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gypsy muse

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Everything posted by gypsy muse

  1. People, don't ever throw your shirts away. You can have them made into a quilt.
  2. is that one on the very bottom far right a wreckers design? That's cool!
  3. I realize it's just a matter of taste but I am not a fan of the "all over" thing and don't own any. I love t-shirts and it's about all I wear anymore but these types are just to much for me anyway... :) yes, I agree. I think of it like this, I wear the shirt, not the shirt wearing me. That said, I am not afraid to alter a shirt, but that's more a girl thing.
  4. Same here, Wore that puppy out. :codger: So jealous of you guys. I feel kinda lame wearing a t-shirt from a tour that happened over 10 years before my birth but at the same time, it's so bloody cool no reason to feel like that. We can't help when we're born. Just shows your excellent taste!
  5. :laughing guy: So true! Gotta love Rush for that. couldn't agree more!
  6. as it should be. I hate it when I hear a cool song for the first time while at the same time seeing its crappy video. It's like it's forever marred by the association.
  7. I'm really enjoying all the comments & info here. So awesome that someone took the time to chronicle all the details & song changes. Awesome job on that. Now I know why everyone wants earlier bootleg video. Thanks for posting that you tube link. I watched it several times & saved it into my Rush faves
  8. he helped me too. You sound like my kind of Rush gal!
  9. awww, so sweet,see how those in TRF are there for each other?
  10. I have always loved time stand still. Very underrated :rush:
  11. "Have the two of you guys ever actually listened to our fans?? You, you think they love us cuz they flail their arms in the air at the speed of light trying to emulate you. And you, eschewing the grooving thundering thunder for what? What? Do do do, do do do. Da da da, da da da? Seriously the two of you. They love us cuz of Me. I make them rock. I shake the effing arenas to the effing core. I light up their passion with MY SOLOS! So now the two of you make me sit in the corner with the core of our livelihoods in my lap? The sound that made us us? Seriously Pratt, if you say one more time that numnet warrior mean mean doofes is what defines us, I am gonna..... Why do I need to find a new space?" I did read somewhere that Lifeson can get a little emotional . . . Yes, I was emulating Alex' La Villa emotional rant, with a little bit of the BTLS "no keyboard" scenes: Alex: Its time we call a meeting, everyone in the conference room I have a concept, how about no keyboards! Geddy: Does a mocking fist slam on the table. Just can't tell you how much I love this! Oh to be a fly on the wall during one of their 'disagreements' I wonder if Alex ever kicked some Geddy or Neil ass. I could see it happening. :Alex:
  12. where do I even start? (Teasing a little there.)I can't believe I'm fixing to defend RTB. It's just a philisophical concept. Some people just don't believe in God or destiny (as Neil has indicated in other songs) or any rhyme or reason to things. Everything is just random. There is no meaning to our lives, etc. Etc. This is the antithesis of everything I believe & so it depresses me a bit, but I can still enjoy it's 'catchiness' if I don't think too hard about its meaning. Yes, the rap part SUCKS. HATE IT!!! I wish I knew how to take it out. Hand over fist is about how extending the hand of friendship trumps hate and suspicion. All summed up in "I feel my spirit resist...but I open up my fist" It's about being willing to be vulnerable, basically. It's one of my favorites. Love that part where you said, "I need to listen again, because I didn't give Lee's F...in' insane bass part enough attention" (I agree entirely!) As for your sugar high, get a pillow ready for the carb crash!
  13. yep, it's because you have great taste like that!
  14. Can a person make original art from torn up magazines? absolutely. I love to make magazine collages. Wish I knew how to post photos on here.
  15. No (sadly) Do you re-gift a gift you didn’t like or won't use?
  16. I understand how you feel… it was a momentous occasion to be sure. But I don't think it was necessarily nice to see, because it had such an air of finality to it. We have, at the very least, seen the end of Rush touring. We have quite possibly seen the end of Rush playing live in any capacity, and maybe even the end of Rush altogether. I'm not ashamed to say that tears were streaming down my cheeks once he started taking pictures. :| yes, It made me sad too. I felt the vibe & that was only my 4th concert.
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