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Tony I. lost to some Synyster Gates guy


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Both are equally talented musicians in my eyes.


You realize we're talking about Tony Iommi and the guitar player from Avenged Sevenfold right? Iommi is the heavy riff master and the creator of the "heavy" in the genre of heavy metal. He is the riff lord and stands far above everyone else. Especially when we're talking about the guitar player from Avenged Sevenfold who comes up with the cheesiest metal riffs known to man. The day that guy plays an original guitar lick is the day the world ends.

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Both are equally talented musicians in my eyes.


You realize we're talking about Tony Iommi and the guitar player from Avenged Sevenfold right? Iommi is the heavy riff master and the creator of the "heavy" in the genre of heavy metal. He is the riff lord and stands far above everyone else. Especially when we're talking about the guitar player from Avenged Sevenfold who comes up with the cheesiest metal riffs known to man. The day that guy plays an original guitar lick is the day the world ends.


Yep, I realize who they both are. I like Gates' playing, I am an A7x fan. I don't necessarily LOVE them, but I enjoy their stuff.

I just think for the music his band plays, Gates does it well and is talented. Iommi, well, yeah he's a legend lol.

It's just an internet guitar voting contest, man.

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Both are equally talented musicians in my eyes.


You realize we're talking about Tony Iommi and the guitar player from Avenged Sevenfold right? Iommi is the heavy riff master and the creator of the "heavy" in the genre of heavy metal. He is the riff lord and stands far above everyone else. Especially when we're talking about the guitar player from Avenged Sevenfold who comes up with the cheesiest metal riffs known to man. The day that guy plays an original guitar lick is the day the world ends.


Yep, I realize who they both are. I like Gates' playing, I am an A7x fan. I don't necessarily LOVE them, but I enjoy their stuff.

I just think for the music his band plays, Gates does it well and is talented. Iommi, well, yeah he's a legend lol.

It's just an internet guitar voting contest, man.


Yeah, I know it's just an internet guitar voting contest, that's not what I was taking issue with. You saying they're both equally as talented is more disturbing than who won the vote. I have no problem if you like Avenged Sevenfold but I've always thought that musically they sound like generic, unoriginal metal. Every riff I've heard from the band has been done better by someone else before.

Edited by J2112YYZ
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however I get what hobo's saying, they are equally talented in the sense that both are perfect at what they do...iommi is perfect at his style, and synyster gates is perfect at ripping off maiden and metallica and sounding like shit.
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Both are equally talented musicians in my eyes.


You realize we're talking about Tony Iommi and the guitar player from Avenged Sevenfold right? Iommi is the heavy riff master and the creator of the "heavy" in the genre of heavy metal. He is the riff lord and stands far above everyone else. Especially when we're talking about the guitar player from Avenged Sevenfold who comes up with the cheesiest metal riffs known to man. The day that guy plays an original guitar lick is the day the world ends.


Yep, I realize who they both are. I like Gates' playing, I am an A7x fan. I don't necessarily LOVE them, but I enjoy their stuff.

I just think for the music his band plays, Gates does it well and is talented. Iommi, well, yeah he's a legend lol.

It's just an internet guitar voting contest, man.


Yeah, I know it's just an internet guitar voting contest, that's not what I was taking issue with. You saying they're both equally as talented is more disturbing than who won the vote. I have no problem if you like Avenged Sevenfold but I've always thought that musically they sound like generic, unoriginal metal. Every riff I've heard from the band has been done better by someone else before.


Agree to disagree. I just happen to think he is very talented. I'm not a huge Sabbath fan and I know for sure I'm in the minority with that, and it's all good. :)

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damn, you gave up easily. tell us to f**k off or something!


hahaha ok- F*CK OFF, YA WORTHLESS tw** WAFFLES!!! How's that? ;)


lol I just join in music conversations for fun, appreciate all opinions and don't see a need to get truly riled up :D plus you're all my friends- why would I want to piss you off?? I couldn't live with myself if I did!!



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