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Turbine Freight

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Everything posted by Turbine Freight

  1. Here it is so you don't have to waste your time searching for it. If you get to the dialogue between Mose & Houseman about Oscar Wilde referring to Mose's left leg as a poem and you're still not invested then ditch it. It's just not for you in that case. That's about half an hour in. Good luck!
  2. That's what you,....I mean they, think.
  3. I swear sometimes I just don't know if you're taking the piss or if you're the FBI agent who's monitoring my online activity!
  4. Have you tried The Invention of Love? The BBC Radio 3 drama version is up on YT and it is excellent. If you don't like that then it's fair to say that Stoppard just isn't your bag.
  5. A very happy birthday to you!
  6. Ace is/was cited by many as their premier guitar hero. Dimebag Darrell Paul Gilbert Marty Friedman are just three big hitters I can name off the top of my head.
  7. Absolutely. Might be the last chance before they pack up. Plus you get Uriah Heep & Saxon(with Brian Tatler) into the bargain.
  8. I'll watch this. Compelling if very sad story.
  9. Big fan of Stoppard and Dostoevsky.
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