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Donna Halper to be inducted into Broadcasters Hall of Fame


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Very well deserved indeed. Donna is a legend, and not just for playing Working Man.

One correction from the article.  Donna didn't /discover/ Rush.  But she made sure to play the record and support the band, after Bob Roper sent her a copy of the first album.


Not taking anything away from Donna - just making that one important correction.

Edited by grep
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Thank you, grep - and OneZeroZero, for posting this - I can't believe there are not more replies!

I saw this today and felt (almost) embarrassed at the lack of response, just able to spend some forum time, now.


Yes, small details aside, but she has been with the band in one way or another since the "start". They dedicated the first two albums to her :heart:

Living up in Canada, I always wished there was a Canadian counterpart to Donna, can anybody think of such a person? 


Congratulations to her!!!!

So very much deserved.


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