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Everything posted by TheBlonde

  1. I used to get my nails done every 2 weeks when I first got married. Since kids though, my hands are in water far too often to actually keep polish on them. My nails grow fairly quickly, so I usually always have long nails (and have no problems typing or even bowling with them). But I usually can't be bothered with polish - clear hardener is about the extent of it. My tootsies OTOH...those see a salon at the very least every other month (love pedicures) with at home pedi's in between. And are always painted. The only time someone would see my bare toenails is when I'm on my way to the salon. Red, bright pink, coral, deep burgundy...even red, white & blue for July 4th and green for St Patrick's Day.
  2. Someone once asked where I saw myself in five years and I responded with "nipped, tucked and better than I look now." But I definitely wouldn't do a Heidi Montag...When I come across someone I haven't seen in a long time, I want to hear "Wow! You look great!" not "Wow, I couldn't even tell that was you!" I would never get facial plastic surgery unless something happened to drastically alter my face. I need to get surgery to correct a deviated septum, but so far I've refused because I don't want to risk altering the shape of my nose. Call me vain but I think I have a very nice nose. I could never do botox or lip injections either...seen far too many pictures of women that end up looking comically hideous after those. And I like being able to show people when I'm happy or pissed off. I do plan on getting the girls lifted eventually, and maybe a little extra filling to even them out because gravity and child-bearing have not been very good friends to me. I do wear supportive bras and the ladies do get a lot of public appreciation. But at the end of the day, my husband still sees them unclothed and - being a man - he's ok with it because they are boobs that he gets to see & touch as much as he wants. But I would like them to be a little closer to my shoulders than to my belly button. I'd like to get a tummy tuck eventually too. I carried both of my children from hip to chin...all belly & boob. That skin just didn't go back to where it was. No amount of exercise will ever get rid of it. And yes, I would like to publicly wear a bikini again before I turn 40. (Need to get started on that since I'm going on 38.) Sometimes I think I'd like to get lipo on my thighs but for the most part I've come to the realization that this Beyonce booty of mine is here to stay. My lower half doesn't thin out from exercise...it builds muscle. My calves are a little on the thick side but they are rocks, not fat. So even if I did get my thighs lipoed, it would look ridiculous with my calves. And because I'm not one of those girls with dainty little ankles, I need to have thicker calves just so that I won't have cankles.
  3. QUOTE (Mara @ Aug 16 2010, 10:53 AM) The only caveat would be if you found a girlfriend who not only hated the band but hated your love for them as well. When it crosses the line into "no, you're not listening to that band when I'm in the car" or worse: "no, I hate Rush and you're not going to the concert because I don't want to go and you aren't going to a concert without me", then there are problems. QUOTE (tick @ Aug 16 2010, 08:56 AM) Not liking Rush is a deal breaker? You might want to rethink that one. I agree with both Mara & Tick whole heartedly. I've been with my husband for 21 years now and he is far from a Rush fan. So far it's worked out just fine. There are some bands that we like as a couple, but for the most part I don't like his taste in music and he doesn't like mine. And it's totally fine because we connect on other levels. And at 17...why are you looking for marriage anyway? Get out there and enjoy your young life.
  4. QUOTE (thing2jordan @ Aug 9 2010, 11:32 AM) QUOTE (Jaye @ Aug 9 2010, 12:06 PM) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v250/Jett_Moonwing/1Subalbum/Geddy744.jpg Love this pic to bits!!!! Me too!!
  5. QUOTE (Jaye @ Jul 23 2010, 08:51 AM) I is back, woohoo! I just got my computer back today, sooner than I expected. See...my suggestion worked! Glad you are back. Though Sir Lerxst did a fine job keeping us from withdrawal.
  6. QUOTE (thing2jordan @ Jul 21 2010, 05:48 PM) http://img375.imageshack.us/img375/3859/timemachine40.jpg Sexiness... Is there room for one more in that chair...?
  7. Yeah, I'm pretty sure he thought "Man those are some crazy chicks over there." He may have even warned Alex about us...which could explain why Alex never came over any farther than center stage. I only got one decent pic of Geddy this close because I ended up fumbling with my camera as soon as he headed over our way. (I know a lot of these are professional but I seriously admire those fans that consistently get great pictures...I certainly couldn't.) I finally just said f**k it and enjoyed the view with my own eyes instead of a view finder. Sorry ladies!
  8. QUOTE (Sir Lerxst @ Jul 20 2010, 08:33 AM) http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp141/Sir_Lerxst/DSC_7261.jpg Me likey!! I got a similar look from him a few times during the show in Sarnia.
  9. I'd have to check my ticket again but I think the Sarnia tix said 7:30 and the show didn't start until after 8 pm. I was getting a little antsy as well, but at the same time, the section I was in wasn't even half filled at 7:30. So maybe that was the delay? Or maybe I just assumed it said 7:30 because that's when every other concert starts. Seems like every Rush show I've been to has started on time, though.
  10. Ah, but see thanks to evolution, progress & technology, excess body hair is no longer a health of safety requirement. Most of us don't live in tents made of animal hide in snowy climates. And body hair has since been proven to provide an ideal environment for unhealthy things.
  11. Noooooo!!!! Hopefully your computer is fixed sooner than expected. Maybe if you told them you were missing out on good Rush pictures & news?!?
  12. QUOTE (Janie @ Jun 23 2010, 06:13 PM) Cushion for the pushin' is porkin' a fatty. This is like, furry for the fury. I tried leg waxing once, didn't find it all that painful but couldn't last for the grow out time for a second treatment. There's no moss on my terrace at all, just a smooth patio. I've been shaving that for many years now and don't think I could last as long as it would take to grow something long enough to wax off. Or rather, my hubby couldn't last that long and since he likes to spend a lot of face time at the patio (sorry if it's TMI), I'm more than willing to keep up with the manual labor.
  13. QUOTE (Rushchick10 @ Jul 10 2010, 01:55 PM) By the way, how did you get front row? I have decent tickets (8th row) for Vegas, but since I will be there by myself I was thinking about trying to scoot up to the front. We shall see, I guess! This show was general admission...when we got inside the gates, it seems like most people with the VIP Licensed tix went on beer or swag runs so we were able to get up at the railing with no problems. We would have been more center stage if we hadn't been sent to a different gate to get in. (Several of us were waiting by the side VIP gate for almost an hour before someone came out and said they weren't opening that gate. ) A couple downsides to the show: we had a group of younger Sarnia kids right behind us, drunk off their behinds, and were only there because they had passes for the whole weekend. The drunk girl kept hanging on my friend & I, talking about how much she couldn't wait for the Black Eyed Peas concert, calling us "you damn Americans think we Canadians have it so easy" and then saying "You girls rock!" Another down side was that we never really got to see Neil at all except on the screen. Sundog: I meant to PM you to see about meeting up. But the last few days before the show was so hectic. And we'd have missed meeting up for dinner/drinks because it took us longer to get through the border than I expected.
  14. Here's my favorite pic from our concert last night. Not zoomed in, he was really this close in front of me. Geddy grinned at my friend & I a few times, especially when we were waving him over. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs051.snc4/34917_443250735819_526420819_5892772_5709085_n.jpg And some others http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs073.ash2/36993_443250375819_526420819_5892755_3750170_n.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs051.snc4/34917_443250745819_526420819_5892774_3360279_n.jpg
  15. My friend from NYC flew in to Detroit to go to the show with me. We had VIP/Licensed tickets and were an hour early for the show. Excellent move on our part because we ended up FRONT ROW! My very first time front row at a Rush concert...My life is now nearly complete. A real dream come true. I was not prepared for the physical power of the music. Here are some of the pics I took, some are a little blurry because the bass kept rattling me. Alex waiting to come on stage during the intro video. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs036.ash2/35183_443250135819_526420819_5892744_6221294_n.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs073.ash2/36993_443250355819_526420819_5892751_7132284_n.jpg Michael. This picture is not zoomed in. This is literally how close we were. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs073.ash2/36993_443250365819_526420819_5892753_2570014_n.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs133.snc4/36993_443250370819_526420819_5892754_1192534_n.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs073.ash2/36993_443250400819_526420819_5892759_3306727_n.jpg My friend & I at the show. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs120.snc4/36345_443250585819_526420819_5892761_4592974_n.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs060.ash2/36345_443250600819_526420819_5892763_7336181_n.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs060.ash2/36345_443250605819_526420819_5892764_1129569_n.jpg Again, not zoomed in. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs051.snc4/34917_443250735819_526420819_5892772_5709085_n.jpg For all my Geddy-girls here... http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs051.snc4/34917_443250745819_526420819_5892774_3360279_n.jpg
  16. "Are you sure? Cuz we're pretty big fans." Loved it!
  17. QUOTE (realomind @ Jun 6 2010, 09:16 AM) Anyone here a fan of Top Gear (BBC car review tv show)? I am Quite a big fan too of James May: (aka Captain Slow) http://i50.tinypic.com/2s929h0.jpg My hubby loves that show. I watch because those guys are too damn funny. And because the little guy is soooo cute!!!
  18. QUOTE (The Spirit of Radio @ Jun 26 2010, 03:18 PM)http://i409.photobucket.com/albums/pp173/rubix_08/P6253784.jpg You lucky, lucky boy!! Rushman14: Incredible pictures. You suck. Thank you so much for sharing; and I agree...your commentary was a riot! http://i493.photobucket.com/albums/rr300/Fatorgan/Rush/geddy_chestdown.jpg I see nothing whatsoever wrong with this picture other than it's a titch blurry and not zoomed in far enough.
  19. I personally think it's rude to just invite someone to the ceremony but not the reception. You are not obligated to send a gift in response to anyone's wedding invitation. Quite frankly, it sounds to me that she's all about the gift and you'd be playing right into her greedy little hands. If she were a good friend, she'd have called you about her birthday party and explained why you weren't invited. An even better friend would have invited you anyway because surely you can choose for yourself what you can & cannot eat, or they would have made sure there were things you could eat. Just sayin'. Friendship takes two people. Therefore, I would most likely send just a nice card to her wishing her well in her marriage and leave it at that. Weddings do bring out the crazy in people, but they also bring out the truth in them as well. I am not the type to succumb to the "oh, but you have to..." statements. I can understand when the parents are paying for the wedding. But when the couple is paying for the wedding, my response is "The only thing I have to do is file a marriage license with the County." When the hubby & I planned and paid for our wedding, it did cause a lot of strife in his family. His mother was pissed that we refused to invite her high school best friend - whom my husband had only met once in his life. Yeah, no...not gonna happen. Our wedding was about celebrating with the people that were supportive and productive in our lives - it wasn't about giving either of our families a chance to chat with someone they don't see on their own time. We invited only the people we wanted to be there. We wanted an adults only affair (because I was not paying $40 a head for a child that was only going to pick at the food), so when his sister tried to strong arm us and said "If my kids can't come, then I'm not coming" our response was "OK then. Buh-bye." Funny how quickly she found a babysitter. Hell, we didn't even invite his oldest sister. She lives in another state, but didn't make an effort to see him when she came up here. iluvgeddy: If no one is "getting" that you are paying for the wedding, then you have to point it out. That's exactly what we did. When MIL was crying (yes, literally crying) that we wouldn't invite her old friend, we said "WE are not paying for you to have a class reunion. IF you would like to pay for her to come, we will send her an invitation...but only AFTER we know that people we really want can't make it." My MIL likes to do things like that, though. She's tried getting us to bring our kids over to her house when she's having friends over (people that we don't know). Her response was always "Oh, I just want them to see what beautiful granddaughters I have." So we finally said we are raising children, not circus monkeys to trot out to amuse her friends; they will think the girls are just as beautiful in pictures as they are in person.
  20. TheBlonde

    Katy Perry

    QUOTE (Xanadu93 @ Jun 24 2010, 03:37 PM) http://www.picshag.com/pics/032010/gimme-fue-gimme-fai.jpg Oh, lordy...I needed that laugh this morning. Thank you! I don't honestly understand why people get so bent out of shape over a pop singer covering a rock song. The rock band got paid for it, so someone in their camp had to authorize it. And I've seen instances where bands have actually declined requests. As long as the pop star doesn't try to say they wrote it... I'd rather a pop star cover a song in it's entirety than a rapper butcher a rock song.
  21. QUOTE (PanaceaFish @ May 16 2010, 05:04 PM) The one thing I love about Rush shows is...NO LINES for the Ladies room!!! I've actually had men come into the short line at Rush concerts before. The first time it happened, the whole line went silent and then I heard "Ladies...I'm not a pervert. I'm just here to pee. I promise I won't go farther than the first stall."
  22. QUOTE (yyz98 @ May 5 2010, 10:08 PM) Do you think they do metal detectors at the MGM Grand? Are you planning on bringing weapons?? Cameras don't usually set off metal detectors. At Jones Beach on the last tour, I walked in with my small point & shoot just barely visible in my pocket and security didn't even blink. They might stop someone with a big, professional grade camera and huge lens though.
  23. QUOTE (sundog @ Apr 10 2010, 07:25 PM) Give me a pair of cute heels anyday! I am so with you on that one. I'm a heel or flip-flop summer girl (I know...odd extremes). I keep my tootsies open-toed-shoe ready 365 days a year. I do my own pedi's when I have to, but try to get into the salon at least every other month all year long. I'm proud to say that I have cute feet (as far as feet can be cute, that is). My poor daughters inherited my hubby's feet though. Poor things. Doomed to a lifetime with ugly feet.
  24. QUOTE (Mara @ Apr 21 2010, 09:50 PM) Please, I want Dreamline retired this time out. Not the opener. It's a great song, but time for a break. If they retire it, my DH won't know any other song in the show! I swear, it's not that he actually likes the song, but he loves the lasers that they've always used for it.
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