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My house is haunted!

Freddy Lee

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Wait, you got rid of Julie but something happened at your mom's house? Am I reading the post correctly?


If I am, this event at your mom's house may be a different spirit. While it's not unheard of for a ghost to attach itself to someone and follow them to other places, most ghosts usually stay put in the same spot. Don't be so sure that what happened is Julie. It might be a different ghost.

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Wait, you got rid of Julie but something happened at your mom's house? Am I reading the post correctly?


If I am, this event at your mom's house may be a different spirit. While it's not unheard of for a ghost to attach itself to someone and follow them to other places, most ghosts usually stay put in the same spot. Don't be so sure that what happened is Julie. It might be a different ghost.

Oh. F**k. Me. I totally forgot about that. So, shit. Now what do I do? Actually, I don't live there anymore. So I don't have much to work with here. Oh well. I guess my mom'll figure something out. I mean I haven't heard much from her. So, I guess something might've just happened. Or is it me? Or...Christ. You know what? I'll figure it out on another day. For now: back to homework.

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My good lord!!! The poltergeist is back peoples!!! Julie's back!!! Oh Lord Jesus!!!


And I found the thread! Yay! Okay, so I haven't been updating this yet since I moved. But, let me explain. I spent the Christmas vacation at my moms this year. And I figure I spend the last night there before I leave. So I did. I haven't heard any major problems with her since I left til tonight. And boy howdy, she's pissed. I think anyway. I went to sleep in my old bedroom and I hear something. I figure it's just her messing around or my mom watching tv or something. So I go back to sleep. And then, I hear some sort of collapse. So I come out of my room, and my mom and sister come too, and...wait for it...THE KITCHEN'S A MESS!!! Pots, pans, broken glass, plates, on the floor, cabinets open, etcetra. Mom said this never happened before. So, what the hell is going on?!?!


PS I don't have the EVP anymore, my friend does, and he's in California.





Fab4ForLife62 3 months ago


How come there's never a ghost that cleans house? Now, that would be cool.


:laughing guy:

That vid...basically what happened.

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K, my experience happened at the end of the '60s, literally 'summer of '69' (Bryan Adams wasn't there). My Uncle, my Dad's Older brother, had a lot of property and houses on what is now University of Michigan Campus, and he'd just sold one of his 'turn of the century' (1890- 1900s) houses to the U of M, which turned the spot into a parking structure. I was in the second story of the house, and was looking out the window in a walk in closet, really a small room built into a closet, and suddenly, I got REALLY COLD. the hairs on the back of my neck stood STRAIGHT UP, and as I turned around, I saw a wispy blur in front of me which dissipated almost immediately! It was early evening, about 7:00 pm, still light out, and I RACED downstairs into the Kitchen where everyone else was, and didn't hide my terror very well. They asked me what had happened, and told me a person had died upstairs in the house, and I thought I'd seen that person's spirit. They said, yes, it had been seen before just as I descibed it...and LAUGHED at my terror.....I left that house after that, and luckily it was torn down a few weeks later.....never seen anything since though I've had the 'cold' feeling and 'presence' feeling again.....never heard anything that I can remember....wow
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This is just bullshit... there is no such thing as ghosts...


You know not of what you speak. And you won't, until you experience it. And, if you never experience it, I feel sorry for you. It is life changing when you do. You realize there is more than what you can see around us.


That would creep me out for good. :LOL:


I'd appreciate that, myself! LOL

Edited by OldRUSHfan
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