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Everything posted by realomind

  1. Had another Neil-related dream (the best kind! ), just before I woke up this morning. There's not much to it, that I can remember at least. We were in what seemed like an airport, with crowds of people everywhere and long rows of seats like you get in departure lounges, next to the big windows looking out on to where the planes usually are. Neil and I were together, not sure if we were anything more than friends in the dream but there was some flirtiness going on lol. So Neil was off trying to get some things taken care of, navigating the crowds and trying to deal with people that recognised him. Meanwhile i'm sitting on the seats by the windows just watching all of this feeling quite proud that he's actually with me! So eventually he gets done and he comes over and sits down next to me (he's wearing the red,white and black jacket he sometimes has on when he's riding) and leans into me in a sorta playful "i've got a bone to pick with you" kinda way and says "Hey, you didn't vote for me in Best Drummer!" I then proceeded to get a bit flustered after much teasing and then I woke up lol. Felt quite happy with myself though! Pretty random as usual but i'm not complaining.
  2. American Beauty Magnolia Almost Famous I know there's more, just can't think of 'em right now lol.
  3. QUOTE (2112Oracle @ Feb 2 2011, 05:53 AM)QUOTE (HowItIs @ Feb 1 2011, 08:09 PM) QUOTE (CMWriter @ Feb 1 2011, 10:53 AM) I found this whilst lurking around the internet... http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/_/13036719/Rush+70s5.jpg ...Use your imagination. Because sooo many things could be said about this photo. Oh my goodness! Keep going, Lerxst... just a little more! Neil is encouraging him while Geddy is envisioning what we Lerxst Ladies will do once that shirt is completely open! Ah yes, as Lerxst gets attacked by you all, I will save Geddy and take him from the craziness. Because, I'm a caring fangirl like that. As for Neil, I think we'd need a Neil nymph to get Neil from that area. Any volunteers? Gorgeous pic of them three, though. It's a tough gig but i'll rise to the challenge
  4. Congratulations! Wishing all the best for you, Mrs Snowdog & baby Snowdog!
  5. realomind


    QUOTE (ILSnwdog @ Jan 21 2011, 06:33 PM) http://failblog.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/1d4503ba-2b83-4197-893c-d86248b87a37.jpg The worlds gone mad!
  6. QUOTE (HowItIs @ Jan 26 2011, 11:17 PM) QUOTE (realomind @ Jan 26 2011, 12:33 PM)QUOTE (Janie @ Jan 20 2011, 01:33 AM) http://i378.photobucket.com/albums/oo228/LifesonPics/Rush21.jpg OMG!!! Janie! Where did you find such a high resolution of this picture? I've looked all over (clearly not enough) as I'd like to find one that was big enough to get a poster printed. I saw it on the back page of the booklet in the BTLS dvd and have been looking ever since! Is there an even bigger resolution of this somewhere or is this it? (Any help would be so much appreciated, they all look smoking hot in this pic) Well, it's the cover of this book: Contents Under Pressure and it's quite a high resolution. And if you're a Rush fan (who among us isn't?) then it's also a must-have. The pictures alone are worth the price Yeah I'd say i'm a wee bit of a Rush fan Thanks for going to the trouble of including the amazon link, I have the book and it is indeed a must have. I was just hoping there was a high enough quality version of the image out there to stand up to being 'blown up' into a poster. However (and I don't know if the US version of the BTLS dvd booklet is different), there's a fantastic full length version (head to toe) of this picture on the back with a different kind of lighting, that's the version i'd love to find.
  7. QUOTE (Janie @ Jan 20 2011, 01:33 AM) http://i378.photobucket.com/albums/oo228/LifesonPics/Rush21.jpg OMG!!! Janie! Where did you find such a high resolution of this picture? I've looked all over (clearly not enough) as I'd like to find one that was big enough to get a poster printed. I saw it on the back page of the booklet in the BTLS dvd and have been looking ever since! Is there an even bigger resolution of this somewhere or is this it? (Any help would be so much appreciated, they all look smoking hot in this pic)
  8. Was just going to say it's probably whisky related, infact, I opened the thread thinking it was to do with whisky.
  9. QUOTE (Lamelight @ Jan 22 2011, 10:41 PM) You said it sister!
  10. QUOTE (TwentyOneTwelve @ Jan 22 2011, 02:43 PM) I won't riun all the above with a sleezy, Neil in leathers comment... Oh go on, you know you wanna!
  11. Thanks VarianStar and HowItIs for the great pics, VS, that colour shot featuring the very toned calf muscle is a personal fav of mine (used to have it as an avatar). Here's another nice shot from the brilliant Holly Carlyle, I don't think this one appears as much as the others from that collection so hopefully it'll be new to some folks. (If not, what the hell, eh!) http://i53.tinypic.com/52x8xi.jpg
  12. RIP Gerry, you'll be missed
  13. QUOTE (theredtamasrule @ Jan 4 2011, 12:08 AM) He'll always be Kobayashi to me: http://www.gonemovies.com/WWW/WanadooFilms/Misdaad/UsualKobayashi2.jpg This. RIP Pete.
  14. Yes, Happy New Year everyone, here's hoping 2011 will be a great year for us all
  15. QUOTE (yyzena @ Dec 27 2010, 03:20 AM) http://i1031.photobucket.com/albums/y371/Priestess-of-Syrinx/LOL%20Rush/presto-12.jpg hubba hubba Or should that be hubba bubba? Either way he's bloody gorgeous!
  16. I really liked Magnolia a lot actually, one of the few films where I actually like Tom Cruise's character (one of the others being 'Collateral') Also a huge William H. Macy fan, I originally bought this movie because he was in it. Love the soundtrack too.
  17. QUOTE (CMWriter @ Dec 22 2010, 03:14 AM) I'M A PRIME MOVER!!! With this post, I will be, anyways. So my big goal was to save my 500th post for this thread, because it is made of so much win. (Not to mention some pretty smokin' photographs.) And so, on 21/12, at 21:12, I post this. Along with this WIP picture of Pratt. http://www.lugia.us/oekaki2/pictures/OP_1193.png (It's.. uh.. kinda sketchy. I'll update when it's done lol.. But that's all I have so far. D: ) Happy RUSH Day! Neil Peart does, indeed, rule!!! Even Neil himself is happy, behind that ugly watermark. :3 http://i55.tinypic.com/ea4l7n.png Cool drawing CM! And I have to say I am liking that photo of Pratt very much, mmmm digging that naughty look
  18. Happy Rush Day folks! Already posted this in the 2112 sightings thread but 2 of Neil's books that I ordered got delivered today, the significance made me smile
  19. Well today is 21.12... Not so much a sighting but 2 of Neil's books I ordered got delivered today...gave me the warm fuzzies! Happy Rush Day everyone
  20. QUOTE (barney_rebel @ Dec 9 2010, 04:18 AM) Another one http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4119/4794130958_b199d495cc_z.jpg Great pics Barney!
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