow! Congratulations! Hope everything goes fine with Keira. Such a wonderful name too. All good wishes going your way!
  2. Too many to name, but I usually have a few in a rotation. Miles Davis - Kind Of Blue (The best jazz album of all time...of ALL TIME) Peter Gabriel - IV Peter Gabriel - Us Genesis - The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon/A Momentary Lapse Of Reason (tied) Kayo Dot - Choirs Of The Eye (best avant guard metal album ever) Eluvium - When I Live By The Garden and The Sea Frank Zappa - Joe's Garage/Hot Rats/Chunga's Revenge (tied) Kansas - Point Of Know Return/Leftoverture/Monolith (tied) Ozzy Osbourne - No More Tears Portishead - Dummy Porcupine Tree - Fear Of a Blank Planet/In Absentia (tied) Roger Waters - Amused to Death Tony Banks - Seven: A Suite For Orchestra (underrated modern classical, love every track) Tony Banks - A Curious Feeling Steve Hackett - Defector/Voyage of the Acolyte/Spectral Mornings
  3. The only thing has disturbed me is the replaying of 9/11 footage. I'm disgusted that people still have the urge to watch whatever was filmed that day. It doesn't make it any better when MSNBC does that 'As It Happened' special every year on the day.
  4. I'm getting tired of just waking up in the mornings. Nothing but bitching, whining, and stress all day from everyone. Just adding to the fact that I'm freezing my gonads off every night because people don't know how to use the damn thermostat is making it worse. Oh well, at least some relationships have been healed in the past 24 hours. Just wish the school year would finish up quick and I can take my well deserved 4 month summer break.
  5. QUOTE (shaun3701 @ Jan 25 2011, 03:12 PM) QUOTE (Oracle @ Jan 25 2011, 12:31 AM) Possibly lost my best friend who just called my crush 'f***ing stupid'. Mess with the person I love and you get it, but now I'm regretting every single word. so wait, is it a "crush" or are you "in love"? To lose a friend over someone you're just crushing on seems a little silly. Not 'in love' in the sense of being romantically involved. It's more a crush than actual love in the romantic sense. At the moment, I love her as a friend but not as an actual partner. I know it does seem silly, but emotions right now between members of my family are pretty high. Seems that I'm about to explode every time someone talks to me.
  6. Possibly lost my best friend who just called my crush 'f***ing stupid'. Mess with the person I love and you get it, but now I'm regretting every single word.
  7. >open up thread about prog drummers >see that Adrian Belew isn't listed I am shocked TRF. Ok, besides Belew, here's my top list. Gavin Harrison Phil Ehart Neil Peart Nick Mason Phil Collins (at least up to 1980)
  8. Said goodbye to my aunt, who died last Thursday at 39. Was nice to have family members I hadn't seen in a while. Decided to go to the mall out of feeling shitty. Went to FYE and bought the 2010 remaster of 'Pretty Hate Machine' by Nine Inch Nails and the 'Anesthetize' DVD by Porcupine Tree. So I suppose I feel better. At least I had the time to get some comfort food.
  9. Trent Reznor is one of my many gods. You, sir, have received my stamp of approval.
  10. Take a Xanax for nerves and emotional problems Listen to 'Dark Side of the Moon' Have your mind blown to bits.
  11. QUOTE (Mara @ Jan 11 2011, 10:24 PM) In fact, Titanic belongs on a list of "Movies you are ashamed to admit you like". I find it to be more on the list of "Movies with only one interesting nude scene". Seriously, which man has ever gone through Titanic without asking 'When's she show her tits?', because I'd like to meet him for being so patient!
  12. Welcome, alexlifeson-, to TRF!
  13. QUOTE (Mara)Because I hate Mafia - themed stuff. So...does that mean 'Goodfellas' is out of the question?
  14. When you get excited to go to a Marathon gas station. When you instantly think of the 'Oracle' section of '2112' whenever Oracle Software is mentioned (seriously, google it!).
  15. QUOTE (1 of the 7 @ Jan 10 2011, 10:07 PM) Welcome Matt! That's so cool you've already been to your first Rush show! I'll be heading your way for the Toledo show in April and am beyond excited. So what are some of your fave albums/songs? I'm mostly a synth era fan but love it all...I'm also new to being a serious fan and just went to my first show last fall. Enjoy it here and see you around! Favorite album without a doubt is '2112'. Other than that, I'd say 'Grace Under Pressure' and 'Counterparts' rank up in my top five favorite albums. Any Rush song is great to me, I honestly have no bias regarding best song (though I am partial to some songs from the synth era). The show was definitely cool! Got floor tickets to the left of the soundboard and had the best concert experience I could have hoped for. Thanks for the welcomes everyone, hope to get to know you all soon!
  16. QUOTE (CMWriter @ Jan 9 2011, 10:31 PM) QUOTE (PhilCastro @ Jan 9 2011, 09:07 PM) QUOTE (ALifeson85 @ Jan 9 2011, 10:04 PM) THIS pissed me off today. Disgusting. http://www.therightscoop.com/wbc-to-picket...lain-az-victims wow... that's sickening Good God. (No pun intended.) Will they ever stop? They've probably been to my city four or five times, and two of those times I believe were funerals. I really can't stand people like them. Frankly, they sicken me. They're like internet trolls. Except the really dangerous kind. The WBC - trolling so hard it's too obvious. It's absolutely sickening what they do. A reason why I could never see myself following any type of religion. I have nothing against religion at all, but when I see things like this it makes me cringe. Picketing the funeral of a 9 year old girl because it somehow is demanded by God? I'm sorry, but these people are way out of line. As someone said earlier, no one really takes them seriously, but I think there will come a point that they WILL be at the center stage of all events. That won't be pretty. Thing that pissed me off today, it's hard to say really. It's one thing or the other, seemed to be both today. Between being told by a girl I'm interested in that she "needs more time" and my mother threatening to move out, I'm not sure what to pissed at right now.
  17. Time Stand Still for Force Ten Stick It Out for Natural Science Freewill for Nobody's Hero Malignant Narcissism" between Caravan and Neil's solo. Presto for Roll The Bones (shoot me now!)
  18. QUOTE (That One Guy @ Jan 10 2011, 12:58 AM) Commercials? Where? I will say, Colbert Report appearance was sweet. Cause I think Colbert's a badass too. That AND they got the hand of coolness from Stephen himself. I too would like to see these commercials. Didn't see it on first reading of the thread.
  19. Hello all, I'm a new member to TRF. Glad I found this place. It's been hard to find a Rush forum that is incredibly active! A little info on myself: My name is Matt, I'm 16 and have been a Rush fan for as long as I can remember (from my parent's recollection, at least 4 or 5). I was able to see the band for the very first time last year in Columbus and it was one of the best concerts I've ever been too. I live in Ohio where I am home schooled by my parents (well, mostly by myself). I'm the family cynic and, by some accounts, the better debater of most in the family. Can't wait to get into some good spirited discussions with you all. Hope to get to know everyone better as time goes on while we all enjoy good music.
  20. I honestly think it's them getting the recognition they deserve. If you look at how long they've been making music and touring, they've hardly been given a glance. It seems that, ever since the documentary, people are really paying more attention to them. Really makes me proud to be a fan. I don't think it's the end of something. The boys are still able to put out new material almost 40 years into their career and are still actively touring. That says something.
  21. Juno - Wow, pregnant teenage girl, what a new and exciting concept. Yeah, a tad narrow minded, but what's so great about this film? Everyone I've met praises it and I just don't get it. Spaceballs - Way too 80s for me, sorry. That and I'm a Star Wars geek that hates parodies. Kill Bill - I'm a fan of Quentin's directing, especially Pulp Fiction and Inglorious Basterds, but this is just something I can't stand to watch. One of his worse efforts. Any Star Trek movie BEFORE Nemesis - No. Just no. Nemesis was so-so for the most part, but nothing beats the originals. Remakes - Does anyone else notice that Hollywood relies more upon previous ideas than it does on new and fresh ones?
  22. Distant Early Warning The Big Money Mystic Rhythms I was honestly surprised that they didn't bring out DEW or TBM. Those were the two songs I was looking forward to seeing performed. If they happen to play it on this leg of the tour, I'll be kicking myself for not being able to go.
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