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Mr. Not

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Everything posted by Mr. Not

  1. ^ also made it on to Beato’s list a ton of Genesis songs qualify, both Watcher of the Skies and Time Table
  2. Beato's list is pretty good to be honest, it includes Subdivisions while we're on Rush, imagine if the intro to "The Spirit of Radio" was played on a saw keyboard instead of a guitar.. whoa, that'd be one of the best of all time for sure. i checked on youtube to see if anyone had done this, and while i would have sworn otherwise, no one has done this yet.
  3. aw man, David's old myspace photos were scrubbed from the internet Photos from David Disanto (vektonaut) on Myspace
  4. looks like they've been on a Euro tour for these past two months (first tour since 2016) so yeah hopefully a new album on the way
  5. Outer Isolation is great too then all the controversy happened, not sure how many of the allegations are true, but the leaked footage i saw of Disanto 'beating his wife' was one of the most embarrassing things i've ever seen a grown man do. great musician, but what a geek. the real disappointment though is that the band decided to regroup a couple years ago only to release two songs that excited nobody, really boring tracks. hopefully they're working on something more serious.
  6. never listened to it but Alex Lifeson composing songs with flutes out of time sounds avant garde
  7. their latest two albums have been well received so i'd still give them a shot anyway. i've been meaning to give Abyss a second try, but as it stands ive just spammed the title track :P i just watched the first vid you linked and that's a good song too but it didn't "wow" me like Abyss did. the bassist's technique is incredible, i've never seen that kind of fingering used before. i'm probably just burnt out on power metal tbh i think they break out of the power metal mold enough to be a stand-out band, which is something musicians who are still in this genre kind of have to do in order to survive (the subgenre peaked and faded in the 90's and 2000s)
  8. the next time you're arguing with someone and they're clearly more interested in being right than what is true, sign off with a "well, whatever you think then"
  9. Trick or Treat listening through all their work again and discovering some really addicting guitar riffs
  10. I really love this song, but when I tried the full album out i wasn't as impressed.
  11. been thinking about Joe's Garage and Sheik Yerbouti a lot lately haven't been listening to them, but i keep getting certain parts from each randomly popping in my head
  12. cooking some brown rice while chewing nicotine gum (and farting a lot)
  13. twitter has sucked forever and if elon kills it rather than saves it (whether by intention or not) then thatd be even better
  14. maybe at the end of the day, it wasnt that bad after all
  15. the next haken album couldnt come any sooner. they just announced a big show but still no sign of a new album, expecting late 2023 at bestđŸ˜” charles’ solo album is a lot of fun but i prefer richard’s by a long shot. it’s good for ever haken fan to check out both in order to get a better idea of which guitarist contributes what to each song, compositionally
  16. hi im rick beato and as a reminder its pronounced beato
  17. he’d leave her for ninet in a heartbeat, and that’s true love
  18. maybe i'll give it another try. i do like some flaming lips songs, but overall they're a bit too indie for my taste
  19. if only "The Terror" was as good musically as it is conceptually
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