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About crushtopher

  • Birthday 04/22/1966

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  • Number of Rush Concerts Attended
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    Grateful dead,Pink Floyd, Allman bros, Zeppelin, Phish,hot tuna,the band,dylan,gov`t mule,widespread panic,neil young,moe,and many many more

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  1. Yeah just like you i have been telling people bout Rush forever. Now it seems people who ordinarilly would dismiss the band go instead, and sing their praises after all is said and done. I have been a fan for so long now and got to meet Geddy one time in 85 ......wish i wasn`t drunk at the time, but i was just being a dumb kid then. Hope Rush has some more albums in the future . Clockwork to me was the best album since Moving Pictures. There were great albums in between, but Clockwork is epic like MP. I got really lucky to land those tickets that day. Im going lawn again for Spac, but im hoping for another miracle. I know alot of fans that hated when the played the cover tunes but to me The Seeker live was awesome. Wish they`d throw that back in the set.
  2. Been front row lots of times in the 80`s but nothing topped the tickets i scored the day before at Spac for the Vapor trails tour. Front row right in front of Geddy in the orchestra pit. I was actually in front of people who were writing and taken professional pictures for newspapers and Magazines. It was awesome. Me and the guy behind me were struggling for a shirt Geddy shot our way. Then it started to rip, and he said," C`mon man i came all the way from Florida with my wife for the show". I said go ahead man its yours. I only traveled an hour and a half for the show, and scored these tickets yesterday. I originally had lawn i gave those tickets to a couple of friends. Spac was packed to the hilt that night . It was amazing to look back and see all the people. Next week i`ll be there again. Unfortuantely, i doubt very highly my tickets will be upgraded ,but hey it is concert 36 and im psyched just to go. :codger: Rush Rocks!
  3. First off lets just admit that this will never happen. I thought he wanted a list of songs rarely or never played in a set. My bad, sorry Net Boy. The way i see it is we will never hear alot of songs in the catalog, but Net Boy you are a total ass to attack me for what i did write. I was making suggestions that is all. How can a band not sound perfect on every tour when at least 10 or more songs are in the bag. For me..... it after 36 shows ,it wears on me. Sorry, I said anything about Tom Sawyer.....wasn`t trying to ruffle feathers, but it appears Net Boy had a problem with my post. My apologies to all you Rush fans , I became a Rush fan because i liked more than a handful of songs. To some they probably would not go if those songs were not in the set list. So make an argument why i should buy another DVD of a tour that contains pretty much 50% of what is on ever other DVD.
  4. Not only Xanadu, but Half the World was played on the Test for Echo tour ;) Wow your right that was what 1996? 16 years ago.....on one tour they played it? When was the last tour they played Tom Sawyer? Oh wait a minute ....i have seen them 36 times .....and if i recall correctly they played it all 36 times i saw them....and it is on every DVD concert and Vhs since Exit Stage Left. Great song .....heard it enough. Please put this one to rest the next leg. Not being a hater, but if they do play it again which odds are they will , Wake me up when its over. I would much rather hear them play the cover of the Whos The Seeker. I know some hated it when they did ,but i thought they ripped it up, and it was a great tribute to a great band.
  5. Half the World Peaceable Kingdom Cut to the chase Sweet Miracle Alien Shore Chain Lightning We hold on Available Light Xanadu (know its been played but damn its been a long time) Losing it
  6. to apetersvt , Thankyou for placing the set list and who played. Where you there? I hope you were because it was something very special. The love for Levon filled that room! I will never forget it.,nor will those that experienced it.
  7. Cut to the chase. Wish they would swap force ten for this song .
  8. This show was absolutely amazing start to finish. Just kept coming at you. At least for myself, i rate it as the very best concert i have attended. From what i understand ,and from observation, they filmed this whole night . I very much look forward to the DVD. Great tribute to a great man , Levon was one special person . Glad i got to see him perform multiple times before he passed.
  9. Thanks man , Least someone can appreciate it. Can`t even sleep. This is gonna be incredible. I placed this up because I know that it will be a great show and i figured if anybody is near thay neck of the woods i wouldnt want them tto miss it. Think they might even be filming it for DVD not sure . I`ll i do know is Levons band themselves are absolutely great.Then you got all those people playing tribute to. One amazing show!
  10. I don`t know if anybody here knows who Levon Helm was, or the Band, but i am a big fan . Tomorrow night there is a special concert at the Izod center in East Rutherford in honor of the Legend . He was an amazing musician . Anyway the lineup of performers is absolutely amazing. Joe Walsh(Eagles), Ray Lamontaine, John Mayer , Mavis Staples, Mike Gordon (Phish), Jakob Dylan, Roger Waters( Yeah thee Roger freaking Waters), Lucinda Williams, John Prine, David Bromberg ,Warren Haynes,Greg Allman. Tedeschi and Trucks, Robert Randolph,Bruce Hornsby,Jakob Dylan,Eric Church, Dierks Bently,Members of the Levon Helm Band, and many more special guests yet to be announced. So i realize this is not a progressive band type thing, but if anyone wants to take part of the Concert (i believe of the Decade) . You might want to buy a ticket. I personally believe this concert will be talked about for years to come. Any way i am there . The concert is tomorrow night and they still have tickets. Look it upo on line if you live in the city make it out this is one for the ages .
  11. Obviously you have never heard Otiel Burbidge play the bass.
  12. I would eliminate these songs from the set list. Subdivisions, Big Money,Force Ten, Body Electric,Tom Sawyer , and replace with Xanudu, Peaceable Kingdom,The Larger Bowl,Half the world, Play the entire Clockwork Angels start to finish like they did with moving pictures . Go back to the one solid Drum solo. Just my thought that all.
  13. Seen them several times. Great band , Grace is total eye candy. Her voice is remarkable, but she can back it up with great musicianship also. If you get a chance to see them i would strongly urge you to check them out.
  14. I believe the Garden represents the beginning of a family. "To nurture and protect" to me ....thats what i take it as. Perhaps it is a reflection of what Neil went through and where he stands now with a newborn in his life. Just a thought. Maybe i`m way off...... maybe im right on target. It is a beautiful song with great lyrics .
  15. The strings will only make the music more powerful. I am really looking forward to seeing this tour. They will not take away from Rush at all. Seriously it will be amazing you will see and hear for yourself.
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