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Everything posted by Janie

  1. I had a dream last night about Geddy Lee. He was standing to the side, along a road. I didn't think too much of it, other than, "How cool!" I walked past him carrying large paintings. I didn't think much of it until I found myself later in the day thinking of the dream and then it dawned on me... I walked past Geddy Lee while moving pictures. I nearly had a seizure.
  2. Asking me to change the litter box is highly illogical.
  3. He had another stroke this morning and then crawled under the bed (which he never does). I took that as a bad sign but he just slept and eventually came out. I don't think he's had another one but he needs to see a kitty cardiologist and no one can see him until towards the end of next week?! The strokes don't last very long but it is horrible to witness. I've had pets my whole life and always will. The love they give and all the times you get to hang with them, petting them, loving them, getting soft little kisses is so awesome. But this part is so hard to endure. Our other cat will not leave his side when he's having a stroke. He sits right by his side and follows him around until he settles in some place. I guess yesterday when I left to go to the vet, the other kitty sat at the back door and meowed and meowed until we returned. How do you know the cat is having a stroke? It's very hard to watch an animal suffer and not be able to help it. I know that very well. Cats are very unique creatures. Each one has a distinct personality. The other cat you have that is sensitive to your sick cat, we had a similar experience once, so I know what you are talking about. Some cats are more in tune than others. Let me know what happens and how everything goes. And give one to your cats too. :hug2: Thank you everyone with your concern. They are indeed strokes. So, he has a significant heart murmur and with his age I guess that translates to heart disease and since the heart valves don't work right, blood clots form. The clots dislodge from the heart and travel through the body. There are different routes they take and his are travelling to his brain. The first stroke was the worst one. He lost control of his back right leg and partial control of his right front leg, toppled over and sort of shook while having a really strange look in his eyes. All the strokes have been the same, more or less. He has an appointment to see an animal cardiologist in a few days but in the meantime, his vet said we can put him on baby Aspirin to thin the blood so clots don't form. He gets one tablet every three days. I don't think he's had any new strokes. Otherwise, he seems like his old self! Friendlier than ever actually!
  4. He had another stroke this morning and then crawled under the bed (which he never does). I took that as a bad sign but he just slept and eventually came out. I don't think he's had another one but he needs to see a kitty cardiologist and no one can see him until towards the end of next week?! The strokes don't last very long but it is horrible to witness. I've had pets my whole life and always will. The love they give and all the times you get to hang with them, petting them, loving them, getting soft little kisses is so awesome. But this part is so hard to endure. Our other cat will not leave his side when he's having a stroke. He sits right by his side and follows him around until he settles in some place. I guess yesterday when I left to go to the vet, the other kitty sat at the back door and meowed and meowed until we returned.
  5. Just saw this last weekend and I loved it! I really liked Colin Firth's character, Galahad. Eggsy (Taron Egerton)was awesome too. Did not like Michael Caine's character. I'm embarrassed to say I had no idea that the professor was Mark Hamill! The only part that was silly to me was the massive head explosion scene. But anyway... yeah, great film. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
  6. http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff508/blackcc/Smilies%20GIFs/grouphug_zpsca4356aa.gif Thanks DSC. Hugs are needed. Got him as an 8-week-old kitten and now he's a grandpa. He's still his old self though. I was petting him a little while ago and he kept giving me soft little kisses.
  7. *sad* My 15-year-old kitty has had two strokes today. The first one happened as I was coming through the front door after my morning run. I opened the door (he always waits for me to return) and that's when the first one struck. I raced him to the emergency vet and that's when they told me what happened. Brought him home and he had another one about six hours later. I'm scared for my kitty. I cried the entire way to the vet, managed to gather myself walking into the clinic and then when the gal at the front desk asked how she could help me I lost it all over again!
  8. The proper comment would have been "I think you went bald!" ....like 35 years ago :P I was looking at his beard and sideburns. He's earned whatever gray hair he has I suppose. :) Gray is sexy because older men are sexy. Facial fur is disappointment.
  9. http://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/disappointment.gif The facial hair has returned.
  10. I send you the most righteous of belated birthday wishes!
  11. Good lord no. Kids do not play outside around here. It irks me but it's a product of where we're located. Most kids are shuffled between school and after-school activities (mostly soccer, swimming, ballet). Some people have dared to put basketball hoops on their front sidewalk but the hoop technically hangs over onto the street and that breaks the rules for our neighborhood. We do have a problem with bored teenagers who tend to terrorize kids if they see them out (the latest round of teenagers seem to be sneaking up on little kids, shave a portion of their hair off and mow them over) so parents don't want their little ones out. We also have this watchgroup who reports cars that do not seem to have a purpose in our subdivision. It's so weird to me having grown up in a normal neighborhood in the 70s. I was always outside! Always!
  12. Do you do this... If you're in a car with someone and they're driving either erratically or riding the bumper of the car ahead of them... do you step on your imaginary breaks. I do this all the time.
  13. Some of my driving pet peeves: * People who back out of a parking spot when they clearly could have pulled forward to exit. That's so weird. * Drivers who are looking for a specific street or whatever and drive really, really slowly, almost stopping at each intersection looking for whatever street they're looking for. If you are lost, pull over because every single one of us behind you... are not lost and want to get to our destination whilst driving the appropriate speed limit.
  14. My youngest is a Connor and we called him, 'The Con Man.'
  15. My real name is Jennifer. There was a phase in the early 70s where it was the most popular girls name. I only had issues with it in junior high and high school because there were other Jennifer's in my classes. There were usually two or three others in each class it seemed like. One would have to go by Jen, the other Jenny and the other Jennifer so the teacher wouldn't get confused. Thing was, in one class maybe I would be the designated Jen while in another I would have to be called Jenny (that will give you a quick karate chop to the throat) and in another, Jennifer. It was so confusing! Other than that, I have to say, even though I have a pretty popular name, I really like. I think having a popular name or a unique name makes everyone cringe at some point in time in their life.
  16. My oldest son has a semi-popular first name but we spell it differently. We do have to spell it out frequently because people want to spell the name the way they've always seen it. Here's why we did it... He has a family name. It's also the original spelling of the name. It's an old Gaelic name but most people have only ever seen the English way of spelling it. His middle name is also a family name so we kept the spellings to how they have remained in the family. I know a lot of people probably roll their eyes thinking we did it to be wacky.
  17. :D I just have my coffee and a little bit of fruit. I just can't eat after waking up. Never hungry within a few hours of waking up. Quite the contrary here. I starve every morning when I wake up. If I don't get my super-breakfast ASAP I'm like the Neanderthals form Night at the Museum. I eat oatmeal every day except for 1 or two during the week, and I never miss breakfast. I agree that it helps me get going in the right direction. Stress at work is definitely less with a full belly Breakfast for me is a piece of toast and coffee. Lots and lots of coffee. I've never been a big breakfast person. I always feel weighed down if I eat a lot first thing. Plus, I run every morning so honestly I can't eat more than a piece of toast unless I want to limp and have my innards cramp all up mid-run. I also don't eat much of a lunch either. I want huge, massive dinners though.
  18. http://funnypicblast.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/funny-appropriate-pictures-with-captions-921.jpg
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