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Everything posted by JARG

  1. I realize you're not going far over the line here, but... Dude, this is not the first time you've come off as kind of condescending about other people's taste in Rush. Lighten up maybe? Not everyone agrees with you about everything, and that should be okay. I'm a man of strong opinions. Feel free to skip over my comments if they cause you that much consternation. So is everyone. Doesn't give you the go ahead to tell other people they need their ears checked for liking a solo that you dislike. He doesn’t need to be given the go-ahead to say that. Maybe I took it the wrong way. I've seen him post things that really unusually condescending before, and I guess it influenced how I read that post. There's an old saying in debate circles: "When you start complaining about tone, you've lost." Perhaps you'd like me to break down each solo, musically speaking. I would. Bonus points if your analysis is free of opinion.
  2. I realize you're not going far over the line here, but... Dude, this is not the first time you've come off as kind of condescending about other people's taste in Rush. Lighten up maybe? Not everyone agrees with you about everything, and that should be okay. I'm a man of strong opinions. Feel free to skip over my comments if they cause you that much consternation. So is everyone. Doesn't give you the go ahead to tell other people they need their ears checked for liking a solo that you dislike. He doesn’t need to be given the go-ahead to say that. Maybe I took it the wrong way. I've seen him post things that really unusually condescending before, and I guess it influenced how I read that post. Meh. He has a ham-fisted way of saying he prefers one solo over another. My approach is not to take anyone's opinion too seriously (other than mine, of course). :)
  3. I realize you're not going far over the line here, but... Dude, this is not the first time you've come off as kind of condescending about other people's taste in Rush. Lighten up maybe? Not everyone agrees with you about everything, and that should be okay. I'm a man of strong opinions. Feel free to skip over my comments if they cause you that much consternation. So is everyone. Doesn't give you the go ahead to tell other people they need their ears checked for liking a solo that you dislike. He doesn’t need to be given the go-ahead to say that.
  4. It is indeed. Not my favorite from the album, though.
  5. Rush - Working Man Fly By Night - Best I Can Caress Of Steel - Lakeside Park 2112 - Soliloquy A Farewell To Kings - Xanadu Hemispheres - La Villa Strangiato Permanent Waves - Freewill Moving Pictures - YYZ Signals - Chemistry Grace Under Pressure - Kid Gloves Power Windows - Emotion Detector Hold Your Fire - Turn The Page Presto - Chain Lightning Roll The Bones - Dreamline Counterparts - Cold Fire Test For Echo - Totem (tie) Time & Motion Vapor Trails - Snakes & Arrows - Clockwork Angels -
  6. I'm nonplussed at several fan favorites, such as Jacob's Ladder, Between The Wheels, and The Weapon.
  7. That's what the OP is kinda' asking you to do here. :)
  8. JARG

    A bit of a unicorn

    Here's a drummer who (prior to this reaction video) only knew of Peart by name. http://youtu.be/2aSylFROxaw
  9. And executed really well.
  10. How would you capture all the possible permutations?
  11. 1st breakup was PeW. "What, no side-long epic? Man, if this is the way all their 80s albums are going to sound, then screw that". Lasted about a week, and then I adapted and was fully back in the fold. 2nd breakup was Signals. "Why am I straining to hear Alex? Oh yeah, because he's having to compete with all the keyboards". Lasted about a month, and again I adapted, and was mostly back in the fold. 3rd breakup was Vapor Trails. "My god, these are amazing lyrics, but Jesus Geddy, what happened to your consonants when you sing in your upper register, and why do these songs sound like they were stitched together from the 'discarded ideas garbage bin'?" Yeah, I bought the remaining two albums and still went to shows, but that was more out of a sense of duty than love for the band/material. We're still together, but, as B.B. sang, the thrill is gone.
  12. It varies from "this is how he should be singing at his age" to "that was wretched".
  13. JARG

    August 6, 1945

    I drove past Manhattan when I did a cross-country drive from NC to CA.
  14. I don't know anything about this band, but I was expecting full-on guitar wankery for the solos and was pleasantly surprised.
  15. I loved the singer in Edge of Tomorrow. http://youtu.be/od98NrZPe3s
  16. Quite a bit of Peart content here: https://www.youtube.com/c/MysticDrumRhythms/videos
  17. Prove your assertion. I know what happened and have witnesses. I believe you are under a grave misapprehension about who you think you saw but are arrogant enough not to admit that you could be wrong, which you most certainly are. The dates alone quite clearly show that without a doubt it wasn't Neil and I don't understand how anyone who knows the facts would take your story seriously, it just isn't possible! Have a nice life anyway! A grave misapprehension, you say? That's an interesting if meaningless charge. I have two eyewitnesses, one of whom got his autograph before I arrived. 14 pages in and now witnesses have been added to the story?! Interesting, right? If this were a legal trial, it's equivalent to Melisa Tomei explaining the tire tracks in My Cousin Vinny. I'll grant she's marginally hotter than I am. Maybe not now, but she was way hot when she and I had dinner together. Good for you! Last I saw of her was on The Office. She was still stunning to me. Marisa Tomei wasn't in the The Office. I can see how you'd misremember her being in it, though.
  18. Prove your assertion. I know what happened and have witnesses. I believe you are under a grave misapprehension about who you think you saw but are arrogant enough not to admit that you could be wrong, which you most certainly are. The dates alone quite clearly show that without a doubt it wasn't Neil and I don't understand how anyone who knows the facts would take your story seriously, it just isn't possible! Have a nice life anyway! A grave misapprehension, you say? That's an interesting if meaningless charge. I have two eyewitnesses, one of whom got his autograph before I arrived. 14 pages in and now witnesses have been added to the story?! Interesting, right? If this were a legal trial, it's equivalent to Melisa Tomei explaining the tire tracks in My Cousin Vinny. I'll grant she's marginally hotter than I am. Maybe not now, but she was way hot when she and I had dinner together.
  19. Prove your assertion. I know what happened and have witnesses. I believe you are under a grave misapprehension about who you think you saw but are arrogant enough not to admit that you could be wrong, which you most certainly are. The dates alone quite clearly show that without a doubt it wasn't Neil and I don't understand how anyone who knows the facts would take your story seriously, it just isn't possible! Have a nice life anyway! A grave misapprehension, you say? That's an interesting if meaningless charge. I have two eyewitnesses, one of whom got his autograph before I arrived. 14 pages in and now witnesses have been added to the story?! Interesting, right? If this were a legal trial, it's equivalent to Melisa Tomei explaining the tire tracks in My Cousin Vinny. I'll grant she's marginally hotter than I am. As I said pages ago, you should have quit while you were ahead. Each new embellishment digs a deeper hole.
  20. Prove your assertion. I know what happened and have witnesses. I believe you are under a grave misapprehension about who you think you saw but are arrogant enough not to admit that you could be wrong, which you most certainly are. The dates alone quite clearly show that without a doubt it wasn't Neil and I don't understand how anyone who knows the facts would take your story seriously, it just isn't possible! Have a nice life anyway! A grave misapprehension, you say? That's an interesting if meaningless charge. I have two eyewitnesses, one of whom got his autograph before I arrived. 14 pages in and now witnesses have been added to the story?!
  21. Bubbles must be so disappointed.
  22. Speakin' Out Niamh Parsons - Blackbirds and Thrushes
  23. Those facts don't change the truth of my story. But they do, can you just cofirm again what year this happened please? I am aware of the apparent date discrepancy. He said he bought his first bike in 1996. I saw him in March 1986. No chance it was another decade because I moved from the area the same year. He was driving a BMW motorcycle. Maybe he rented it or was borrowing one for the trip. It was during a short break on the Power Windows tour. I think it was the first tour they ever intentionally incorporated short breaks. I think Lifeson said it was the first tour that was fun. So you obviously didn't read my earlier post, or ignored it, Neil got his very first motorcycle in December 1993, a present from his wife, he didn't have a motorcycle licence at that time and took a riding course and passed his test in 1994! So you are very mistaken, it wasn't Neil, sorry! Your conclusion rests on several assumptions. And I'm not trying to convince you of anything. Edit: I did read your earlier post. It's from an article I read a couple months ago, possibly from the Cygnus site. I don't understand how you can still believe you actually met Neil on a motorcycle 12 years before he was riding one, maybe he stole it, yeah right! Either I'm lying, deluded, or telling the truth. Whatever you decide makes no difference to me. “Deluded” seems a bit strong. I’d go with, as I said earlier, “honestly mistaken”. Not sure how much more proof you want when Peart himself is quoted as saying he didn’t get his license and start riding until the 90s. Was Neil mistaken about his own license? Was he secretly riding bikes in the 80s and didn’t want anyone to know? He definitely rode one in March 1986, apparently without a license. Ok Thank you for extending the benefit of doubt. I have nothing to gain by making up the story. Edit: Not splitting hairs, but I think his regular riding began in 1996. That is when it became a routine part of the tours. Maybe I saw him on the only day he rode before that, but I doubt it. I call that progress. ;)
  24. Did you immediately recognize him? To apply some of what I've learned on this thread: You merely convinced yourself it happened. "It took decades to realize it was Neil." Welcome back. I thought you concluded I was a liar or had delusion disorder. Why would you think that? From your comments and questions. I don't think you're lying about your experience. I do have my doubts that the person you met is the person you think you met. I struggle with the notion of a guy who was very uncomfortable meeting fans would try so hard to out himself to a fan. I also struggle with the timeline with respect to him being on a motorcycle. Again, I'm not saying your account is impossible, but improbable. I get that you believe it as told, but me not believing it doesn't mean I think you're a liar. So yes, maybe deluded on your part, but maybe not. I can't say for sure since I don't (and can't) know the truth of your story. JARG, very well said. And thank you for saying you don't mean I'm a liar. Regarding the entire, "I thought you concluded..." post, the sarcasm failed to come across, which is a risk when posting online; I was hoping to make you laugh with it, but I now see it sounds defensive, and I hope you will forgive it. Anyway, back to the story. I agree about Neil's preference for privacy and heard him discuss it several times in interviews. He felt awkwardly uncomfortable when people gushed over him. I have a couple details that resolve that to a point. In short, he asked how I would respond if I actually met him. I said I'd freak out, get my brother, call some friends, etc. He then said something like "Oh, he would hate that!" and added, if he could introduce me to Neil Peart and I promised to remain calm (or quiet, or something), what would I do. I answered, "Well, I'd want to shake his hand." At that instant, he extended his hand to me. I shook his hand but didn't catch what he was driving at. The interaction probably took longer than it sounds, but I think, looking back, he set the tone before even attempting to reveal his identity. Also, this was in a small town, in a pretty slow gas station, so I imagine he saw little risk of a crowd showing up. While he clearly prefers his privacy, this was a pretty low risk for him. You need to quit while you're ahead. Everything you typed there seems to be tailor-made to address my observations about Neil's fan phobia. Suspiciously so.
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