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Tampa Show

The Sphere

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I was there with my best buddies from High School! Dead center just in front of the lawn. I took some great pics thanks to a 10X zoom. I will be posting them tonight. This was easily one of the best shows I have attended. They guys were energetic and clearly having fun. Musically it was one of the best I have seen as well. It made the night one to remember! Fantastic light show and the use of the video screens was excellent! Man, I wish I could do it all over again tonight!


1022.gif 2.gif 1022.gif

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I was there, section 8 Row B, rockin out! Tampa was awesome, maybe just a hair better than West Palm Beach. I took some photos, will post later...
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I was there with Merleti (good to meet you and the Mrs.!), in Section 15, Row N. I'm glad I brought my binoculars. The people behind were talking too much. Loved the show though. Great energy. Great sound. I love their sense of humor, though it's R-rated now, which is fine with me. I liked the one more definition of Moving Pictures (ptichers? - from the video). I think they could have made better use of the video screens on either side of the drum set. The ones on the right were clocks moving at different speeds and directions. The ones on the left looked like the washing machines from previous tours. Good stuff, but they could have done more with them. I did see quite a few kids there with their parents.


Highlights for me:

--The Camera Eye (finally!, even if it was 1 bar short, which I didn't notice)

--Presto (first time played on tour, if Wikipedia is correct)

--The first 1/3 of Working Man done in raggae, with a mini-jam towards the end


What I didn't like:

--It was only 3 hours! It could have been so much longer.

--I don't hate Snakes and Arrows, but 3 songs was too many. I know, they tried to promote their most recent complete work, and probably like the music more. But still.

--Still waiting to hear The Fountain of Lamneth. I know, that'll likely never happen. There was that one tour where they played the complete A-side of 2112 (the whole 2112 song). So there's hope.


OK, so those aren't real complaints. It's all I had applaudit.gif .

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