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Everything posted by theredtamasrule

  1. http://youtu.be/zN8VOsJCJLk But you know what I'm sayin'...amirite?
  2. To quote Tom Waits, "there ain't nothing wrong with her a $100 won't fix."
  3. I'm honestly glad that you, or anyone, finds Presto that high on their list because I find very little of it inspiring..least of all the sound. It's easily at the bottom of my list right next to RTB.
  4. I'm surprised myself to be typing this but I'm going to say Clockwork Angels. A very vibrant album with excellent performances all around...I just wish that it sounded like Moving Pictures...hell I wish all their albums sounded like MP.
  5. By far not the greatest Rush album yet an important one for me personally as it was an uplifting soundtrack to a difficult period of my life. I mean, it sounds like shit but I really needed that shit at the time.
  6. S&A is a mixed bag for me: Overly long, plodding at points, repetitive lyrics with Peart's copycat pseudo-intellectualism on full display...yet rife with some excellent music such as Far Cry, A&S and TMMB. I said it when it came out and I still maintain it shoulda been a six song album: Far Cry WTA A&S Spindrift TWTWB TMMB
  7. Screw these guys. The Edge...gag. No thanks.
  8. This is a fantastic idea: An Intimate Rush: Acoustically Yours Peart has mentioned wanting to do some brushwork on the kit, Ged/Al are awesome acoustic players...you throw in a piano and this has gold written all over it. Just picture it: Cozy stage, plush rugs on the floor, small jazz drum kit, grande piano off to one side with candelabra, string quartet behind them, tub with washboard in the background, japanese paper lamps hung about the stage. I see Alex acting as a kind of MC for the event; y'know making small talk with the audience with a drink in his hand and to make the event even better there could be guest singers: Norah Jones, KD Lang, Katy Perry, Enya, Jane Monheit, Lourdes...Adele. The subtle reinterpretations of classics such as Cygnus X-1 Book II, Xanadu, The Camera Eye and The Necromancer would be worth all the work to get this happening. So let it be written so let it be done!
  9. Well...drums are unplugged by nature.
  10. P. S. I'd totally tap that sweet ass of hers if that's what this thread is really asking. Sayin'
  11. Kinda. I mean she is emperically attractive but she wears far too much makeup and then...the thought of having to listen to her talk...no! It's too much.
  12. White Room by a mile. The Zep tune is decent for what it is (a white boy blues jam) but White Room is one of THE great rock songs...and c'mon Cream was so damn good, shame Baker and Bruce couldn't get along...not that Baker could get along with anyone...that dude is f***ing crazy.
  13. There will be fallout for Kim's dedication to Jimmy...there is always consequences to your actions in the Villigang universe and now that she's "broke bad" by living with the Mesa Verde account even though Jimmy did cheat HHM out of it...and even if she's an amazing attorney she still cheated (or at the very least is guilty of a sin of omission) therefore I fully expect a reckoning for Kim even if it's just losing the account and having to join another firm or leave New Mexico and move back to Kansas City (note the Kansas City Royals lunchbox Gene carries around in his Nebraska exile at Cinnabon). Something bad will happen to Kim I think but then again we never knew Saul outside his office in Breaking Bad...perhaps she's working at home waiting for Saul to come home each day?
  14. yeah man, never heard of her before this show and she is an amazing actor...last season there was a scene where she had a job interview (or something) and she went out to the roof of a parking garage...here: http://68.media.tumblr.com/4e45b40c92ad89654a96ba6ee4bb7fe4/tumblr_o4tw0su9oT1qzpxx1o1_1280.jpg this scene is an example of the great cinematography of this show...and Rhea f***ing owned this scene.
  15. Tarantino films, as a whole, are grossly overrated because film buffs want us to be amazed at the dialogue and all that artsy bûllshït...whatever. He's an annoying f**k who thinks an abundance of violence and profanity makes for a deep movie.
  16. Fair Warning: great album with a darker edge than most VH albums Diver Down: first cd I ever bought...some of my fav VH tunes here Women & Children First: an unusual mix but some kick ass tunes 1984: the back half of this album is amazing VH1 VH2
  17. Don't and here's reason #1: Go home sam! DUMB DUMB DUMB!!! Rrrggghhhh!
  18. 7th Son (strong from start to finish) A Matter of Life and Death Powerslave (a couple of clunkers but my oh my the title track and Rime!) Number of the Beast Piece of Mind Brace New World Somewhere In time Book of Souls Dance of Death Final Frontier Everything else without Bruce I don't listen to often and the Blaze years I NEVER listen to. Awful albums.
  19. Seriously with this list??? No...except for LOTR...I adore the books and the deviations taken in the films gnaw at me too much to enjoy at this point. And, frankly, Star Wars is not a good movie: dumb dialogue, Luke whining like a little bitch, generally wooden acting by everyone not named Sir Alec Guiness.
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