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Everything posted by GeddyLeefan2112

  1. QUOTE (treeduck @ Jun 30 2010, 05:23 PM) QUOTE (Steel Rat @ Jun 30 2010, 05:18 PM) Are some people suggesting that they didn't assume that there would be no spoilers in here? A thread by Treeduck? Titled "MEGA SPOILER Amazing Rush news!!!" Note the triple exclamation mark, and use of the word "MEGA" in all caps. Totally gave it away for me, personally. More EPIC threads like this, Treeduck!!! The spoiler is I spoiled their new spoiler moment that never was... What a spoiler!
  2. Just made a playlist of all the songs on the setlist, listening to them right now. Getting chills. This set is going to be amazing. I don't care what anyone says.
  3. QUOTE (treeduck @ Jun 30 2010, 04:51 PM) QUOTE (GeddyLeefan2112 @ Jun 30 2010, 04:50 PM) OH U You so silly.
  4. You guys are still bitching? Jesus Christ. Makes me glad I wasn't around before the tour in O7.
  5. QUOTE (iluvgeddy05 @ Jun 29 2010, 11:46 AM) Though not necessarily for the ladies, I do dig this one: http://www.rushbackstage.com/rushbackstage...show-alternates I LOVE that one. The ladies shirts will really have to WOW me, otherwise I'm buying that one.
  6. "RUSH BACKSTAGE CLUB To all the Ladies. We expect to have new Women's apparel in the store within the next few weeks. Stay tuned" On facebook. AND EXCUSE ME... I'M A LADY TOO!!!!
  7. Actually, I might get the "Reactive Burnout" shirt.
  8. In the interest of keeping this thread from getting locked, I'm sorry I even replied to him. I just felt offended someone would say something like that. On topic: I'm wildly excited for this setlist, if it's true. Presto, Time Stand Still, Marathon, La Villa.... I think it's a pretty damn good setlist but this is only my second Rush show ever.
  9. QUOTE (shaun3701 @ Jun 28 2010, 07:12 PM) QUOTE (GeddyLeefan2112 @ Jun 28 2010, 07:09 PM) QUOTE (shaun3701 @ Jun 28 2010, 06:45 PM) QUOTE (presto123 @ Jun 28 2010, 06:43 PM) QUOTE (theworkingman @ Jun 28 2010, 06:41 PM) Spirit of Radio into Time Stand Still is going to be great. Don't get me wrong it has its moments......but too many momentum killer moments as well......3 "religion" songs in a row???? lol like I said, that seems to be the band's new theme. They might as well have called this the "Anti-Christ Tour" and had Neil put 666 all over his drumkit. That's hugely offensive. You basically just called atheists Satanists. Not cool. no, I called Neil one. And because Neil doesn't believe in God, he's a Satanist. I see. Much less offensive.
  10. QUOTE (shaun3701 @ Jun 28 2010, 06:45 PM) QUOTE (presto123 @ Jun 28 2010, 06:43 PM) QUOTE (theworkingman @ Jun 28 2010, 06:41 PM) Spirit of Radio into Time Stand Still is going to be great. Don't get me wrong it has its moments......but too many momentum killer moments as well......3 "religion" songs in a row???? lol like I said, that seems to be the band's new theme. They might as well have called this the "Anti-Christ Tour" and had Neil put 666 all over his drumkit. That's hugely offensive. You basically just called atheists Satanists. Not cool.
  11. I wouldn't. It would be heartbreaking if you didn't get that returned to you.
  12. Totally 100% excited for Presto if its true. I'm actually really diggin' this setlist, call me crazy.
  13. gunna buy the shit out of one of those shirts at the concert. I'm probably gunna get the earrings at some point as well, those things are awesome!
  14. Everyone be stealin' my tattoo idea! Hopefully soon I'll be sporting a p/g script tat.
  15. The fact that I literally got soaked to the bone because its like a frickin' monsoon outside and now I'm worried as my boyfriend is driving home.
  16. WHY! WHY?! WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!?! Why did they have to cut the balls off of vampires! They used to be cool....They used to be seductive in an evil, authoritative way. That's sexy. Not "oh I'm a vegetarian; I only drink animal blood" (that doesn't even make sense) and "oh look at me sparkling in the sunlight!" If Edward were a real vampire, he'd be taller, he'd command Bella with merely his presence. He'd then fly as a bat up to her window and sneak into her bedroom late at night and suck the blood right out of her. Not only that, but people would actually be afraid of him.
  17. QUOTE (Rushchick10 @ Jun 25 2010, 04:45 PM) http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs022.ash2/34486_402521693715_636953715_4442661_4623848_n.jpg What I would give to be this close to him! omg thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you! THIS PIC IS AMAZING.
  18. QUOTE (treeduck @ Jun 26 2010, 02:06 AM) QUOTE (GeddyLeefan2112 @ Jun 26 2010, 01:32 AM) AWFUL f*ckin' MOVIE. AWFUL! Just....f*ckin'...awful. It was funny....in a very uncomfortable way. I'll laugh I bet! I laughed at how utterly absurd it was. Then I was like...that's weird and gross.
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