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Everything posted by savagegrace26

  1. Actually two months ago...but who's paying attention? http://www.therushforum.com/index.php?/topic/89562-best-beer-break-songs/
  2. I've stated before that I think every Rush song should be played live.
  3. And I wouldn't skip out on The Speed of Love. I would enjoy every second of it.
  4. Especially those 5 HYF songs (For the record, I would love to see the first three live, though putting them in a row would scare off a LOT of people. The last two either wouldn't work in that setting (IMO) or wouldn't work in any setting. Eh. Any 5 consecutive HYF songs would have the same effect. I didn't pick Turn the Page because I don't think Geddy would want to deal with that bass line at this stage. And High Water has some great percussion. Would love to see Neil play that one, and it's lush and atmospheric. Think it really would come off well live. And they rehearsed an acoustic Second Nature for the R30 tour. I'm really intersted in hearing that arrangement. Second Nature is a pretty underrated song anround here. I would like to hear Tai Shan too but we all know that's not going to happen.
  5. And I think it's possible that the character depicted in that shot is Luke.
  6. I'm no Star Wars "fanboi" but even I know that the design depicted in the teaser isn't consistent with the crossguards in the EU. http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070425194604/starwars-exodus/images/thumb/6/6c/Forked_Lightsaber.jpg/640px-Forked_Lightsaber.jpg And nothing in the EU is "canon" in regards to the movies.
  7. Damn, War Paint sounds great there...
  8. both on vinyl http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGC0VlQtGKA vs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACCDuKPwu-c The winner is very "clear"
  9. I can agree with that but both productions blow in my view but for different reasons. I would listen to CA 1000 times before I would listen to VT once. Shocker I know.... :) As far as productions... VTRemix>>>CA>>>VT The original VT mix is horrible. CA is a little muddy, not great but not horrible either. I really don't understand your issue with VT Remix though. Yes, it's a little "loud" (as are most mixes post 2000) but it has clarity and separation and every individual instrument is easily recognizable. It's almost on par with Counterparts as far as mixing and mastering goes (which means it sounds pretty damn good). My main criticism with it is the amount of reverb applied to Geddy's vocals on some tracks (Freeze in particular). I really don't get why you think it sounds awful. Snakes and Arrows sounds pretty good too. Again, too hot and compressed (lacking some dynamic range) overall but it is clean and clear with just the right amount of punch. I think it's mostly the YouTube... ;) If you are referring to me and VT it sounds like sh*t every way I have listened to it so.... :) Give this a try...analog vinyl through compressed digital Youtube sound...what's the point? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fplzYq6mUCU
  10. I can agree with that but both productions blow in my view but for different reasons. I would listen to CA 1000 times before I would listen to VT once. Shocker I know.... :) As far as productions... VTRemix>>>CA>>>VT The original VT mix is horrible. CA is a little muddy, not great but not horrible either. I really don't understand your issue with VT Remix though. Yes, it's a little "loud" (as are most mixes post 2000) but it has clarity and separation and every individual instrument is easily recognizable. It's almost on par with Counterparts as far as mixing and mastering goes (which means it sounds pretty damn good). My main criticism with it is the amount of reverb applied to Geddy's vocals on some tracks (Freeze in particular). I really don't get why you think it sounds awful. Snakes and Arrows sounds pretty good too. Again, too hot and compressed (lacking some dynamic range) overall but it is clean and clear with just the right amount of punch. I think it's mostly the YouTube... ;) What?
  11. That R40 logo is kind of ugly.
  12. Geddy would be absolutely stunning in a three piece white suit! I don't know what this is.... came up when I searched "geddy lee white suit" in google.
  13. I liked him in Oh, God! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtQ1kd8ggpo
  14. Yes. I would hate to hear Steve Perry cover Limelight. Oh god. How bout 70's ged wailing Open Arms? lol Mick Oh Sherry Ged would kick ass on.... I think current Geddy could pull off Open Arms. It kind of reminds me of The Garden.
  15. Yes. I would hate to hear Steve Perry cover Limelight.
  16. Yeah, well he's mainly a singer so he better be. I generally don't like it when a band has a singer that does nothing but sing, but in some cases I can deal with it (like with Journey and Van Halen). I can't stand that Dream Theater, such an instrumentation-focused band, has a pretty crappy lead singer that does nothing else but sing. Geddy is by far a better singer/bassist than Steve Perry... Is that a sitting duck in your avatar? Are you really a New Yorker? http://www.roadsidea....com/story/2173
  17. What I did like about the teaser is that the filming-style seems to evoke the clean direct approach of the original trilogy and seems to lack the excessive stylistics that Abrams usually applies to his work (noticably no lens flare and overdone fast camera work), but it is a teaser so we will see. Although that shot of the Sith with the light/fire saber seems like it could fit in with a scene in a video game. Seems overly staged so perhaps it was intended just for the teaser. And perhaps they included this new lightsaber in the teaser specifically to see what kind of feedback it gets. Maybe they're feeling it out.
  18. They made the first, second, and third ones after the sixth one...but you're joking right?
  19. The improved visual effects alone have me hooked! Yeah, and that's the main problem. The teaser seems to be just showing off the "special" effects. And if the prequel trilogy proved anything it's that "special" effects aren't special anymore. The original trilogy is loved and revered because of the charcaters and mythology. I hope JJ Abrams realizes this and doesn't end up making this primarily a slick superficial special effects showcase. That's what bugs me about about this "teaser". They could've showed us a few things we might've really cared about rather than make it an effects showcase (and I'm disappointed that it seems mostly cgi).
  20. Yeah, well he's mainly a singer so he better be. I generally don't like it when a band has a singer that does nothing but sing, but in some cases I can deal with it (like with Journey and Van Halen). I can't stand that Dream Theater, such an instrumentation-focused band, has a pretty crappy lead singer that does nothing else but sing. Geddy is by far a better singer/bassist than Steve Perry...
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