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Everything posted by SlyJeff

  1. Wish Them Well for sure (with the adds bonus of BU2B2 before it); however, I don't think it's about forgiveness- it's about letting go and not allowing others to control you.
  2. The massive instrument break in that song isn't enough for you?
  3. S&A is one of my favorite albums- but I like CA even better (so far). I STILL think that both Far Cry and MalNar are the best two tracks on either album, but after that I'd say that all but four tracks on CA beat everything else on S&A. My opinion could change, but it's hard to see me finding much fault with CA.
  4. SlyJeff


    Well, I don't think of it as a "song" so much, but it is an important piece of the puzzle that is CA for sure. I wouldn't ever put it on in isolation, though. Here's what I said about it in a recent thread: To me the lyrics of BU2B2 are crucial to the overall tone of the album and sets up for WTW perfectly. The whole idea of looking back on a misleading, false faith that was sold to him and saying regardless he still chooses life- this is a HUGE moment. For me it's really personally relevant: I just went through the biggest struggle of my life, and in order to survive I had to oppose the teaching and views of the religious leadership I trusted for years. I did not renounce my faith, but I did have to walk away from my church and most of my friends- it was hard and painful, but in the end I had to choose life. This album just gets to me because I feel like the entire thing is a metaphore for that experience, and BU2B2 is that moment I was laying on my bed, hardly able to move because I was too broken and emotionally shattered. And I said "I'm done,- this isn't working. I choose life". That moment set up the drive to get up, get in gear, wish them well, and move on. The thing is, I don't see BU2B2 as that dark- I see it as the emerging out of pain.
  5. I am hopelessly non-objective here. IMO Rush is just so much better than any other band I've ever heard that its silly to even ask the question. I think the most number of albums I have by any other band is 4.
  6. QUOTE (rushgoober @ Jul 10 2012, 09:26 PM) QUOTE (They Bow Defeated @ Jul 10 2012, 06:45 PM) QUOTE (rushgoober @ Jul 4 2012, 12:57 PM) QUOTE (2112rush @ Jul 4 2012, 10:54 AM) BU2B2 is the most skippable for me. It's the only song I'm skipping, and since it's 90 seconds, sometimes I don't even bother. Even if you don't like it, isn't it worth it for those synth LFO sweeps towards the end? That's one of my favorite moments on the record. Rush music starts with the lyrics for me. If the lyrics don't work, I don't care how cool the music is. Yeah, the strings in the song are cool. It SOUNDS cool, it's just that the lyrics are a serious bummer, and IMHO completely unnecessary to the story - in fact, it drags it down. Thankfully it's brief, and it's a minor issue. Wow- I couldn't disagree more. To me the lyrics of BU2B2 are crucial to the overall tone of the album and sets up for WTW perfectly. The whole idea of looking back on a misleading, false faith that was sold to him and saying regardless he still chooses life- this is a HUGE moment. For me it's really personally relevant: I just went through the biggest struggle of my life, and in order to survive I had to oppose the teaching and views of the religious leadership I trusted for years. I did not renounce my faith, but I did have to walk away from my church and most of my friends- it was hard and painful, but in the end I had to choose life. This album just gets to me because I feel like the entire thing is a metaphore for that experience, and BU2B2 is that moment I was laying on my bed, hardly able to move because I was too broken and emotionally shattered. And I said "I'm done,- this isn't working. I choose life". That moment set up the drive to get up, get in gear, wish them well, and move on. The thing is, I don't see BU2B2 as that dark- I see it as the emerging out of pain.
  7. QUOTE (Oakhugginghippie @ Jul 8 2012, 02:20 PM) I'll give it an 8. I'm a new RUSH fanatic and have constantly listened to RUSH for only one month or so. That means CA competes of my listening time with such classic albums as Moving Pictures , Permanent Waves and A Farewell to Kings. If I find time for CA besides these it can't be worse than 8. The only instant classic song is The Anarchist (The Garden comes close) but there are plenty of songs that are great and then some that still need more listening. I envy you right now. How did you find the band?
  8. QUOTE (RUDT @ Jul 8 2012, 04:23 AM) The Garden because i am a sensible guy... Those who don't like that song are hard-hearted... You can really like the song without thinking its the best song ever. For my money it's an average, good Rush song. To me it's what would have happened if they turned the last 30 seconds of Hemispheres into a full song.
  9. QUOTE (rushgoober @ Jul 3 2012, 10:46 PM) Great uplifting lyrics with a seriously positive message combined with a damn catchy rock song. Thumbs up! I don't think "uplifting" is the right word. It's a song with a sad strength to it about letting go. This song speaks to me and something I just went through- so I really count this as the strongest song on the album lyrically (I am completely biased, though). It doesn't make me happy (or uplifted) when I hear it, but it does make me nod and remember that I choose to be strong. I just wish I liked the music better
  10. QUOTE (rushgoober @ Jul 5 2012, 05:24 PM) As of right now, I give the album a solid 8 based on my scoring system. It's maybe even an 8.5, but the description for 8 is much closer to how I feel. A really great album, and completely unexpected this late in the game! This is about whee I am. Actually, I think I may be solid 8.5- to call the "weak" tracks "weak" is a bit of a stretch of that term, but there are definitely tracks I like more than others.
  11. QUOTE (Priest of Syrinx @ Jul 5 2012, 04:33 PM) Bravado (excellent) . . . The Pass (OK) The Garden (OK, but highly overrated) . . . Resist (yuck) This is almost it for me. I don't really "get" resist, but I like it more than "yuck". I generally don't skip it.
  12. Bravado is one of the best songs ever. In my top 20 by any band, and in my top 10 by Rush. And the live version is even better.
  13. I think BU2B is the heaviest song they've ever done, metal or no.
  14. I'll be surprised if D doesn't run away with this.
  15. While Halo Effect is by far my least favorite song on the album, I noticed today as I was listening through the album that I have 0 desire to skip it. First off, it's a decent enough song, but also it's nicely placed on the CD to give a little breathing room in between a bunch of more rocking tracks, and the length is just about perfect so that when SSoG kicks in I'm primed and ready to rock again.
  16. QUOTE (rushgoober @ Jul 2 2012, 07:28 AM) I really don't get some of the hate for The Wreckers. It's akin to saying - yeah, S&A is pretty good, but that Far Cry song has to go, or saying Moving Pictures is a GREAT album but that Limelight song - meh! I'm not saying The Wreckers is necessarily as good as Far Cry or Limelight, but that it's so obviously one of the strongest tracks on CA - an immediate standout. Had this song been released as a single back in the day, it would have been a huge hit - melodic, catchy, accessible. I certainly don't hate The Wreckers. I think it's a decent enough song. It just must be a taste thing, because I never understood your love for A&S. Sure it's hookey, but really hooks are t what make Rush for me. To me the Far Cry of CA is Caravan, and it's shocking to me it isn't a run away favorite- but no one beyond me seems to think so highly of it.
  17. A poll of my least favorite ree songs on CA! The Wreckers is a clear winner here.
  18. QUOTE (WCFIELDS @ Jul 1 2012, 07:55 PM) QUOTE (ReflectedLight @ Jul 1 2012, 06:11 PM) hear a little vt but no t4e. whatever blows your skirt up. Which makes me curious how someone that hates VT can totally love CA... Be ause CA doesn't induce headaches when I listen to it.
  19. QUOTE (bluefox4000 @ Jul 1 2012, 08:49 PM) Skip worthy tracks....Seven Cities of Gold, Caravan, BU2B(NEVER liked these 2) and Carnies. I really like The Wreckers. Oh and BU2B2 Mick Wow, you're like the anti-me
  20. Great song, IMO. I don't know why people fawn over The Wreckers when this song is just so much better to my ears. It has a hooky melody and really rocks. No accounting for taste
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