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Everything posted by TheBag

  1. Great photo. A young dude exploring what life has to offer with the goal of becoming a master craftsman and yet became a reluctant rock star along the way. Thanks for sharing.
  2. I would think he spent his days after the final tour with family and close friends. Not trying to be insensitive, but perhaps he realized a second chance with family and wasn’t going to split time between them and the limelight as before. “All those precious wasted years...”
  3. Found this on the web. CNN interview in 2010. While perhaps not a red flag about the cancer, but does touch on the physical wear and tear.
  4. Nothing better than your family’s support especially when you’re young - Neil with his brother Danny, Dad & Mom during his London sojourn. Hang in there kid you just might make something of yourself. https://www.google.com/search?q=neil+peart+in+london&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjdkv_H35jnAhXBZt8KHe1EB48Q2-cCegQIABAC&oq=neil+peart+in+london&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-img.3...7303.13706..14022...0.0..0.92.1933.27......0....1.........41j33i299j33i10j0i30j0j41i10j0i131j0i3j0i24.ITb-K0rxHK0&ei=dw4pXp37IcHN_QbtiZ34CA&bih=922&biw=768&client=safari&prmd=isnv#imgrc=20pc2ZgmoxW9oM
  5. The overwhelming human tragedy here is that a young daughter has lost her father, a wife has lost her husband, parents have lost their son and siblings have lost their brother. We grieve for our loss, but theirs is by far the greater. Neil Peart. What comes to mind. Integrity, honesty, loyalty, humility, compassion — all things that make a damn fine human being. The talent was on loan from a higher power, but he had the spirit and capacity for that to be bestowed upon him. Thank you Neil. Alex and Geddy, thank you for the opportunity you gave him to follow his passion. We are forever grateful.
  6. Alex owned a German Shepherd in the late 70’s.
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