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Everything posted by snowdogged

  1. snowdogged

    Hey Rush Fam!

    Big with the Canadians. This dog doesn't believe you. This Canadian doesn't either. :P Yup, all of us Canadians are so jealous of how Americans use grammar but one day we will catch up because we watch The Jerry Springer Show and slowly learn from his guests.
  2. snowdogged

    Hey Rush Fam!

    I just sounded off but now the room stinks.
  3. snowdogged

    Hey Rush Fam!

    The HEMI never needs pushing, a HEMI does the pushing. MOPAR OR NO CAR. Nevertheless, this thread might push him over the edge. :cheers: I will drink to that, also.
  4. snowdogged

    Hey Rush Fam!

    Famines are no laughing matter.
  5. Thanks for doing that! I never heard this before and it's awesome!
  6. METAL LIVES! EARL you're a Street! Fighting Man but can you beat me in an air guitar battle?? Hahahaha! No way Pat but I can beat your English Arse in an air drumming battle. Why don't we just be buddies and make melodic metal together. I can't even keep air time! Hahaha!!!!! Hey Pat you won't believe this shit. So when I went to see Maiden last night in Oakland I drove from my office to my brother's house. I left my car there overnight so I could drink some brewskis and watch Maiden totally melt my mind and make my ears bleed. So after the show we Ubered back to my brother's house. Then I ubered home. So when I got up this morning at "2 MINUTES TO NOON" LOL!!! I called an Uber to go back and fetch my car. Well my Uber driver was very cool. I jumped in his car and he asked me how I was. I told him I just saw Iron Maiden two nights in a row. He said..... "Really? Well I was there last night. I know the band. I was backstage with them all night." I couldn't fuckking believe it. What are the odds man? It's a small world. Regardless of what anyone on this planet believes in it's all good. The Rock And Roll Vibe is strong. The Metal Family is very tight too. It's like when I go to these shows I know that we are all getting older and shit. I do my best to stay in shape and be healthy. But age is a reality and I really don't care. When I go to all of my concerts it's like seeing a family. Everyone is so cool and so nice. We are all strangers yet bond over our love and passion for music. We as a RUSH community had that too. I lived it well before I even joined this forum 14 years ago. I've seen a lot but not all of it. Who would have thought that is loud mouth non filtered Rush punk would have had the luck to see Rush 60 times since 1984.. To be able to find the drums in the 7th grade and learn how to play every Rush album up to "Test For Echo." To be able to meet Neil Peart for 30 seconds by his bus on the "Vapor Trails" Tour in Concord. To be able to go on a wine train tour with wonderful human beings and chill out with Geddy and Alex! It's all good! I have no regrets in life. One day at a time. I wish all of you a goodnight. I love this forum regardless of the senseless drama I never meant to cause over the years. I will always be me. YYZ Are you sure that Uber guy wasn't lying Earl? It sounds like the kind of one-upmanship bullshit that an Uber driver would come out with in response to a passenger! I was there all night, and he knows the band? Who is he Lauren Harris? Well hey listen up - I’m a lobotamized Egyptian mummy cyborg! Is that part of MCU Phase 4? No, but it should be! I don't know if I am more worried or excited about phase 4.
  7. METAL LIVES! EARL you're a Street! Fighting Man but can you beat me in an air guitar battle?? Hahahaha! No way Pat but I can beat your English Arse in an air drumming battle. Why don't we just be buddies and make melodic metal together. I can't even keep air time! Hahaha!!!!! Hey Pat you won't believe this shit. So when I went to see Maiden last night in Oakland I drove from my office to my brother's house. I left my car there overnight so I could drink some brewskis and watch Maiden totally melt my mind and make my ears bleed. So after the show we Ubered back to my brother's house. Then I ubered home. So when I got up this morning at "2 MINUTES TO NOON" LOL!!! I called an Uber to go back and fetch my car. Well my Uber driver was very cool. I jumped in his car and he asked me how I was. I told him I just saw Iron Maiden two nights in a row. He said..... "Really? Well I was there last night. I know the band. I was backstage with them all night." I couldn't fuckking believe it. What are the odds man? It's a small world. Regardless of what anyone on this planet believes in it's all good. The Rock And Roll Vibe is strong. The Metal Family is very tight too. It's like when I go to these shows I know that we are all getting older and shit. I do my best to stay in shape and be healthy. But age is a reality and I really don't care. When I go to all of my concerts it's like seeing a family. Everyone is so cool and so nice. We are all strangers yet bond over our love and passion for music. We as a RUSH community had that too. I lived it well before I even joined this forum 14 years ago. I've seen a lot but not all of it. Who would have thought that is loud mouth non filtered Rush punk would have had the luck to see Rush 60 times since 1984.. To be able to find the drums in the 7th grade and learn how to play every Rush album up to "Test For Echo." To be able to meet Neil Peart for 30 seconds by his bus on the "Vapor Trails" Tour in Concord. To be able to go on a wine train tour with wonderful human beings and chill out with Geddy and Alex! It's all good! I have no regrets in life. One day at a time. I wish all of you a goodnight. I love this forum regardless of the senseless drama I never meant to cause over the years. I will always be me. YYZ Are you sure that Uber guy wasn't lying Earl? It sounds like the kind of one-upmanship bullshit that an Uber driver would come out with in response to a passenger! I was there all night, and he knows the band? Who is he Lauren Harris? Well hey listen up - I’m a lobotamized Egyptian mummy cyborg! Is that part of MCU Phase 4?
  8. LOL! It works a lot! Even every night when I lucid dream. Little Earl barks "hello." Taking a walk in Earl’s brain is like taking a stroll in a swamp...but there aren’t any swamp waters. It’s more like acid. And not the kind that dissolves things. Seems like a bad trip to me. Then as Michael Jackson would say.... "BEAT IT!" Take a hike and put me on IGNORE! I don't need your negative shite on here. Never liked you either so FUNK OFF! Grow a sense of humor. What I said might not necessarily be funny but I was just kidding around with JB's take of an acid trip in a swamp. Ok! Are you kidding me? After 13 years on this forum you don't think I have a sense of humor? Sadly I have a great memory and I remember some things you wrote about me on here that weren't cool but hey, it is what it is. I hate have my defense mechanism on here but I do. Not from you really, it just sucks that people on here over the years love to bully and bullshit me for being me. I write from the heart and I add fire, zaniness and insane creative stuff just to put some fire under this forum's ass. I am not mad. Just wanting to understand. Sometimes in posting and in text it's hard to read emotion and sarcasm. I'm good. Sorry I misread it. I do need to chill out. I am tired. I'm in the middle of my week seeing 6 concerts in 9 days. Doobie Brothers tomorrow night playing two albums in a row. Then GHOST on Saturday. I am sorry. As I said in the thread that you are talking about, I have no hard feelings towards you. You obviously do have a sense of humor with your posts but you can be way overly sensitive when others post just jokingly. There is usually at the very least some sense of ridiculousness in your posts and I think that we both know that you do that purposely in a joking manner. I am not out to get you and do not dislike you. I am also sorry for your immense hardships of having to see so many concerts. :cheers:
  9. LOL! It works a lot! Even every night when I lucid dream. Little Earl barks "hello." Taking a walk in Earl’s brain is like taking a stroll in a swamp...but there aren’t any swamp waters. It’s more like acid. And not the kind that dissolves things. Seems like a bad trip to me. Then as Michael Jackson would say.... "BEAT IT!" Take a hike and put me on IGNORE! I don't need your negative shite on here. Never liked you either so FUNK OFF! Grow a sense of humor. What I said might not necessarily be funny but I was just kidding around with JB's take of an acid trip in a swamp.
  10. LOL! It works a lot! Even every night when I lucid dream. Little Earl barks "hello." Taking a walk in Earl’s brain is like taking a stroll in a swamp...but there aren’t any swamp waters. It’s more like acid. And not the kind that dissolves things. Seems like a bad trip to me.
  11. Everyone knows that blender blades are considered a toxic metal to squirrels 100% of the time.
  12. Fukking hilarious post! One of your best! I actaully had to sign in at work to write this. Porsche sucks. I'm an Audi guy and my penis still works. LOL I have no car and I don’t drive. What I’m really saying is that I’m hung like King Kong! That is funny because I have seen every King Kong movie ever made and there is not a penis to be seen on that giant naked gorilla in any of them.
  13. Yeah, not a chance Disney will smash the dreams of their new fanbase of little girls by turning Rey to the Dark Side...also, I don't see that making any sense in her character arc. She has little reason to turn to the Dark Side. She has shown virtually no desire for power, revenge, or any other vice. I think she'll pull through! Agreed, it would be totally out of character for her,
  14. Happy birthday and congratulations on way outliving your life expectancy! Geese usually have a life expectancy between ten to twenty-four years old. :cheers:
  15. Because Dog Years was written. At least I Think I'm going Bald was blatantly written jokingly. Dog Years seems to have actually been written to be taken seriously. Also, I Think I'm going Bald is a pretty kick-ass song if you excuse the silly lyrics while Dog Years just sucks through and through. Dog Years has the best groove Rush ever laid down. Song kicks ass! I just really have a hard time getting into most of T4E.
  16. Because Dog Years was written. At least I Think I'm going Bald was blatantly written jokingly. Dog Years seems to have actually been written to be taken seriously. Also, I Think I'm going Bald is a pretty kick-ass song if you excuse the silly lyrics while Dog Years just sucks through and through.
  17. THAT was supposed to show how angry Lifeson was during that tour?! "Punch someone"?! Yeah, you're reading too much into it. Haven't you ever been so concentrated on something that you weren't smiling? Of course you've been there! We all have. One of the most enjoyable things to me is playing racquetball and tennis. Without a doubt, I'm certain I'm not smiling much of the time playing either sport. But no way am I angry or would I like to punch anyone no matter what the corners of my mouth look like. Come on, man. Think about it. It is a very dark and gloomy sounding song for the most part. It just wouldn't feel right if he had a huge smile on his face throughout the whole song.
  18. To my surprise, she actually seems to think his vocals are pretty good here.
  19. I say screw the haters of the haters.
  20. I was skeptical about this thing even before I heard that part of it was dedicated to Geddy's book.
  21. It is bascally something that people who come up with really lame threads say. Actually you misspelled basicly and failed to correct it, and this is yet another time you have lambasted me in my own post. Not called for and certainly not a way I thought a new member would be welcomed for just posting harmless antidotes about my experience with loving the same three travelers, men of Willowdale that everyone here does. Thanks for making me feel one of the #RushFamily. Give yourself a pat on the back for being a real awesome person to attack me for your petty reasons. I wish you well. I was just kidding around both times. No hard feelings. However, I do know how to spell basically but just missed a letter in it but I am not certain that you know how to spell it.
  22. It is bascally something that people who come up with really lame threads say.
  23. That's interesting. Their name matches the number of chords they use. But I like them as they are. I used to be more snobby about it but now I realize some bands shouldn't change their formula too much. Look what happened with New Coke. I should have said their name would have been: Am/B#m7/Dmaj9/Csus4/bizarre scale..."For those about to kinda rock....!" New Coke was great until I tried it :D New Coke turned out to be the best thing ever for the company. Pepsi was outselling them before new coke but after Coca-cola brought back Coca-cola classic, Coke has outsold Pepsi ever since.
  24. Hate to break it to you but you're not saying anything that long time members of this board haven't read a thousand times on here. You're not putting anybody in their place or getting them to rethink what they said. I love Rush they will always be my favorite band. But there is no denying that Geddy's voice was shot during their last few tours. Nobody is putting down the effort they put in but there were some very obvious things that were in decline and Geddy's voice was the biggest one. Neil didn't hit the drums as hard as he used to and his drum solos which used to be a highlight became very safe and nothing special in the least. Alex, I believe was still ok during the final tour. The band still played great but there were certainly some flaws that couldn't be hidden. i don't get these newcomers who think they're going to teach the rest of us a much needed lesson. if us oldtimers have proven anything over the years, it is that we are incapable of learning any lessons. Take that, newbies!
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