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Everything posted by Rush-O-Matic

  1. QUOTE (anchorman @ Mar 27 2012, 12:24 PM) http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/549235_2702150408016_1684384557_1832415_1513833821_n.jpg Likes: - aged photo look - 3 buttons, 3 ballons consistent with 3 images in the past for Rush - the idea that the fires burning in the background may have been set by the figure's candle - overall concept is nice Dislikes: - the balloon shapes are too symmetric for a steampunk-y theme - the band name font does not seem to fit with the imagery - watchhead figure is too "front and center"
  2. Could someone explain to me why the album Clockwork Angels keeps getting abbreviated as CWA or CW? How is it not CA? Is Moving Pictures MVP? Is Vapor Trails VPT? No. Shouldn't the only two word album names that need a third letter be PoW and PeW, to clarify the same PW abbreviation?
  3. QUOTE (treeduck @ Mar 22 2012, 02:51 PM) http://i.imgur.com/deTNu.jpg Now that's a cover I can get behind!
  4. That looks more like the cover from "The Phantom of the Terminator Opera" . . . which I would TOTALLY go see, by the way. Paging James Cameron . . .
  5. I am currently inside. However, I am not sure if it's the inside. It's a lovely day, so I am about to go outside.
  6. QUOTE (danielmclark @ Mar 16 2012, 11:27 AM) QUOTE (Rush-O-Matic @ Mar 16 2012, 09:47 AM) With the listening lunch about a week away, I am surprised this hasn't leaked yet. And, by surprised, I mean, would one of you internet masters find the thing already! Trust me, if it was out there, we'd know. It ain't out there yet. I've got some sources, they're empty at the moment. Empty? You misspelled "useless."
  7. With the listening lunch about a week away, I am surprised this hasn't leaked yet. And, by surprised, I mean, would one of you internet masters find the thing already!
  8. The funny thing is, when the SnA cover came out with that Leela game board, I thought that was a joke. I was astonished when that turned out to be the real thing, instead of Road Snake Baby or the awesome Dock Baby Rainbow of the Far Cry single.
  9. Wear a T-shirt that reads "I was here last week. Where were you?"
  10. QUOTE (drbirdsong @ Apr 4 2011, 04:16 PM)Please tell me someone was taping this show. Okay. Someone was taping this show. as seen here I haven't heard it yet. Long story, but I sold my 17th row single on the street, because a few hours earlier, I bought two 4th row Section 1, inside aisle from Ticketmaster. I took a few crappy pictures with my cell phone as seen here I had a great time! The sound was quite interesting down there. I did not wear earplugs, and my ears weren't even ringing the next day. Overall, the sound was decent, but the mid range stuff was a bit muddy. I especially noticed this during Neil's solo.
  11. QUOTE (Jag2112 @ Jul 5 2010, 06:09 PM) I ordered my copy from the Backstage Club so I didn't have to wait for the boys to hit my are in late July. The book shipped and I expect to have it in hand tomorrow. I'll begin by OCR'ing the text (transcribing it) before working on the images... Hope to have it completed by the end of the week if all goes well and my scanner cooperates By "the end of the week," you mean this afternoon, right?
  12. Isn't this a picture of Neil's kit? (And, the back line for Geddy & Alex?) It's very tiny and low-res, from the new tour book . . . I don't know - just doesn't look like set ups I have seen before. http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/1599/bookjx.jpg
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