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Everything posted by MCM

  1. QUOTE (SavageAmy @ Oct 4 2011, 04:35 PM) http://i1143.photobucket.com/albums/n639/savageamy/rush122-1.jpg Some of my favorite pants!
  2. QUOTE (SavageAmy @ Oct 6 2011, 04:31 AM) QUOTE (NobodysHeroine @ Oct 5 2011, 05:16 PM) QUOTE (YYZrocks @ Oct 4 2011, 09:48 PM) QUOTE (BethOfSyrinx @ Oct 4 2011, 03:23 PM)http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t115/lugiabeth/Geddy279.jpg Oh yeah! This is really tasty! I'd like to see the back view, too. Sometimes I really wish I were that bass. Know what I'm sayin', Geddy girls? Oh, not very often. Just a few times an hour... Yup, them's good pants.
  3. QUOTE (Cygnalschick @ Oct 2 2011, 02:12 AM) So, I've had a chance to listen to the new album a good few times through, and I think it's the best stuff they've done in years There is really a renewed energy and vibe to it.... I had started to get a little burned out on DT, but this album has changed that. I'm f'ing loving it Favorites include: "On the Backs of Angels," "Bridges in the Sky," "Breaking All Illusions," and "This is the Life." Pretty damn amazing if you ask me!! Amen to good music! Good to see you around!!!
  4. Rush - 9 Styx - too many to count (more correctly, remember) Rod Stewart - 5 (not recently) Ozzy - 4 REO - 4 or 5 Def Leppard 3 or 4 Many more, once or twice, here and there. My concertgoing didn't begin until the late 80's, I went very little during the 90's. I'm way behind for a person my age.
  5. This is my favorite concert shirt right now. I was (still am) so in love with Po8, it was quite a thrill to see it done in sequence live. QUOTE (Tommy Sawyer @ Oct 1 2011, 06:46 PM) http://styxworld.portmerch.com/stores/images/P/grandillusionT.jpg
  6. QUOTE (eshine @ Sep 29 2011, 11:08 AM) QUOTE (rushgoober @ Sep 24 2011, 06:06 PM) At the risk of making yet another controversial post, my thoughts on the subject aren't "Oh cool, a new Rush DVD on a channel where it will get a lot of airplay and maybe introduce some people to Rush," but, "God, I hope Geddy's vocals aren't as embarrassingly bad as on the last live DVD or two." His vocals were definately off on R30 - but I thought he sounded fantastic on S&A live. Sounds great here too - they definately caught a good night for him vocally. I thought this tour was far superior to S&A, I thought that Ged's vocals were much better on the TM tour, especially the second leg. I can't tell if his voice was edited, autotuned, altered or whatever in what we saw last night, but I think he sounds great. I was (almost) disappointed in the first show I saw on the first leg of this tour (Pittsburgh) but when I saw him in Hershey I thought his voice sounded much better. I saw Cleveland and Vegas also and thought those were equally as good. Just my thoughts, what do I know?
  7. QUOTE (vital signz @ Sep 28 2011, 08:58 PM) Hey guys............ a thought..... Do you all think, other than Rosh Hashanah, there was a deeper meaning to this DVD being presented on VH1 Classic the same week that the nominees for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame were announced? I mean the DVD isn't even available until Nov 7th I believe. Kind of like, 'hey Rock Hall, this is what you are missing'.....???? I'd like to take Jann Wenner and his Rolling Stone cronies, tie them up in chairs and make them watch that solo Alex does in Working Man over and over and over. Show them a little bit about what rock really is. Screw them! (Bitter, table for one?)
  8. QUOTE (1-0-0-1-0-0-1 @ Sep 28 2011, 08:32 PM) I have to give a special shout-out to whoever edited this video. Unlike RIR which was horribly edited with shots going by faster than people running for the concession stands when the band plays "Roll The Bones," this video has a wonderful pace. The shots are allowed to linger on the guys when they're doing something cool, and they linger on the right guy at the right time. "YYZ" was a perfect example. I agree and thought the same thing after about two minutes into it. It's much more enjoyable to watch when it's not cutting from place to place so quickly.
  9. QUOTE (Brizel @ Sep 28 2011, 07:34 PM) Am I the only one fist pumping by myself on the couch? Nope.
  10. QUOTE (Pags @ Sep 28 2011, 07:23 PM) Okay so who brought the kid in the red sweatshirt and green headphones. GREAT shot of him during Spirit of Radio. I hope you're both watching it right now and flipped out when you saw him. Very, very cool. That was a very cool moment in time. That kid was having a ball!
  11. QUOTE (Mara @ Sep 27 2011, 11:05 AM) For the record, I'd rather sign up for a class on How To Perform Self-Amputation than ever have anything to do with my high school. Agree about high school. BUT, I will be pointing the car northward next weekend and taking part in the debauchery that is a college homecoming weekend.
  12. Shouldn't be surprised, but I thought for sure they'd get it this year. Good for Heart, but The Beastie Boys?? Really??
  13. QUOTE (Invisible To Telescopic Eye @ Sep 25 2011, 04:06 PM) QUOTE (MCM @ Sep 25 2011, 11:58 AM)On another note, why can't anyone spell Jimmy's last name right? That's a very good question but the answer has never been found and the affliction is indeed a reality. Here...I'm going to try to spell his name correctly....Lets view the results. Paige...nope. Payge...nope. Paje...nope. Payje...nope. Paije...nope. Pagw...Close and if you look closely you will notice that I misspelled it by a fraction of an inch as "w" is the letter next to "e" on the keyboard. Lets try it again. Pagr...close. Pagd...close. Pag4...damnit...I'm getting close and quite frustrated as well...A couple more tries. Pagf...close..Aaargh. Pagf....Man I just can't seem to hit that correct letter. OK...I'm going to slowly and carefully aim at each letter and with both hands try to spell his name correctly...But first one letter at a time. P...Got it. A...Got it. G...Got it. [odifjnvowuienguiehj098gu q408jyt]02485j0uqenvouedfnv[9uen...OH DAMNIT ALL TO HELL!!!!!! I even tried to trick my brain into spelling it vertically and it still didn't work....You're right...I can't say "nobody"...But I sure as hell can't spell his last name right. Not sure if you're mocking me or those that can't spell "Page" either way, the "e next to the w" one is funny.
  14. QUOTE (ReRushed @ Sep 25 2011, 10:06 AM) Oh, the irony of accusing someone of "ripping off" Led Zeppelin! I love Zeppelin as much as the next guy (girl ) but they were the originators of "stealing" On another note, why can't anyone spell Jimmy's last name right? It's a very simple word "Page" four letters.
  15. Very cool, thanks. Neil looks like such a bada$$ in those.
  16. QUOTE (NobodysHeroine @ Sep 17 2011, 11:59 AM) Geddy said in Beyond the Lighted Stage that Rush's lack of image became their image. "Now, thankfully, I can just wear jeans and a t-shirt and not even think about it anymore." And look amazing to boot, Geddy. He wears those jeans like no other. http://i1031.photobucket.com/albums/y371/Priestess-of-Syrinx/Gorgeous%20Geddy/Rush_6_-_Dallas_TX_2004_-_lg6298336.jpg http://i1031.photobucket.com/albums/y371/Priestess-of-Syrinx/Gorgeous%20Geddy/TheBoysinBrazilII.png http://i1031.photobucket.com/albums/y371/Priestess-of-Syrinx/Gorgeous%20Geddy/RushMag2007Geddy4.jpg See? The evidence is right there. I have one word for that third picture. TASTY!
  17. So, eventually we will be left with: Full Cleveland show on DVD/BlueRay Full Cleveland show on CD Extra stuff on the DVD/BlueRay MP on vinyl - is this live from the tour? Cleveland show in select movie theaters that's a whole lot of stuff going on.
  18. QUOTE (ColdFireYYZ @ Sep 19 2011, 08:34 PM) Unfortunetly, this isn't just a bunch of over-exaggerated shit made up by Blabbermouth. http://www.courthousenews.com/2011/04/28/Portnoy.pdf That was filed back in April, I wonder what has happened with it since? Shame that their home address is now part of public record.
  19. I'm very excited to get this. I'm still loving both BCC releases, this will not suck.
  20. I checked my iTunes player and I'm really surprised at the results: 1. Caravan/BU2B 2. Moving Pictures 3. Counterparts (how'd that get there?) 4. HYF (should be higher on the list) 5. Signals AFtK isn't even in the top 10, how did that happen?
  21. We'll see the Cleveland show on tv before the DVD is released? That's odd. Can't wait to see it, I was there and it was a magical night.
  22. Cleansing your life of unwanted "stuff" is good sometimes, but be very careful though. I did a massive cleaning, throwing away, getting rid of stuff about 15 years ago when I bought my house. I'd been carting this stuff around through about 7 moves, some of it since high school. I don't need it anymore? Felt good for awhile. I still miss my red HYF t-shirt; my Boston t-shirt and especially my Black Sabbath t-shirt from the Heaven and Hell tour. Clean it up, throw it out, donate.. but think twice before you toss.
  23. QUOTE (1 of the 7 @ Sep 14 2011, 08:18 PM) QUOTE (MCM @ Sep 14 2011, 06:27 PM) That can only mean that the 80's are not far behind (again), that's all good for me cause I loved the 80's and I do that all over again in a minute. Right there with ya! Just need to find some size 9 roller skates And hairspray, gonna need more hairspray if I'm going roller skating!
  24. That can only mean that the 80's are not far behind (again), that's all good for me cause I loved the 80's and I do that all over again in a minute.
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