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USB Connector

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Everything posted by USB Connector

  1. Not pissed, just a bit bummed out and I don't feel that these kinds of topics deserve their own threads. The actor who played Egon in Ghostbusters is dead. :(
  2. Turns out I was a lot further than suspected. I'm at the second to last episode of season 4. (spoilers below) What an awesome conclusion. I guess they ended the shadow war an episode or two faster than they should have to give enough time for the Earth war, which was flawlessly executed. I would have been okay with Garabaldi being killed after he learned the truth but then we wouldn't have gotten those hilarious scenes while he was looking for Lise. It's pretty obvious that they thought this was the last season. There's really no reason to have another one and having planned for another 25 episodes feels like it would have been too spread out.
  3. It's like watching a caterpillar trying to emerge from its' cocoon...or the factory tried to cram a tube and a half's worth of toothpaste into a single tube. EDIT: typo....cram, not crap.
  4. When I was a kid we had a channel that showed older shows all day long. Next to Gilligan's Island this was my favourite.
  5. So much gloomy weather can turn you into a really cold person.
  6. Dave's wife threw him out after he suggested she get a snowjob.
  7. Shuffling all of the songs in my library: Blackbird - The Beatles Dream on - Aerosmith Mute City theme - F-Zero X soundtrack Garden of Eden - Guns 'N Roses Near Wild Heaven - REM In The Evening - Led Zeppelin Corneria - Super Smash Bros Brawl soundtrack Gangnam Style - PSY (shutup...I like it...) When the Weight Comes Down - The Tragically Hip Duncan Hills Coffee Jingle - Dethklok This is basically why I have a master playlist that excludes the songs I don't normally want to hear. :P
  8. I'm midway through season 4 now. There was a bit of a slump when the shadow war ended. I'm disappointed with what they're doing with Garabaldi but I can't argue that they're using him well and the plot is still great. Is it just me or did the shadow war end really, really quickly? There was all this buildup, the two fleets met and almost nothing happened.
  9. This is one of the reasons why I preferred DS9 to the other Trek series. It portrays the federation as imperfect, corruptible, and is quick to tell you that everything you've seen in the other series has been perfect because all you saw was the flagship and the innermost buddy circle of the human-vulcan alliances. Of course the flagship has to be perfect. It didn't go to the lengths Babylon 5 did, but it didn't stick with the idea of, to quote Gene Roddenberry "a sort of united nations that works" presented in the other series.
  10. The first trailer is out. Marvel is finally branching into lesser known series and it looks decent. http://youtu.be/pTZ2Tp9yXyM Looks like a mix of firefly of the avengers almost. I'm a bit disappointed that we don't hear Rocket talk at all in the trailer. Let the speculation and hype begin! My guess is that since we see the collector in the trailer, it will have something to do with another gem of power (or more), which will no doubt further set the stage for the Avengers 3 (Joss confirmed that Thanos won't be in Avengers 2, so my assumption is that infinity gauntlet will be the premise behind Avengers 3 which will close off the marvel cinematic universe -- or at least this incarnation of it).
  11. If you ever take from Don Whiskers' catnip again, you'll be spending a night with the dog.
  12. New page repost http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lz5809UGbJ1qhsuv2o1_500.jpg
  13. I loved the sound of Neil's Red Tamas. His new kits look amazing but don't sound anywhere near as good. I still like the sound coming out of them for the most part. I can't imagine the anarchist sounding as awesome on the Tama kit.
  14. pic reposted for new page http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v712/ghostofarider1/Caption%20a%20Random%20Image%20IV/325_zps7d642f4b.jpg
  15. "I can't wait to see Bessie's face when she realizes she was born without teats!"
  16. A nice amount of snow fell today. I love seeing the city with a few inches on the ground and a blanket of fresh powder on everything. It's so nice.
  17. Trooper 1: "I'm telling you, this is clearly Hoth. Just look at all of the snow!" Trooper 2: "Have you looked at the coordinates? We're at least a dozen systems away!" Trooper 1: "Look, there's a vehicle moving towards us. It must be a rebel." Trooper 2: "Charge weapons! Prepare to fire!"
  18. After building a device that can control the fabric of reality, the US military needed something to spend the budget on to avoid budget cuts for the following year.
  19. J'Kar's monologue at the end of Season 3 is also excellent.
  20. Former Euphonium player checking in. Do not let your dedication to the cause waver.
  21. I see Star Wars VII will be similar to star trek IV, except this time the troopers take an AT-AT back through time.
  22. D&D/Tabletop games Science Fiction comic books Formerly, (for the brief period it took me to realize a heroin addiction would be cheaper): Warhammer 40 000 Robotics (you'd be surprised how easy this is to get into financially and knowledge wise) Video games. Now more than ever I'm into strategy games ranging from mindless DPS games like Starcraft to grand strategy games like Europa Universalis, Crusader Kings and Civ.
  23. "If you let me wave my magic wand, I'll set your body free" EDIT: typo; wand, not want.
  24. Zumbi: Bootleggin' For his incredible devotion to collecting Rush bootlegs.
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