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Everything posted by ghostworks

  1. QUOTE (Janie @ Apr 12 2010, 10:34 AM) Rush Fan Forever posted this in the main Rush section but you will want to see this. Below is his post.... Here are a couple of preview clips of the Rush: Beyond the Lighted Stage documentary that were posted on the DailyMotion site: Preview Clip 1 Preview Clip 2 In Clip 2 there's a shot of Alex in his underwear I think. Someone NEEDS to get a photo of this. http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e129/4WAT/RUSH/RUSH_1973.jpg [why I'd indulge you, I have no idea...]
  2. > April Tomasz Stanko The Church > May Robert Rich Massive Attack Killing Joke > June Dave Brubeck > July Rush ...shaping up to be a good spring/summer!
  3. Ticket prices are what they are because that's what the market will bear. Simple as that. For every cranky "whaah ticket prices are way too high!" Rush fan out there, there are thousands upon thousands more who aren't giving it a second thought. Don't get me wrong - I think the prices are ridiculous. But they're only where they're at because so many will pay those exorbitant fees. Trust me - if tickets were on sale for a few weeks and the stadiums were still only 1/4 sold, you know what? You'd see ticket prices drop through the floor. Rush fans (casual and otherwise) are their own worst enemies.
  4. QUOTE (GeminiRising79 @ Apr 12 2010, 09:42 AM)QUOTE (ReflectedLight @ Apr 12 2010, 09:28 AM) life is short though and oppotunity only comes along once in a while. FFS, you're talking about a bunch of rock musicians, not an epic career move or major investment opportunity. The Rush guys love to joke about your type while at the same time taking your money. ^ this, from the same person who wrote: QUOTE (GeminiRising79 @ Apr 12 2010, 09:12 AM)"...let's raise the ticket prices to counter the drop in album revenues. Stick it into the ass of the stupid fans. They're certainly gullible and pathetically desperate enough for any new Rush material..."
  5. QUOTE (metaldad @ Apr 12 2010, 09:41 AM)QUOTE (Presto-digitation @ Apr 12 2010, 09:39 AM) QUOTE (metaldad @ Apr 12 2010, 09:35 AM) Old Instruments -Good New Instruments - Bad What about the "middle" period instruments? That was in remeberance of King Troll
  6. QUOTE (metaldad @ Apr 12 2010, 09:39 AM)If Rush wanted to, they chould have done the "Paperless" ticket. AC/DC Eric Clapton Iron Maiden All use it for the really good seats .You can't sell them because you have to pick up your ticket [ everyone that has a ticket has to be present] with I.D. and go right into the arena. Scalpers should Die you're mad at the wrong scumbags, MD the people that buy tickets from scalpers... THEY should die
  7. [i don't know why I enable you, ladies, but...] http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e129/4WAT/RUSH/RUSH_1973.jpg
  8. I wonder if I'm a prisoner locked in some Brooklyn jail?
  9. ^ which (funny as it was) is a damn shame that it isn't true.
  10. (kudos to TS and hunter... you guys were on the right track)
  11. QUOTE (Alex @ Apr 10 2010, 10:17 AM) HEY GHOSTWORKS YOU DUMBASS. COME BACK AND TELL US THE FUC KING CAR. Hm, wha who? Oh. Right! I owe the thread an answer! The car that stumped everyone was (is) a Sunbeam Rapier: 1960 Sunbeam Rapier Series III These rakish cars, products of the Rootes empire, were based on the somewhat plainer Hillman Minx platform, sharing much of the design beneath the surface. The Rapier however was a two dour coupe, with stylish wraparound rear window and tiny fins on the rear wings, the latter a feature that was first introduced with the previous SII. http://www.oldclassiccar.co.uk/classic-car-images/sunbeam-rapier.jpg
  12. QUOTE (PumpkinHead @ Apr 10 2010, 09:44 AM) Ghosty, Pumpy thinks you blow pineapple chunks! And you can definitely pound some salt & sand! Shalom, Clock-Boy Dude, Pineapple is awesome! (you can keep your sandy NaCl) Atah Lo Tzodek!
  13. QUOTE (Gompers @ Apr 10 2010, 07:25 AM) QUOTE (Jaye @ Apr 9 2010, 08:00 PM) Nice work! Absolutely! Me thinks this dude has a future in research. or a past
  14. QUOTE (tel @ Apr 10 2010, 02:19 AM) tip.....get a girlfriend,go out and have some fun! already have one, spent yesterday at the beach house, and had a firepit and a few rounds of Single Malt all evening WIN!
  15. QUOTE (Andrew1 @ Apr 10 2010, 12:50 AM) ...how did you even know where to start looking? How did you know it was alchemy? I thought that science was long dead. I'm guessing that you probably have your own time machine that you invented. I'm a graphic designer, so I have a huge reference library of text styles, fonts, images and symbols (online and in print) - I recognized some of them just from familiarity. And yes, I do own a time machine, too, although I didn't use it for this project. (ps - your grandfather's name was Robert)
  16. QUOTE (shaun3701 @ Apr 9 2010, 07:54 PM) do you think they actually took all that into consideration when designing it, or did it just "look cool"? lol I'm pretty sure a great deal (if not all) of it was intentional, especially given the direct connections between some of the symbols and the band members. How much input the band had themselves, hard to guess.
  17. QUOTE (tel @ Apr 10 2010, 01:13 PM) QUOTE (tangy @ Apr 10 2010, 10:50 AM) it look like the clock spins, maybe instead of the hands moving? maybe i missed something but do we do who is doing this artwork? Is it Hugh? thats a lot of do,s do we do we doooo
  18. Remember: going to a concert isn't a competition. No one cares if you went to 'the loudest fackin concert d00d' with your ears naked. I've been to 1,000+ shows since my 1st (1984) After a severely loud show turned into permanent tinnitus (too late) I've been wearing the plugs. The sound at shows are better, and the tinnitus has not progressed. Awesome. As has been mentioned earlier in this thread, hearing loss is a sneaky sonofabitch - it's incremental, and only really lets you know you're done in AFTER it's too late. And that's true for everyone. Fact. Be smart, not deaf!
  19. QUOTE (Godeater2112 @ Apr 9 2010, 09:11 PM) Would anyone SERIOUSLY rather hear Roll the Bones again instead of a killer tune like Closer to the Heart? you're the only one binging up RTB, kid there's about a thousand songs I'd rather hear before CTTH comes back: Lakeside Park Jacob's Ladder The Weapon Kid Gloves Red Lenses Territories Middletown Dreams Open Secrets High Water Chain Lightning Available Light Cut To The Chase Vapor Trail Peaceable Kingdom - just off the top...
  20. QUOTE (mankad89 @ Apr 9 2010, 04:40 PM) QUOTE (peoplecanteatmachinefood @ Apr 9 2010, 04:21 PM) I hope not. Same. + another one what a waste of 2:53
  21. QUOTE (ReGorLaTroy @ Apr 9 2010, 06:52 PM) Thanks... ...and my wife calls me a Rush fanatic. All I have to do is show her this post and she'll finally understand that I'm not the only crazy one. Seriously, thanks, this is very interesting. ~Cheers, RGLT
  22. The Time Machine Symbols Revealed ~ by GhostWorks ~ In my research I found almost all of these in comprehensive alchemical symbol dictionaries. Here, then, are the symbols defined by their placement on the gearwheel clock (pictured below). 12 Copper 1 Sulphur 2 Annealing 3 Mercury 4 Winter 5 Zinc 6 Sun 7 Aqua 8 Oil Essence 9 Neptune 10 Gold 11 Earth http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e129/4WAT/RUSH/RUSH_symbol.jpg And now, the details: 12 O'Clock > Copper The elemental alchemy symbol for copper is also the planetary symbol for Venus. As such, this symbol embodies such characteristics as love, balance, feminine beauty, and artistic creativity. source > http://www.whats-your-sign.com/elemental-a...my-symbols.html 1 O'Clock > Sulphur Inside gold is the alchemical Sun. Inside the Sun is an active substance, sulfur. Sometimes alchemists equal sulfur with the Sun. Sulfur is the spirit of life. Sulfur is of a two-fold nature: white and red sulfur. White sulfur is the substance of the Great Work at the phase of Whiteness, and red sulfur at the stage of redness. In general sulfur is the symbol for the active principle in the Great Work. source > http://www.soul-guidance.com/houseofthesun/alchemy_5.htm 2 O'Clock > Annealing Purification by fire source > http://www.purplehell.com/riddletools/alchemy.htm Also of note: Geddy Lee (Leo) - Leo's element is fire 3 O'Clock > Mercury ...alchemists would heat elemental mercury with nitric acid to prepare mercuric oxide. The reaction produced a thick red vapor which hovered over the surface of the solution, while the mercuric oxide precipitated and fell to the bottom of the liquid in the form of bright red crystals. Mercury was believed to transcend the liquid and solid states. The belief carried over into other areas, as mercury was thought to transcend life/death and heaven/earth. source > http://chemistry.about.com/od/alchemicalsy...a/alchemyhg.htm Also of note: Mercury is the ruling planet of Virgo (both Alex Lifeson and Neil Peart are Virgos) 4 O'Clock > Winter An old Germanic time sign for winter... source > http://www.symbols.com/encyclopedia/06/0615.html 5 O'Clock > Zinc (AL) Philosophers' wool, or nix alba (white snow) was zinc oxide made by burning zinc in air. source > http://www.ancient-symbols.com/alchemy_symbols.html 6 O'Clock > Sun (or Gold*) Often interchangeable - many reference guides show multiple symbols for both and/or same symbols with either name. I'm assuming Sun is what was intended in this case, as Gold is assuredly the 10 O' Clock symbol. - gw Also of note: Geddy Lee (Leo) - Leo's ruling 'planet' is the Sun 7 O'Clock > Aqua or Aquarius Water, of course. 8 O'Clock > Oil Essence Spagyric is a name given to the production of herbal medicines using alchemical procedures. These procedures involve fermentation, distillation and the extraction of mineral components from the ash of the plant. These processes were in use in medieval alchemy generally for the separation and purification of metals from ores (see Calcination), and salts from brines and other aqueous solutions. source > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spagyric 9 O'Clock > Neptune (also Nirvana) Neptune, the planet of deception and spiritual enlightenment, rules the oppressed and abandoned: the misfits of society. On a higher level he rules visionaries, and those who are glamorous and charismatic. Neptune represents spirituality, mysticism, and ideals. source > http://www.astrologycom.com/neptune.html Also: ...Neptune is also supposed to rule plants used for the purpose of intoxication, such as Indian hemp, i.e. marijuana, the coca bush, the opium poppy, the peyote cactus, and the psilocybine mushroom. Anatomically thy symbol rules such bodily functions as the pineal glands and those parts of the nervous system that are sensitive to psychic impulses and related to the aura. Everything with boundaries that are in one way or another undefined or unclear is ruled by this planet, for instance, gases, dreams, fantasy, vague hunches, etc. It is the symbol for escapism, drug intoxication, and glamour, as well as for high ideals and ideal love. source > http://www.symbols.com/encyclopedia/05/057.html 10 O'Clock > Gold Gold is one of the seven metals of alchemy (gold, silver, mercury, copper, lead, iron & tin). For the alchemist, it represented the perfection of all matter on any level, including that of the mind, spirit, and soul. The symbol for gold could also be used to represent the sun in astrology. source > http://www.alchemylab.com/dictionary.htm 11 O'Clock > Earth Earth is one of the Four Elements of alchemy. Earth in the alchemical sense carries the archetypal properties of manifestation, birth, and material creation. source > www.alchemylab.com/dictionary.htm ...earth was associated with dry, cold, and melancholy. http://chemistry.about.com/od/periodictableelements/ig/Alchemy-Symbols/Earth---Alchemy-Symbol.htm Also of note: both Alex Lifeson and Neil Peart are Virgos - Virgo's element is Earth And: http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e129/4WAT/RUSH/RUSH_symbollogo.jpg The symbol in the Rush logo itself (the letter 'U') is actually the alchemical symbol for Amalgamation. "a mixture, merger or consolidation" and "amalgamation combines mercury and another element..." Also of note: Mercury = Virgo = Peart & Lifeson and Sun = Leo = Lee (so another nod to the 'togetherness' of the band etc.) ... you're welcome.
  23. #1. > Xanadu (colossal - I go back & forth between this and LVS as my favorite) #2. > La Villa Strangiato (far, far and away their best instrumental) #3. > Natural Science (although Rush have worn out its welcome live, it's still a monster studio track) #4. > The Camera Eye (I love the atmosphere of this song from beginning to end) #5. > Hemispheres (the most ridiculous technical mythological screech fiction song I've ever heard - phenomenal) #6. > By-Tor and the Snow Dog (the original - neck and neck with Hemispheres for me) #7. > The Necromancer (despite ripping off The Who for the end bit, a fun ride and one of Alex's finest moments throughout) #8. > Cygnus X-1 (used to be top three, but has aged poorly, and sounds rather plodding and dated in places) * I count both TFOL and 2112 as song suites - the others above are complete songs, so it's not really a fair comparison as such: #1. > The Fountain of Lamneth (clearly superior to 2112 in every way) #10. > 2112 (the silly, ham-fisted result of Rush 'trying too hard' to create an epic - I have no use for it)
  24. QUOTE (TullSkull @ Apr 8 2010, 09:49 AM) ...and I really like to know the dates... pfthfhthft! talk about taking all the fun out of it think of the thrill you're missing! I spend all Summer showing up to venues on the day of show and hoping Rush is playing that night... and on those rare occasions when they are? so !!!! [you should def. try it]
  25. However - if you don't want to know what's on tap for the setlist etc., what the hell are you doing on an OCD fanboi messageboard about that very band? Case in point: I felt like going 'retro' in 2007, so I didn't want to know the setlist for the 1st leg of the S&A tour. Guess what? I stayed away from Rush messageboards until the show. Fans are excited and want to talk about what's going on - if you don't want to have your experience ruined, stay away. It's an incredibly simple and effective technique.
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