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Everything posted by Entre_Perpetuo

  1. 1. Queen 2. Erm....idk, One Direction? 3. Anthrax (bite me) 4. Nirvana 5. If it's a secret, why would I post it here? :P 6. Coldplay if I felt guilty about it...but I don't 7. Queen
  2. 8/10, an okay example of a good Rush song, but not a masterwork by any means. Available Light on the other hand - 9.5/10
  3. I wear band t-shirts most every day. Some days I'll wear school t-shirts or the occasional miscellaneous other kind of t-shirt, but my t-shirt collection is mostly band t-shirts. I have mostly Queen and Rush t-shirts, with approximately three each (I voted Queen), and these are some of the various bands t-shirts I have that I can think of off the top of my head and how many I have for that band. Queen 3 Rush 3 Muse 1 David Bowie 1 The Beatles 2 John Lennon 2 AC/DC 1 Kiss 2 The Ramones 1 The Who 1 Boston 1 Van Halen 1 (actually Van Hagar) Pink Floyd 1 or 2 Green Day 2 And there are probably a few more.
  4. Vote for your favorite(s) in the poll and rank 'em below! :D I've only heard one, hoping to get Countdown around summertime.
  5. ... ... ... only 3? Sorry, nuh-uh, can't do it.
  6. I'm a little bit afraid of dyin' But I'm a lot more afraid of... :P Congratulations!
  7. Well I'm sorry you've been spoiled. I hope whatever you choose to listen to gives you all the satisfaction you need out of music.
  8. Kurt Cobain gets so much praise because he was at the forefront of a seismic shift in the music INDUSTRY (not in music itself, Nirvana weren't the most original band in the world) which translated into an even more humongous shift in the way people understood and judged rock music which is mostly still the way people see and judge it today. Nirvana was the most important band to shape the future of popular rock and roll since The Beatles, thus, Cobain gets idolized for everything he did in Nirvana even though a lot of folks like me still only see his songwriting skills as anything particularly remarkable. No one in hair metal had such an incredible effect, and no one in hair metal garnered such a universal notoriety (not even Crue). That's why Cobain gets so much praise and Vito doesn't. Sure maybe it's unfair. It's unfair to me that Queen were almost completely dismissed in America after Hot Space and since then the great 80s Queen material is still vastly less known here than the great 70s Queen material. It's unfair to me that Muse are so much better recognized internationally than in America, where lots of folks only know Madness and Uprising (and not the name of the people who did those songs). It's unfair to me [insert basically anything concerning the Grammy's or the RRHOF]. A lot of things about popular music are unfair, but that's just life, and I accept it. Why? Because at the end of the day I can still listen to whatever music I enjoy without worry, and can make a lifelong hobby of exploring all the music out there that maybe has been unfairly maligned if I so please. Share music you enjoy. Share opinions on music you enjoy and don't enjoy. Debate and discuss the intricacies of music and the history and methodology behind it. But don't waste time lamenting over the unfairness of past; it isn't going to change any time soon. Maybe instead of complaining about how unfairly maligned hair metal is, you might want to consider simply sharing your love of the music with others who love it and those who are interested in exploring it. Perhaps a hair metal discovery thread is more appropriate? Keep it positive and in the spirit of discovery and appreciation, and you'll probably get much less flack. Tl;dr: Yeah, Cobain kind of killed hair metal and is probably pretty overrated in some areas. This isn't news. Kindly get over it.
  9. Why did you buy more than one copy of Sheer Heart Attack? It makes me wonder if one is for show and the other is for playing. If so, I can understand the ideology behind that, but I do not agree with it. Records were made to be played and cherished, not hoarded. If you aren't using one, sell it or pass it on. Odds are somebody else will love it too. If that isn't why you bought two, then I apologize, but I'd really like to know why you did. First of, I am a collector, not just a listener, so I want all the different pressings. And second, a first UK pressing and a first Japanese pressing can sound very different. Japanese pressings sound most of the cases very nice. And I bought the UK pressing for 3 reasons. 1. I am a collector, like I said 2. It is the first original pressing 3. I like to compare the UK original pressing with the Japanese pressing. Queen records are hard to come by in many places (like here). I understand the appeal of collecting records, but sadly I don't agree with it. I feel lucky to have A copy of SHA on vinyl. You probably have a very different outlook on life. Music is a pleasure and a joy and a source of comfort for me. I research the best editions and best value for money. Some bands I replace copies of albums for deluxe editions but rarely keep every edition. I pass them on to friends who would like them instead. But my interest in music spans many genres and dozens of bands have my rabid enthusiasm so if I approached collecting like Zumbi I'd need a whole village to store everything. I misspoke here. Said I don't agree with collecting records. This is false. What I'm not so much a fan of is collecting editions for the purpose of collection over listening to and enjoying music. I think your point still stands, and I suppose it isn't my place to tell anyone else to change the nature of their favorite hobby, but I did want to clarify for the sake of posterity. I myself collect records, but I shoot for good deals on cheap things (except in very certain scenarios) because I like to get more bang for my buck as far as exploring music. I think really what made me respond in the first place was my inner Queen fan being very annoyed how hard it is for me to find any Queen records while someone else has multiple copies of them for reasons I just don't agree with. Or, in the words of Freddie, "Jealousy, you got me somehow..." Sorry. I still don't agree, but I'll keep my mouth shut about it.
  10. If anything, I'm more disappointed that you're love of Rush has negatively impacted your love of other great music. Coldplay is a great band, expecially live. They're not my favorite, and they do have a well earned reputation as nice guys and wusses, but they make great music and put on incredible live shows and there's nothing wrong with being nice and a little wussy. If you want musically interesting Coldplay, revisit Viva La Vida, Mylo Xyloto, some of X&Y, and the chord structures (and guitar tunings) on Parachutes. Not quite as standard as you'd predict. "Shiver" is an excellent example. However, often the music isn't as complex and progressive as Rush, but this doesn't make it bad. There's room enough in life for both "Clocks" and "La Villa Strangiato." They have different appeals, but they do both have appeal. Lyrically Coldplay are one of the most relatable bands in the world to a lot of folks, myself included. The lyrics may be too simple, overly seeped in relationship-related depression, and extremely general...but I and millions of others still find them very true and very relatable. I love Rush. I love Coldplay. Rush lyrics get in my head and make me feel empowered. Coldplay lyrics get in my heart and make me look deeper into my relationship related emotions. I like having both in my life. I don't see why you feel you can't have both as well. Enjoy what you want to, not what you think you aught to.
  11. Im having a very difficult week. For some reason Petty has been my go to source of joy! Bought five albums this week and loved them all. Which ones did you buy? A two disc best of The debut Damn The Torpedoes Full Moon Fever Wildflowers Can't speak for the debut or that best of but... DtT, FMF, WF are usually considered all of his very best works...and I also think they're all awesome. Wildflowers especially is a real deep and personal record full of great songs.
  12. If you were forced at gunpoint by a crazed Maiden fan to throw every single Priest album you own on a bonfire and keep only one, which one would it be? That's not logical. If you throw all of them onto a bonfire then you can't keep any of them, and if you keep only one then you can't throw all of them onto a bonfire. :P You know what I mean, so which one? I own only one...so I'll keep it and will plan on buying more once I get a restraining order on that Maiden psycho, gee, wait to turn a guy away from Maiden. Lol. Which one is it? Screaming For Vengeance
  13. If you were forced at gunpoint by a crazed Maiden fan to throw every single Priest album you own on a bonfire and keep only one, which one would it be? That's not logical. If you throw all of them onto a bonfire then you can't keep any of them, and if you keep only one then you can't throw all of them onto a bonfire. :P You know what I mean, so which one? I own only one...so I'll keep it and will plan on buying more once I get a restraining order on that Maiden psycho, gee, wait to turn a guy away from Maiden. Lol.
  14. Neil's lyrics sometimes make me think, sometimes feel, and sometimes cringe. But the music rarely disappoints. Exactly. Although I swear I am burned out on Rush. Have no idea how this has come to be. I'm not surprised. I haven't seen you really talk much about them in a while. You'll rebound though, I think you're head just needs a lot of time away from them.
  15. If you were forced at gunpoint by a crazed Maiden fan to throw every single Priest album you own on a bonfire and keep only one, which one would it be? That's not logical. If you throw all of them onto a bonfire then you can't keep any of them, and if you keep only one then you can't throw all of them onto a bonfire. :P
  16. From my vague recollection, Holy Diver is more awesome, though both are great. I'd take Rainbow Rising and Black Sabbath Paranoid over both of them though.
  17. I think I like BtRoD better. VoC has a lot of cool bits and sounds very epic, but is a little clunkier than the other choice here. Beyond is perfect.
  18. Talk about consistent greatness, he's really more of a songsmith than a songwriter.
  19. I love this. i love the horns on it. you rarely hear horns these days. Catchy as hell too. Mick I loved it too :D That's a new one off of a new album they have coming out in May. They did an album a couple years ago that was also really catchy and well-written (horns are there too). I hope you check it out! I'm just so excited over the new album and the new songs, I can't wait!
  20. Believe it or not, this is a common opinion amongst rock critics. They tend not to like Peart or Sting's lyrical styles, too heady for them or something. They also often hate Yes and Genesis lyrics, but they'd much rather rag on Peart because his lyrics are so often praised by fans. Generally critics of his lyrics also dislike Rush's music in general, so IMO they already don't get Rush, and I don't really care what they think of the lyrics at that point. I think the decades of heavy metal fascination with epic stories and intellectually based lyrics (or topics at least) are at least one example of how much those critics' opinions actually mean to the world of music.
  21. Which of these two epic Priest songs is your fav?
  22. Influence in the prog genre? Nothing's been more influential to prog than ITCOTKC. King Crimson. Genesis is the best of these though.
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