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Presto-a RUSH fan!

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Everything posted by Presto-a RUSH fan!

  1. QUOTE (canadianice @ Apr 11 2012, 08:12 PM) How the hell can you judge anything by a 30 second clip Again? Does it say, do you think HF will be the greatest song of all time? For the love of RUSH? Do you like the CLIP??? Is that so hard?
  2. QUOTE (Presto-digitation @ Apr 11 2012, 08:10 PM) Dig it, but it needs context to love it. If the rest of the song sucks, it won't matter. If the rest of the song is as or even cooler, then it'll be a smash. Well...yeah. The question is...what do you think of that clip? I was just blown away that it was almost a complete runaway love it.
  3. Ok, so I stole the poll idea from RIAB but I wonder what TRF thinks. The overwhelming winner on RIAB is Love It, which I voted for. Love it! 227 89.4% Like it. 24 9.4% It's ok. 2 0.8% Don't like it. 1 0.4% Hate it. 0 0.0% TOTAL VOTES 254 as of 8:04 PM EST So what do you think? And do you think the results will be similar? I predict it will be similar but there will be some haters just because that's what some people do. But ZERO haters out of 254 votes? Could this be the album that old, mid and new fans all embrace?
  4. Pretty sure the day CA comes out as soon as stores open, or really 2 or 3 days before when people who work at music stores get there hands on it and it leaks...that will be a busy day. Record breaking...I have no idea what that is so who knows...people hearing all of CA...yeah...that might be the day a record gets broken, IMO.
  5. Edited because I'm stupid and quoted the wrong post
  6. If I was gonna rip on RUSH for one thing, it would be RUSH.com. It looks AMAZINGLY cool. But has one bit of any of the news we have gotten come from RUSH.com? Even the little video refers back to RUSH.com and you go there and nothing. I don't really care because I know with TRF and RIAB as well as the other RUSH sites, you find out quick. But lately, you want new RUSH news...go ANYWHERE else but RUSH.com. Granted it says coming this June...RUSH.com on the clip, but wouldn't RUSH prefer people having to go to their website to see the clip? But we find out about the album cover, the track list AND the 30 sec clip from Billboard.com? I don't know...I'm not bitching about it...it just makes NO sense to me. Wouldn't you want to find out anything about RUSH from RUSH.com? Because lately, the last place I check for RUSH info is RUSH.com. Maybe it's some marketing reason that I just don't get, like have all the info "leak" out to other sources, but not "confirm" it on the official site to create a buzz???? I don't know...but it sure doesn't make much sense to me.
  7. Wow!!!! Could it be? Could RUSH put out an album that almost all the fans will enjoy? That clip to me sounded AMAZING! Granted, like someone pointed out...it's just a clip, but I like what I have heard so far...all 30 seconds of it! April 19th can't get here fast enough!!! I was initially annoyed that they would "most likely" release the radio edit for sale, then hold out the album version...but right now, I don't care how they do it! And with a price of $19 on Amazon for the album, it's leading me to believe this is gonna be 2 discs!!!!!!!!!!!!! (although it does say in the description "Number of Discs: 1", but Amazon often does this when they don't have all the info....so hopefully 2 discs!!!) I can't wait! PLEASE SOMEONE JUST LEAK THE FREAKING THING ALREADY!
  8. QUOTE (GeminiRising79 @ Apr 10 2012, 08:32 PM) Nice sketch, but it looks like Geddy has hepatitis. Maybe u should've sketched Keith "Jaundice" Richards instead
  9. Damn that's great!! It almost looks like you took a photo and Photoshopped it! You are talented!!!! You need to do Alex and Neil now! Get to it!
  10. So I saw all 3 of the Swedish versions of this series already. They all jumped into my top 30 films (I'm just guessing on the number there) of all time. Now today I received the rental copy from Netflix of the American version. I pull it out of the sleeve and it literally looks like a DVD-R that someone took a magic marker and wrote "The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo" on. It looked so real, and when I say real, I mean fake, that I was like "holy shit, either they ran out of copies and started burning them or someone ripped Netflix off." The giveaway is the "Rated R" in the actual printing on the DVD. But it's a pretty amazing job and while I was 99.9% sure that this was legit and I figured I could just Google it, I decided to just call Netflix since they have the best customer service I have ever experienced from any company on the face of this planet. I mean that, BTW. Longest I've ever waited, 2 mins. You speak to someone from America, and no offense to other nationalities, but I hate when I call some customer service and talk to "Doug" with a heavy Indian accent who I can't understand a word "Doug" is saying. So anyway, since it's so easy to call them and quick, I just called and confirmed, this is a real disc and then I asked is this really how it was printed, or did you just get a batch without the title on it and have to improvise? It looks that...real...er fake. He said they have gotten deluged with calls from people saying "you guys sent me a burned DVD-R or someone ripped you off". I of course prefaced my question with..."I'm 99.9% sure this is just great marketing to make the DVD look like a burned copy to go with the idea of the movie...BUT..." Anyway, if you haven't seen the actual DVD here is a pic of it. Pretty cool marketing: http://media.tecca.com/2012/03/21/ran-630-gwtdt-disc-news-head-630w.jpg
  11. QUOTE (Union 5-3992 @ Apr 6 2012, 06:32 PM) You don't have to buy the radio edit. Because it will be on Youtube of course! I know, but of course I'd want it on my mp3 player, computer and burned to CD. It's just getting annoying at this point. And I have been one to say "hey, let them do their thing (RR), RUSH deserves this". But making the fans, which I damn well know I will drop the $ for the "radio edit" and then buy the album, is just is annoying. I'd rather them not have released the radio edit for sale, just let it be out there for people to put on youtube. But to have a shitty edited version for sale? Then again, some idiots who only have an attention span of 4 mins will probably only want the radio edit. If they downloaded the song and it was 7 mins long, they'd be "what's all this drumming and solo stuff". Oh well. It just pissed me off for a second. I know I'll end up buying it and I think that is what pisses me off.
  12. I have been gladly putting up with the marketing of CA by Roadrunner records until I read this on RIAB " It sounds like only the radio-edit will be available for digital purchase until the album itself is released." Are you f***ing kidding me? We have to buy a shitty edited down version then wait for the album to buy the album version? I mean I'm not buying it, I will just let one someone else buy it and post it online then listen to it. But to want us to buy the edited version THEN buy the long version on the album? That kinda annoys the shit out of me. For some reason it didn't bother me as much after I thought about it that we would hear the radio edit, then have to wait for the album for the real song, but to make the radio edit available so we will all want to buy it just to have it, then get the original version. I think they are going overboard on this. I would think it would be reasonable to have the radio edit out their, but don't sell it. Enough people will record it and leak it out to us. But to sell the f***ing radio edit? f**k off RR.
  13. Just saw the trailer on Tosh.0 and it looks pretty good. I have gotten out of Superhero movies lately, although I usually end up seeing them and thinking they are ok, but I'm excited about this one after seeing trailer.
  14. Anyone who watched Tosh.0 tonight, I don't think this is a spoiler if you haven't seen it but...I "That was disgusting...I hate tea" EDITED TO ADD: How is this thread only 2 pages long and why have I not posted here...I don't think I have before!! This is the one show I watch every Tues, if I am available right after it completes taping! Have to FF thru commercials!! Although, they did show an Avengers commercial that I watched which looked pretty cool!
  15. From the Trans-Siberian Rail Road episode When asked what super hero Karl wanted to be...Bullshit man!!! I'm paraphrasing: "When there's a meeting going on and people are talking bullshit, I'd just fly in and say 'That's bullshit!'" I could watch and listen to Karl Pilkington all day!!!
  16. Just saw the Mount Fuji episode. I haven't laughed that hard in a long while. Every part of that episode was incredibly funny!
  17. QUOTE (KenJennings @ Apr 2 2012, 12:38 PM)So I said; "Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch, this show is pretty funny!" You hit it right there....that is why I like it. That skit your pulling that from can be related to by any man who has ever been married! Here it is: These guys are both smart and the humor is usually smart. Sometimes they miss the mark, but alot of times they hit it. I loved the bit they did about Obama wanting to teach his daughter how to do things like drive and go to the ATM. They showed him in different situations thru out the show. Here is part one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naUFIUZ2Ryc I can't find the ATM bit and I wish I could because I know some people will think "Oh, just black guys pointing out the injustices of racist white America" But in the other bit, he is at an ATM and there is a line of other black people behind him, and trust me, they make just as much fun of black people as they do of white people. The bottom line is they find the humanity that makes any situation funny and hit on it, whether it bags on black or white America and most the time, it's funny. Here is one other one I saw when I was looking for the ATM bit and I thought it was a great take on reality TV. They cut it short, which left out a few funny lines but it's still pretty good. One more that is pretty funny and touches on "racism" but done smartly and hilarious, IMO.
  18. Absolutely the best album ever, not only by RUSH, but by any band in the history of this planet or any other! CA will go Quadruple Platinum, in fact they will have to make a new category for it alltogether, and it will break every record (pun intended) in sales for every thing, not just music, but sales of any single item in the history of mankind! You know how people say I need a Kleenex when they need a Tissue? 25 years from now people will be saying, I'm going to buy a Clockwork Angels when they are in their virtual pods about to purchase a 12 song group of music from one band! Clockwork Angels will just be synonomous with buying an album from anyone! Or it could just be middle of the pack.
  19. I have been letting this show stack up on my DVR all season. I like to do that with shows I like alot, but that I can live without seeing every week. Then it's a better experience to watch it back to back to back. Well I have 4 episodes until I am caught up and what a great season so far! I love the intertwining story lines and the new villain Robert Quarles played by Neal McDonough is just great. Well one of the many villains. He is usually good in anything he is in, it's this guy: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Neal_McDonough_2009.jpg/220px-Neal_McDonough_2009.jpg I just wonder what The Walking Dead would be if they had writers like the ones from Justified, Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Hell On Wheels, basically all the FX and AMC shows. I know I've been known to about TWD's writers and the show is getting better, but just imagine if it had the writing that most the other FX and AMC dramas have.
  20. QUOTE (Presto-digitation @ Mar 31 2012, 09:33 AM) Some funny skits, others not so. I like Tosh.0 better. It's edgier. I love Tosh.0 and K&P is not comparable, two completely different types of shows. I definitely prefer Tosh.0 but I figured Key & Peele would be terrible from the commercials I saw. But when I watched it (after Tosh.0), I actually enjoyed it. One thing I like is even though they are black every thing isn't based around race. Meaning it's not made for a black audience, it's made for any audience. Alot of times a show with black comedians is geared for a black audience and alot of the humor goes over my head. But these guys are pretty smart and even when the poke at the race issue, they do it smartly and more importantly, it's funny. Key & Peele is a skit show, kinda like Mr Show used to be. It's not on a Mr. Show level by any means, but I find that more times than not I like the skits and think they are very creative and not just sticking to trying to attract a black audience. I like it. I always tape it and watch it after Tosh.0. BTW, Tosh.0 is unbelievably funny! How he gets away with alot of that stuff is amazing!
  21. Season 3 of "Louie", Louis CK's show is premiering on June 28th! (along with Wilfred) Can't wait!
  22. I just saw the commercial for Wilfred season 2 on June 28th! Can't wait! "Louie", Louis CK's show is premiering the same day!
  23. QUOTE (1-0-0-1-0-0-1 @ Apr 2 2012, 01:57 AM) QUOTE (JohnnyBlaze @ Apr 2 2012, 01:19 AM) QUOTE (danielmclark @ Apr 2 2012, 02:05 PM) QUOTE (eshine @ Apr 1 2012, 08:40 PM) Why wouldn't we, as fans, want Rush to be given proper marketing and attention? Why are some of you guys almost demanding that the track be released, as if it is owed to us lol? I love the fact that Roadrunner is building the hype and keeping us in suspense - even if it is only for the die-hards. Who cares? In this day of leaked songs, instant gratification and I WANT IT NOW mentality - I wholeheartedly welcome a slow tease build-up to the new material. It's all part of the fun. This. 100%, this. Yeah, I agree with this too. Accept this: many people are greedy and impatient. But if this excitement/hype/whatever helps to give Rush the incentive to keep generating albums & tours, then I don't mind. I'll hear the songs whenever they're released. There's something old school about hearing the single early, then hearing the rest of the songs when I have the album in my hand. Like the pre-internet days. I really want to do it this way and plan on it...I think...but if songs start getting leaked...it's gonna be hard to not click that link!
  24. QUOTE (rushgoober @ Apr 1 2012, 10:09 AM) QUOTE (farcryoverspilledmilk @ Apr 1 2012, 02:28 AM) I would say it is their strongest song writing since Presto OUCH! Sorry, NOT Rush's finest songwriting right there. Anyway, that assessment, like all the others we've heard so far, is just one person's opinion. While I'm glad they have a marketing team working and giving Rush the push they deserve and haven't gotten for a long time, I fear it will make precious little if any difference in terms of album sales or concert sales. The only people who are drooling over all the secrecy, the leak of a "listening party," etc., are the hardcore fans who'd be buying the album regardless (hint: if you're reading this, you're who i'm talking about. ). Regardless, cloak and dagger nonsense aside, new Rush coming soon... While I agree with your statement that it won't make much difference in album sales in the end, at least RR is working hard for the band. But... Think about it. Normally, a RUSH release is only news to "us". What RR is trying to do on the tide of BTLS and the TMT, two things that have brought RUSH to as close to the "public eye" as they have been since I've been a fan, all those "new" or "casual" fans who maybe saw BTLS on VH1 or went to the TMT because of the hype of hearing MP, may NOW decide, "what the heck, I will check out this new album". Maybe it won't translate into a huge selling album, in fact it probably won't. I think it will be huge as far as RUSH albums go, but as far as being huge in the music industry, odds are it won't. But I say good for RR and for them maximizing the excitement. Just the hubbub on Twitter and Facebook from the Headlong Flight blurbs at least the general public may have heard about HF. Normally, the only ones hearing about it would be us. So I say good for RR, glad they are working hard for RUSH and if it translates into more records sold in the first week and jumps them up the charts...and if CA is great, who knows, maybe this will sell alot. I think taking the old RUSH release approach for 3 guys who work hard at their craft and at this stage of their career is a disservice to them, as they deserve the best marketing push they can get. And who knows, it just might work. Again, to save some of you the time, it probably won't work, but why blame RR or RUSH for trying, and again, if they can somehow get it to appeal to the younger generation of music listeners, like alot of us were when RUSH appealed to us, but with this being the internet age, who knows, maybe they will sell a ton of albums. I don't blame them for trying! The only bad thing is I want to hear HF NOW!
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