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Everything posted by snowdog212

  1. I dont think their going to do anything special for Toronto Remember its not a farewell tour so I dont see them making those shows feel like it
  2. There going on mini break dont seeing them changing it up. They want to relax
  3. I think Red Barchetta might be a song about a car I saw the video screen behind them when playing it I'swear I saw a red car on it WTF
  4. or Double Agent Please DA but I doubt it Is it still Central Time Zone?
  5. What if someone sent you a file would you be able to download and watch it on Windows'player?
  6. If you have dial up you can still watch just let the whole song buffer through and watch . I used to have it'and thats the way I watched on youtube
  7. I walk the thin line for you those lyrics just came into my head
  8. I will chill and mind my manners from now on
  9. They will probably drop the monkey buisness for Losing It dont see them dropping Subdivisions
  10. I will post however I like to I dont need an asshat correcting me I am going to start a thread about every song they play tonight Oh by the way they are plying Losing It tonight
  11. They probanly will play The Weapon after seeing the mass exit when they play this gem
  12. They can pick something from Signals better then that
  13. RTB video-So what he put RTB in the thread title this is a spoiler forum dont want to know anything stay out of it That thread title also gives away a song played at the show, does it not? "RTB" is one of the more well-known acronyms in Rush land. Edited.
  14. Hemispheres does sound bad when I first heard it sounde like someone'forgot to'tune'Alexs'guitar
  15. Finally got to see the RTB video rap part was good should have tried to find a female star Rush fan to rap some
  16. They wont play NS and JL back to back. Both songs are pretty long but I would love it
  17. X will stay didnt break out the double necks for every other show deal
  18. Still think some shows will get Nat Sci instead of JL They like to switch it up in Buffalo we shall see
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