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Everything posted by Nate2112

  1. Dude, that was beautiful. I'm 16 and I try to be as mature as I can on the board.
  2. Because we're Rush fans if you think this place is bad you should join a Megadeth board or go to CP Do you have to be a jerk just because you are a Rush fan? I am a hardcore Rush fan, but I am not a jerk... Actually, Rush fans are the 3rd most intense fans of music so far according to the Encyclopedia of Heavy Metal 1. Manowar 2. Insane Clown Posse 3. RUSH 4. Gwar
  3. Because we're Rush fans if you think this place is bad you should join a Megadeth board or go to CP Or go to the Metal Archives forum #ohboy I remember a few years back this member named Can-Utility used to be the biggest online douchebag ever. Used to bully Tick and I. However, that's the interweb for ya. If you would rather, we could say it to each others's faces, but then unnecessary conflict would arise and we wouldn't be the happiest of gentlemen.
  4. I find it funny that the 99% of you guys actually take what Neil writes to heart like it was written by some deity. Neil's just another guy. Yes, he is the drummer of Rush, but honestly, why care so much? It's just a blog! Let him write what he wants! It doesn't impact you. #RandPaul2016 #Freedomofspeech #idontgivearatsasswhatneilpeartsaysbecauseithanoimpactonmylife
  5. Metal is very diverse. You get genres from Glam (Motley Crue, Poison) to Black (Gorgoroth, Mayhem). It varies. But the weirdest thing is that if you have a distorted guitar, your metal as the media presents. I hate when kids dub metal "screamo" because Screamo is derogatory for Metalcore, which isn't really metal, but Hardcore with metal elements. All in all, it depends on how you look at it. Metal Archives, a site I am quite active on, have admins who are VERY biased to what metal is. But metal can be anything. Sunn O))) is Drone/Doom. They're music is essentially experimental droning guitar riffs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ck2kAOtnXE Nest is ambient/folk and they are entirely acoustic and yet they are on metal archives and are deemed "metal" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImPkDCH25LU Same thing with one of my favorite bands of all time! Wardruna: All are deemed "metal" because of their dark atmospheric image. My band, A Perfect Day, is Post Black Metal but it has a feminine, shopaholic atmosphere https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfp1pxSXBcg Metal is biased.
  6. Cool Story Babe, now make me a sandwich Cool Story Bro, Tell it again...you should tell it at parties
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0Qa_YyexTk Full Pale Communion album stream!!
  8. If Rush made an Electronic Dance LP with songs like "Stroke My Thing" and "I think I'm be goin' trippy" Yeah, that would make my day.
  9. Nate2112

    New book on Rush

    Whats wrong with Chris McDonald?
  10. http://i1216.photobucket.com/albums/dd367/Pryce2112/picture070_zps5f219c64.png
  11. You're telling me! I've been on here since 2010 and I'm STILL a Solar Federalist.
  12. I joined this forum when I was 12 years old. I didn't know what a forum was until i was 13 so I joined in and I overreacted when people replied to my posts! Lolz, I met some great people here (Mr. IsNot, Tommy Sawyer, Babycat, USB Connector, danielmclark, Fridge, Pags, Mara, Hatchetaxesaw etc) I've always loved this forum and the people here. I plan on staying as long as the internet doesn't shut down TRF for any reason. I love it here!
  13. http://cdn.someecards.com/someecards/usercards/so-sad-that-was-the-last-pussy-savagegracie-will-ever-get-9fd75.png OMG!!!! Ahahahahahahaha
  14. I can relate to that. Priests from 1976 was just...not so good either
  15. I want no 2112, I want full Cygnus X-1, Jacob's Ladder l, and Xanadu. By-tor would be cool and same with Science but not sure if they will actually do them. Xanadu would be brilliant! I think the R30 version is better than the studio version. What would you say to that as an opener? Mind boggling to think about
  16. Anybody who knows me knows that I like to unleash my feminine side in meterosexual fashions (no pun intended) that's why I shave my legs. I hate body hair sooo much! I shave everywhere. But damn' does it get cold in the winter
  17. I really wish they didn't play 2112 on the next tour. If any epic, play either a bit of Hemispheres or The Camera Eye.
  18. Superconductor is one of my favorite Rush songs :o. Sure, the video is shit but its a great song to begin with.
  19. Seeing how Losing It is my favorite Rush song on a personal level, I would have picked that but New world man gets on my nerves. So;...Xanandu
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